"After she became rich, her favorite place to go is the ghoul restaurant, the bloody slaughterhouse. Various celebrities in the ghoul world will be invited to attend banquets, and there will be a magnificent food-sharing dance every month. All kinds of human beings are carefully selected, and a disintegrator is sent to divide the human beings on the spot... I haven't seen it, but I heard others say it is bloody."

Yagami seems to be no stranger to ghoul restaurants.According to Kirishima Ayutu's description, that's right there, right?The place where I was coaxed to go by Yue Shanxi before, and the place where I almost lost my life, was actually a ghoul restaurant!That being said, I seem to have seen Mrs. A at the Ghoul restaurant.That's right, the bright red spider tattoo is very eye-catching. Although she wore a mask, Ye Shenyue clearly remembered that person!

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Ayumi Kirishima pushed Yagami, who was in a daze. Although she was in a daze, her face was distorted. "What can make your face distorted to that extent..."

"Ah, nothing, just thought of something."

For Ye Shenyue, Mrs. A was a cold-eyed bystander. In that incident, she and every ghoul present showed a desire for Ye Shenyue meat.Disgusting, disgusting ghoul... "By the way, what is Little Black and Little White?"

"It's a one-eyed ghoul transformed from a human body by Dr. Garner."

At the mention of Dr. Kaana, Ayaka Kirishima couldn't help shivering, "He's an almost crazy character who will do whatever it takes to study whether humans can become ghouls!"

"Then is he a ghoul or a human?"

Ye Shenyue asked, "Human, I have never seen a human more crazy than him. The former CCG anatomist probably saw a lot of ghouls, so he wanted to use ghouls to make ghouls made of human... Xiao Hei's original name is Anjiu Heina, and Xiaobai's original name is Anjiu Naibai. They are twins. The two turned out to be excellent candidates of CCG Academy. They were expected to be excellent investigators. He Bao was implanted with a ghoul, and became a one-eyed 'artificial ghoul'. Since then, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai have called Dr. Garner their father. Later, Aite received a bronze tree."

Kirishima Ayutu's face was a little ugly, "When they attacked Kuklia before, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were seriously injured by an unknown investigator inside, and they are still lying in Dr. Garner's hospital, and they don't know the current situation. How's it going."

"It should be fine."

Yagami tries to comfort Kirishima Ayutu.

"But even if she is cured, she still has to continue to protect Mrs. A. Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are also pitiful."

Yagami Yue felt sympathy for the past of Anku Hena and Anku Nabai, and it would be nice if there was a chance to meet these two people for a while. "Where is Dr. Garner's hospital?"

Maybe he still has time to meet these two people now.

... "I'm about to prepare for a mission and still want to see Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai? Don't be delusional, let me tell you, you won't be able to stay in the Bronze Tree for long if you can't complete the mission, and you will be punished by the old members every day. contempt and abuse.”

Kirishima Ayaka looked at the time, "It's getting late, let's go."

Aya Kirishima changed her clothes, "Why are you still in a daze, change your clothes quickly, you don't want to go on a mission, do you?"

He raised his fist in his hand.

"Come out, come out naturally."

Yagami quickly finished changing her clothes, and followed Ayado Kirishima to District 3.

"This is equivalent to the port area. It is a dangerous area where many ghouls gather and compete with each other for the ghoul field. Judging from the current situation, the people here have moved to other places to live. There are no human beings and they are still fighting. You have to work so hard, you can see that these ghouls have no brains, and they stay here if they don’t go elsewhere, is the person in charge here dead?”

Ayano Kirishima spat out a mouthful of phlegm, "There's no value in recovery at all!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the surrounding scene. Indeed, it was deserted, and even in the bustling city center, few people could be seen at all.Even walking on the street, his face is gray, have he accepted death, or is he powerless to resist?

"What are you still doing, hurry up and find ghouls, maybe you can find a few to exercise."

Kirishima Ayutuo jumped, and had already flown to nowhere, leaving Yagami alone.

The ghouls are generally active at night, so it doesn't make much sense to find them now, so it's better to take a walk around here to see the terrain.Ye Shenyue wandered around these three districts alone, like a wandering soul.

"Sure enough, the two of them can't get along."

Aite sat on a high place, his feet swayed freely, looking down at Ye Shenyue. "Duo Duo Liang, did I do something wrong?"

The wind here is very strong, and Tatara's cloak was blown into the wind.

Duoduo replied.

"No one in the world knows me better than you. Of course, other than him."

Aite sighed, "Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

Get up and disappear.

Chapter 0084 The real purpose?

Ayano Kirishima likes to fight quickly, and when he finds a ghoul species, he starts to fight.It is his style to see blood.Ye Shenyue likes to watch, and he is best at watching from the sidelines.Waiting quietly is his usual style, and the number of ways to analyze is the most important.A static and a moving, just in perfect harmony, this is the original intention of Aite.Oh no, the original intention of this one-eyed owl, the reason why Ye Shenyue stayed in the bronze tree, one is personal reasons, and the other is that Ye Shenyue is indeed a talent.

Yagami saw the fire in the distance and the high-intensity Heiko-ryu, and knew that Ayato Kirishima must have been fighting.He shook his head. If this impulsive personality could be restrained a little bit, maybe he could do better.Perhaps the reason why Aite let Yagami in a group was because he liked Yagami's calm temperament.He calmly walked towards the fire, and sure enough, Ayaka Kirishima had already started fighting, and it seemed that the fight was very cool.Let's wait for now, he doesn't seem to need his appearance anyway.Yagami just found a clean place to sit down and watch Ayado Kirishima fight in silence.The funny thing is that a large group of ghouls surrounded Kirishima Ayutu to fight alone, but no one noticed that there was another person outside the arena. "Ah, it feels great."

Ye Shenyue even thought that it would be better to have a beautiful woman and a glass of wine at this time.


Ayato Kirishima finally discovered Yashinyuki, "Why don't you come and help me! Are you happy to see me hitting you alone!"

"Be careful behind you!"

Ye Shenyue stood up and reminded, "One o'clock in the front right, seven o'clock in the rear left!"

The fight seems to be getting more and more intense, especially when Yagami Moon appears.Many ghouls began to look in the direction of Yagami, and Yagami knew that he was careless.

"Hahaha, I could have avoided a battle but was forced to join because I reminded me, Ye Shenyue, are you sad?"

While fighting desperately, the blood of the ghouls splattered on his face, and he took time to ridicule Ye Shenyue, "Do you regret it? It's too late!"

The ridicule of Ye Shenyue was infinitely transformed into the strength to kill the ghouls. Soon, all the little gangsters died, and only one ghoul named "Toluya" remained. The current leader of District 3.

Toluya stopped, gasping for breath, as if his energy had been exhausted.Aya Kirishima knew that this was a good time. As long as Toluya was killed, their task for today would be complete. e... He was just about to stretch out Heiko to launch Heiko when Yagami suddenly stood in front of Toluya. .

"We're here to recapture them, not kill them, aren't we?"

Yagami Moon stared at Kirishima Ayato's red eyes.

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