"Just gather all the ghouls out there to be their leader, don't disturb the CCG, because they are eyeing us recently. This can only be done inside the ghouls, can you do it?"

Aite's voice was thin, like an immature child.Ye Shenyue nodded. "Xuandu will also be with you, after all, you are a group."

As soon as Aite's voice fell, Kirishima Ayano immediately jumped out to express his objection. "I can't be in a group with him, it will reduce my efficiency!"

He crossed his hips in great dissatisfaction.

Yagami looked at him helplessly, and he didn't want to complete the mission with Kirishima Ayado. He felt that his ability was enough to recover the 3rd area, although he had no experience at all.This kind of god-like self-confidence just came, and he didn't know why.

"No. This is an order."

Indeed, Aite was the most powerful cadre except the leader of the bronze tree, and no one dared not to listen to her.


Ayano Kirishima was a little helpless, but an order was an order, he understood this and couldn't disobey.

Ye Shenyue's expression seemed to be a little embarrassed, "What's wrong with you, don't you want to resist my order?"

Ye Shenyue raised her head, "No, but, if you want me to complete the task with a child, it is better to find a few girls to act with me..."

He was half-joking.

Aite did not reply to him, and after a few whispers in Duo Liang's ear, he left with Duo Liang.Yagami held her head and was about to leave, but Ayumi Kirishima blocked his way. "How many times have I told you that I'm not a child! Do you have a problem with your ears?"

He stood in front of Ye Shenyue aggressively, with no intention of letting him leave.Ye Shenyue was helpless, but she didn't want to argue with him, so she pushed him away and walked towards the door. "you……"

Kirishima Ayutuo didn't seem to admit that Yashinyuki was something he couldn't afford to offend.

During dinner in the evening, Ye Shenyue accidentally mentioned something, "In the bronze tree, I seem to have only seen Aite as a woman. Is there no other female animal besides her in the bronze tree?"

He put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked the other three people, Ayado Kirishima, one thousand feet tall, and Tsukiyama Xi.This month, Shanxi just drank his coffee and ignored Ye Shenyue's questions.

Ayano Kirishima shook his head, "Yes, but you haven't seen it before."

"Really? Some who?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly became interested.

"Why should I tell you, do I know you well?"

Kirishima Ayato removed the plate and left.

"This kid."

Ye Shenyue stroked her forehead.

Tenzhang Shuichi, who was sitting next to him, was completely accustomed to Kirishima Ayato's attitude towards people, "Relax, Ayato is such a person, but his nature is not bad."

He began to persuade him, "Actually, Xuandu is the hardest working person in the Bronze Tree. He joined the Association earlier than me, and I also heard others mention him. He was very pitiful. He was only a teenager when he joined the Bronze Tree. It was said at the time. There are bloodstains on his face, I am afraid that he survived after a big fight. I did not know how to find the bronze tree, Aite took him in, and slowly nurtured him to the upper position. He did not lose Aite's face, Because of Aite's special care, in fact, Xuandu received a lot of criticism in the bronze tree earlier. He was often attacked from the inside, and he was betrayed when he was doing 087 tasks... Step by step, Xuandu is really not good. It's easy. I've seen his attitude when he's doing a mission. Although he's a bit arrogant, he's really working hard. To this day, everyone in the bronze tree respects him and never talks behind his back, but only praises him behind his back."

Wanzhangshuyi suddenly stared at Ye Shenyue, "Xuandu never misses a mission, except you."

He patted Ye Shenyue on the shoulder, "Do you know why Xiandu hates you so much on the surface? Who wants to hang out with someone who beats him often? You wouldn't be happy if you were, right? Hahaha."

After the end, he laughed a few times, making Ye Shenyue a little speechless.

"I understand. I know Xuandu's inner world. I always say that he is still a child, so he will definitely hate me. It doesn't matter, just be patient."

Ye Shenyue's mentality is super calm, because his fundamental purpose is not to harmonize with colleagues.

"Well, Mr. Yagami is always so gentle. It is because of Mr. Yagami's tenderness that Miss Li Shi became friends with you..."

There was even envy and longing in Wanzhangshuyi's eyes, Ye Shenyue was averse to the cold.

"Ahhh, yeah..."

Strange, why Yue Shanxi didn't say a word so quiet today, Ye Shenyue looked at Yue Shanxi who was silent, and it became more and more strange.

Chapter 0082 The internal structure of the bronze tree is so rigorous!

Yagami returned to the dormitory arranged by Aite, and Kirishima Ayato lived in his upper bunk.When Yagami entered the room, she saw Kirishima Ayato knocking on Erlang's legs and lying on the bed with her eyes closed and her feet twitching, presumably she didn't fall asleep. "Hey, what is the purpose of your joining the Bronze Tree? When you said you wanted to investigate something, was it because you wanted to help CCG find some evidence to annihilate our Bronze Tree?"

Ye Shenyue took off her clothes and lay on the bed, "I'm not so bored to do things for CCG. I'm a ghoul after all. There's no need to work for my nemesis, and I'm not good."

He closed his eyes and snorted, "I'm just trying to find out one thing."

"what's up."

Kirishima Ayato's head swayed.

"Would you check for me if I told you?"

Yeshenyue calmed down, "Ah—"

He yawned, and sure enough, he felt sleepy when he was full.

"You think beautiful."

Ayato Kirishima shrank his head back again, "I'm not interested in your purpose of coming here at all, because as long as I find out that you have done anything to betray the Bronze Tree, I will kill you without any hesitation."

"Well. I know, I'll ask you to kill me when the time comes. Xuandu."

Ye Shenyue's voice gradually decreased, he was very sleepy and wanted to sleep.Two days in a row made his spirits high, his battery was running low and his body needed to be recharged.

Hearing Yagami's even breathing, Kirishima Ayoshi fell into deep thought. This person, who had clearly stated that he had joined the Bronze Tree for other purposes, confessed.Even so, he was still curious about his purpose.Is it really normal for Ye Shenyue to be so unprepared now?Aren't you afraid of killing him while he's not ready?A person who is obviously so cautious is now careless here, can the future tasks be successfully completed?Kirishima Aya couldn't help but wonder.He climbed out of bed, not very lightly, but Ye Shenyue actually just turned over and continued to sleep, was she too tired?Ayumi Kirishima walked to the balcony to get some fresh air.This person, who penetrated everything in his heart, made him almost naked in front of him, this feeling made Ayato Kirishima feel ashamed, that's why he hated Yagami so much.

It's really painful for one person to be almost naked in front of another person.

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