"I've already said that if he wins Duoduo Liang, let him join the Bronze Tree. If he doesn't win, do you think he still has life to leave here?"

Although Aite's body was covered with bandages, the cold breath continued to stimulate the hearts of every ghoul present. "Is it because you don't believe in Tatara, or are you overestimating Ye Shenyue? Hahaha."

She couldn't help laughing.With a sudden flash, he sat at the top and looked down at Yagami Yue who was surrounded by ghouls, "Tatara, come on."

But I was thinking 07, Ye Shenyue, don't let me down.

In this situation, there is absolutely no way to defeat Tatara, Yagami Yue was panting, and it took a lot of physical strength to make Ayato Kirishima that way.Moreover, the calm face of Tatara in front of him, and the aura emanating from his body is also very different from that of ordinary ghouls, and Ye Shenyue can even imagine the tragic situation before his death.

"Are you ready, Mr. Yagami?"

Tatara's eyes gradually opened to tell Ye Shenyue that he was ready.

Ye Shenyue tried to attack the enemy quickly, and he did the same, only to see that although Tatara's body was split in half by him, it healed automatically after five seconds!If there is such a ghoul, what would Yagami do?No matter how he attacked, it wouldn't damage a single hair on him, and he even wanted to give up.

"No matter what you do, I will not die or be defeated by you."

Using his usual cold voice, Duoduo looked condescendingly at Yashenyue kneeling on the ground panting, "So, Mr. Yashen, do you want to give up?"

How can you give up!After finally getting here, even Kirishima Aya was defeated.If you are about to enter the Bronze Tree but fail at the last moment, what is the point of coming here. "I don't want to give up. Even if you kill me, at least I have worked hard. The one who gives up first is the most cowardly and incompetent. I still stick to my beliefs and cannot give up because you are too strong in front of me. Even if I die, I also died beautifully."

"Ha ha."

Duoduo walked to Ye Shenyue, "Then I'll take you home."

The cold eyes seemed to kill everyone present.


Duoduo was shocked, and lowered his head, where is there any shadow of Ye Shenyue, there is only one big hole, and his body was actually pierced by Ye Shenyue!When he turned his head, Ye Shenyue was looking at him calmly.


He took advantage of him, he took advantage of Duoduo's moment of daze.Even though he watched Tatara recover so quickly, he didn't think it was anything special. Instead, he felt that this world was too wonderful. Whether it was the appearance of the ghouls or their various abilities, Ye Shenyue was fascinated.

"I'm careless."

Duo Liang looked up at Aite, "Aite, I admit defeat."

Duoduo actually conceded defeat.

"It was wonderful."

Aite couldn't help applauding, "Then, I agree to let you join the Bronze Tree, but you have to thank Duo Liang well, if he hadn't cooperated with you like this, you wouldn't be able to get in here at all. Of course, I also admit your strength. , stronger than Kirishima Ayado, the Bronze Tree is indeed indispensable for talents like you. Then, welcome to the Bronze Tree, Yeshenyue."


Ayano Kirishima was dissatisfied with Aite's decision.

Aite ignored him, "Duo Duo Liang, let's go."

In the big circle of the bronze tree, the ghouls that are good at fighting are indispensable. The reason why Aite let Ye Shenyue enter the bronze tree is probably because of his growing strength, right?Ye Shenyue thought so.The surrounding ghouls were still talking about this new member.

"Mr. Yegami, I didn't expect you to join the bronze tree too."

Wanzhangshu came over and said hello to Ye Shenyue. "You said before that you were going to Bronze Tree to investigate something, what exactly is it?"

Seeing the ten thousand feet is like seeing an acquaintance, Ye Shenyue is a little happy. "It's inconvenient to talk about it now, it's just a small matter, Mr. Wanzhang doesn't need to worry about it."

"I think since that day, Mr. Ye Shen's strength has increased a lot, and even Xuan can be easily defeated. It seems that Mr. Ye Shen's future development should not be underestimated."

Wanzhang Shuyi patted Ye Shenyue on the shoulder and left.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Nick is still the same, always likes to wear thick and bright lipstick, "Did you forget me? Old friend."

This dead shemale in front of you always looks like you are very familiar with you. Didn't he follow Jason before, where is Jason?Yagami didn't pay attention to Nick, she bypassed him and looked at Ayado Kirishima. "Does it still hurt? How is the wound recovering?"

"There's no need for you to pretend, you've joined now, are you happy?"

Kirishima Ayato stood up forcibly, and was shattered by 460 lives and a bone. He would not recover quickly. His wounds were still recovering slowly, and the situation was not very good. "cough--"

He was stabbed through his chest by Ye Shenyue's hand before, and was stirred to and fro, his internal organs were about to be displaced, he coughed up blood and tried to slowly leave the rooftop.

"Where do you want to go with such a serious injury?"

Ye Shenyue supported his crumbling body.

"Don't worry about it!"

Ayato Kirishima shook off Yagami's hand, but with a lot of strength.

"A child is a child."

Ye Shenyue smiled and picked up Kirishima Ayutu, "Because you are Dong Xiang's younger brother, I take special care of you, Nick, where is the treatment room you organized, there isn't even a place to treat wounds, right? "

"Of course, come with me."

Nick gave Yagami a wink.

"You bastard, bastard, who wants your help! Who wants you to take care of me! Even a bastard who is so weak has beaten me so badly twice. Sooner or later, I will kill you!"

Ayano Kirishima twisted restlessly on Yagami's shoulder.

"In short, we will be working partners in the future, Xiao Xuandu."

No matter what kind of treatment he will receive in the bronze tree, he doesn't care, he only has one purpose, to find out the killer who killed the fog.

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