And Kirishima Ayumi is like this now, every time she sees Yagami, she can't wait to find a hole to burrow in or punch him to death, and let him disappear from this world, then his secrets will never be known.Standing on the balcony, Aya Kirishima kept rubbing her temples, "Damn, what a contradiction."

Just give it a try, just give it a shot, he turned around and approached Ye Shenyue, ready to give him a fatal blow when he was unguarded.

The pain is the least painful when sleeping.

When he took out the dagger in his arms and was about to stab Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue turned over and placed his entire chest in front of him. "Ye Shenyue, this is the chance you gave me!"

he thought to himself.He mustered [-] strength to stab, and was not prepared to give Ye Shenyue the possibility of surviving.But the moment the tip of the dagger touched Ye Shenyue's chest, he stopped.Withdrew the dagger, put it in his arms, and returned to the balcony.

There is no awareness of prevention at all, so do you just believe him?

Knowing that he is hostile to him, but still living in the same bedroom with himself, is it to declare war on himself or something else?Kirishima Ayaka sat on the reclining chair, "Well, I don't want to, what's there to think about. Since I'm in the same group, let him go, anyway, as long as it doesn't drag me down, whoever he is, with me What are you doing?"

He breathed a sigh of relief and opened his heart.

The sleeping Ye Shenyue smiled and continued to fall asleep.

The next morning, Ayato Kirishima sat in front of Yagami's bed, startling Yagami when she opened her eyes. "You little boy..."

He couldn't help but scolded, "Scared Dad to death."


He folded his hands in front of his chest, "I can tell you anything you want to know, as long as you are not allowed to betray the Bronze Tree."

Mouth Ba pouted so high, like a wronged child.

"Wait for me to brush my teeth, wash my face and eat breakfast, ok? I was shocked by the morning."

I put on my clothes and went to wash up. After that, I went to have breakfast with Ayumi Kirishima.

"Yo, it's been so good all night, and I'm still wearing a couple's outfit."

Nick came over with his hips on his hips, white face and red lips, still the same shemale look, "Why doesn't Mr. Yegami wear a couple's outfit with others, people feel so sad."


Aya Kirishima covered her mouth, "You really made me spit out yesterday's dinner with disgust, why, if you don't follow your Jason, and go to our group's territory to do something, you won't be afraid of your family. Sen beat you to death?"

Ye Shenyue subconsciously glanced at the short-sleeved shirt she was wearing at will, and sure enough, it was the same style as Kirishima Ayato. "Uh...I'm going to change my clothes..."

"What to change! It was originally a team uniform. If you don't believe me, look at Wanzhang and Yueshan, aren't they the same? It's just Nick's dead shemale who has a lot of troubles, and he likes blind BB when he has nothing to do."

Xuandu couldn't wait to slap him, "It's just the 'home clothes' worn inside, who wears this kind of clothes when going out?"

In the meaning of Kirishima Ayado, this kind of short-sleeved team uniform is commonly known as "home wear" "is it..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the people around her, and sure enough, they all wore "home clothes" when they had breakfast. "The uniforms of each group are different, just to distinguish them. The bronze tree is divided into several teams. The detachment will be divided into several groups. The dining area between the detachment and the detachment is stipulated, because I was in the same detachment as Wanzhang before, so I still dine together. It is very particular, and I can’t talk about it for a while. Clear, in short, you just follow me. You can completely ignore the dead shemale."

The last sentence is the point.

Nick left angrily.


Ye Shenyue nodded, she didn't expect that the internal structure of this bronze tree would be so tight, and it really made sense to be able to successfully defeat one CCG class after another.He and Kirishima Ayaka both sat together, and across from them sat Wanzhangshuichi and Tsukiyama who had been eating breakfast for a long time.

"Mr. Yegami is early."

Tenzhang put down the bread, "Did you sleep well last night? I wonder if Mr. Yagami is used to this place."

"Ah, that's fine, nothing to get used to. I don't recognize the bed, hahaha."

Ye Shenyue got up and came back with an omelette and a cup of coffee, "It's very good here, I like it very much."

He really likes it here because it's very rhythmic.

"Mr. Yegami likes it."

Chapter 0083 Female Ghoul

After breakfast, Yagami and Kirishima should actually go to the 3rd district to do the task, but Yagami felt that it was not too late, and it was rare that Aya was prepared to answer questions for him. this opportunity.

"Yes, so Ye Shenyue, what do you want to ask?"

"There are really no other female animals besides Aite here?"

Ye Shenyue only thought of this question for the time being.


This pervert!Kirishima Ayato's first reaction. "And Xiao Hei Xiaobai, and Mrs. A. I haven't seen Mrs. A for a long time. Xiao Hei and Xiaobai only saw it a few days ago."

"Mrs. A? Little black and little white?"

Ye Shenyue was completely confused.

"Mrs. A, I don't know very well. It's just that Mrs. A I met at the beginning was very poor and couldn't even support herself, but the strange thing is that suddenly one day she started to spend a lot of money and became super rich. I don't know what she's doing, she became rich overnight. After she became rich, she didn't seem to appear in the bronze tree anymore. I guess she felt that she was capable and wanted to be independent?"

Ayaka Kirishima said.

"What does it look like?"

"Well... I remember as if she had black hair, but every time she goes out, she wears a blond wig and pretends to be a foreigner."

Kirishima Ayano tried hard to recall, "She doesn't look very good, so I have forgotten what she looks like. But the most impressive thing is the tattoo on her collarbone. It is said that it seems to be tattooed in a special place, right? It is a spider, Bright red spider."

The bright red spider... A mark flashed in Ye Shenyue's mind, as if she had seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it.

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