Chapter 0080 Team Up

The truth was exactly as Yagami Yue had guessed, but there was a slight deviation.The entire Defu Building has [-] floors in total. The top ten floors are all occupied by bronze trees as strongholds, and the bottom ten floors are still a good shopping and living center.He carried Ayato Kirishima and followed Nick slowly, and soon Nick stopped. "This is the treatment center."

The equipment is very complete, and there is even a huge human flesh storage refrigerator.Bronze trees don't worry about eating, they probably just don't have anything for them to beat.

Jason, who was sitting in the office playing with the wrench, heard that Ye Shenyue had joined the Bronze Tree, and he was going to fight him for another [-] rounds under the strong wind and thunder.The scene of being stepped on by him before is still vivid in my mind, but now that he is here, why not take the opportunity to save face!As soon as he walked out the door, he met Art who happened to pass by his office.Art passed him, then stopped.

"If you are thinking about going to Ye Shenyue, I advise you to die."

She leaned over and said to Jason, "Because you were not his opponent before, and now you are not even more so."

She let out a sneering laugh, the tone of which was very unpleasant.With Jason's violent temper, if it weren't for the fact that the other party was Aite, he would have killed the person who said this.Aite couldn't afford to offend him, and he didn't dare to offend him either. "Next time, if I see you trying to fight Ye Shenyue in private, I will never let you go."

Art looked at Jason's face and left.

On the second day after entering the Bronze Tree, Aite called both Yagami Yue and Kirishima Aya, "From now on, the two of you will be in a group; as for Yue Shanxi... let's go with Wanzhang."

Ye Shenyue was subconsciously startled, eh?what's the situation?Yueshan study?Ye Shenyue followed Aite's eyes, and sure enough, Yue Shan Xizheng walked over behind Wanzhang with a pompous expression.

"Because I know how much 'Gourmet' has, I made him join the Bronze Tree. I called the four of you today. You should also know that the purpose of our Bronze Tree in this world is to eradicate CCG. CCG, our leader, the one-eyed owl, will lead our bronze tree farther and farther. However, in the previous battles with CCG, although our casualties were much less than CCG, some high-level bronze tree cadres and members were Sacrifice, in this case, you who are recruited must bear a large part of the pressure to help the bronze tree go further..."

To be honest, Ye Shenyue didn't listen to Aite's speech very seriously, instead, her eyes were always on her body.Although he was standing in front of Yue Shanxi, Yeshenyue could clearly feel the trembling of his body. I am afraid that Yue Shanxi had already exposed his "gourmet" side.Could it be that the members of the ten-thousand-zhang-one group have been rated for meat?Hahaha, thinking about it and even showing it on the face.

Aite saw Ye Shenyue's little actions clearly, "Is what I said funny? Ye Shenyue."

He couldn't see where her eyes were at all, but even so, Ye Shenyue tried to meet Aite's eyes.Before he knew it, he always felt that he had experienced this wonderful feeling somewhere. "No, it's my gaffe, I'm sorry, Art."

He sincerely apologized, "You are right, the bronze tree has damaged so many elite soldiers. You really need to expand your strength to prevent CCG's sudden attack."

"Aite, you clearly know...why did you let me and Ye Shenyue be in the same group!"

Kirishima Aya couldn't accept this fact, he didn't want to be in the same group with Yagami Yue who could understand his psychology, he hated him now.

"You will be trained in a group with him. Although you have much more combat experience than Ye Shenyue, your ability is not as strong as his. This is a fact. Your impulsive personality needs to be honed by his side."

Aite looked at Ayutu Kirishima, "There's always a reason for failing twice, let's work hard, Ayutu."

Art smiled.

The negotiation failed, and Ayato Kirishima had no choice but to team up with Yagami.Yagami looks cute when she sees the anger on Kirishima Ayutu's face and has nowhere to vent but can only endure it. "So you're immature, you're just a child."

He rubbed Ayutu Kirishima's head like a child.

"You are the child!"

Ayato Kirishima smashed Yagami's hand away in a circle.

Where did Aite seem to have seen that kind of scene, ah, when he was young, he was often touched by Heigong Shiyu and said that he was still a child.The long-lost memory flooded into his brain in an instant, which made Aite feel a little uncomfortable. "Let's come here today, just to let you get acquainted with each other's comrades-in-arms. In the future, you will perform tasks in groups, and you must go back together, you know?"


The four spoke in unison.

After the initial meeting, the four separated.Yue Shanxi whispered in Ye Shenyue's ear, "I found something about Xiweiwu, do you want to hear it?"

This made it clear that Ye Shenyue, who had just finished the meeting, followed Yue Shanxi, and Ye Shenyue followed Yue Shanxi to hear something.

Yueshan Xi walked more and more into the dark alley, "Hey, do you need to come to such a place for something?"

The surrounding atmosphere made it look like an underage girl was going to be abducted.

"Yishenyue, I have already heard a lot about the murder of Xiweiwu's murderer. I can tell you about it, but on the condition that you let me suck your blood twice."

Yue Shanxi finally stopped and turned his head, with a grim expression on his face.

Sure enough, there is a problem. Yue Shanxi will not give him information for nothing. Ye Shen Yue has seen many such rude methods. He shook his head, "No, I don't like men."

Just a couple of puffs on a woman, man?Absolutely not.You know, they usually suck blood from the neck, right?Because of the large arteries there, the blood that flows is always fresher and sweeter.The blood-sucking look is like kissing, just keep that kind of action with a woman... Learn with Yueshan, rolling.Ye Shenyue showed a look of disgust, "In this case, I might as well check it myself, and how do I know if I need the information you found? If I don't need it, wouldn't I be sucking blood for you in vain."

"That's what I said..."

Yue Shanxi was surrounded by Ye Shenyue, "No! How could I deceive you! In this world, even if I deceive everyone, Yue Shanxi will not deceive you! You are very important to me!"


Ye Shenyue got goosebumps all over her body, "You should use it on women. I'm a man, so I don't want to eat yours. Well, if I'm fine, I'll go first."

The fat sheep in hand flew again, Yue Shanxi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 0081 Of course you have to do tasks when you join the meeting

"Ah, just the back is so intoxicating..."

Yue Shanxi couldn't help but praise, "His taste is the most wonderful taste in the world."

He took the handkerchief with Ye Shenyue's blood that he carried on his body all the time, and kept smelling the fragrance on it, "More, I really want more..."

Whenever he was still some distance away from Ye Shenyue, he would take out the hand towel and sniff the smell on it. He felt that this would motivate him.


Yue Shanxi suddenly changed his style of painting, the previous arrogant and perverted state completely disappeared, replaced by a noble and elegant aristocratic tone, a person like Ye Shenyue who is introverted on the surface and wild in the heart will not stay peacefully in the bronze tree Yes, it was definitely a matter of time before he betrayed the Bronze Tree.It's just that at that time, Ye Shenyue will definitely need to use his strength, after all, he is not weak, and he is not stupid.To accomplish great things, Ye Shenyue must know how to employ people.Or maybe 07... Yeshenyue still looks down on him in the end, and if you distance yourself from him...then Yue Shanxi won't sit still and stab him in the back a few times... Help him, Yeshenyue won't treat him badly He, maybe give him a few bites as soon as his heart softens; yin him, that's even better, if you want yin, you yin a little harder and die, then Yeshenyue's whole person is her own, just eat it Light is not better.

"In short, no matter what the final outcome is, I will always get him."

Put the handkerchief in the sealed bag, and continue to carry it on your body. This is the spiritual pillar of Yue Shanxi, and there can be no mistakes.Continue to walk proudly out of the dark alley like an aristocrat, as if nothing happened.

After joining the Bronze Tree, Aite did not give Ye Shenyue great privileges. Just like treating each new member, you must be recognized by some organization, so Aite is going to send Ye Shenyue to recover. District 3.

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