It was so miserable.Jing Shuijiu's clothes were torn in several places by Feiju, revealing the water and tender skin of white flowers, flowers, but the skin was dyed red and was scratched by Feiju.

But Feiju wasn't much better, her hair was messed up with her claws, and her clothes were ragged. Jingshuijiu was wet, revealing her cute little body, Ming Xiayu's hat was thrown away, as for Shasha. Completely stunned.

At the beginning, their battles were normal. Jingujiu used her magic, Feiju used swordsmanship, Ming Xiayu used her machete, Shasha used her wood, and Jingshuijiu continued to use ice to sneak attacks. , It is unbelievable that Jinguji, who was in a state of rage, has such a strong fighting power, and he just resisted all the attacks of Hiju and the others with his own strength.

It's just that she was too tired. In the end, she couldn't even use magic. She was exhausted, but even so, they didn't give up and continued to fight. They started a team battle. Are you at war with the whole world with Mrs. Cixi?

At this time, when are we not fighting in groups?

It's just that Jinguji is still smart in the end, first knocking down the opponents one by one, and finally there is only one left, and that is Hiju.

Although the two were fighting and fighting each other, it sounded like they were arguing.

"You actually turned into the way I looked when I was a child, you really did deliberately want to seduce Yue with my image."

"certainly not!"

Feiju refused to admit it.Although others see her cosplaying from any angle.

"That's it, Cat, just admit it! Sure enough, I am more attractive, and Yue likes my type..."



Such a conversation made Ye Shenyue, who was sitting in the corner drinking black tea, speechless.

It's just that he doesn't know that the little teacup hiding behind him is even more speechless. How can he think that these girls are making big shots because of him, how can he ignore them?Sit back and watch their fight?

And, moreover, her tea house was attacked.

The hot flames devoured recklessly on the wooden board on the table.

It was so pitiful, she was heartbroken.

It's just that she didn't know that Ye Shenyue had faced this situation more than once. When the Crystal Palace caught fire, she didn't need to pay attention, let alone stand on which side. The fire was completely extinguished.

This makes sense. For example, in the battle between Ariel-chan and Yu-chan and Queen Lilith, the three major forces fought for a long time and finally recovered?They have a characteristic when they fight, they always like to express their unhappiness in their hearts.

For example, Ariel always said that Chrissy tricked her into drinking Coke and got drunk, and Chrissy was always pretending to be drunk.

After they said they were upset, and after the fight, they were all relieved. Since they were all relieved, of course there was no contradiction.

Not only did this approach work for them, but it was also a great success for Rinko and Hiiju. Didn't the two of them feel bad about each other when they first met?After a fight, they immediately formed an alliance, an indestructible alliance.

So when they were fighting, it would be more beautiful to drink a cup of black tea brewed from a small teacup.

Finally, after half an hour, all the "wars" had subsided, Ye Shenyue unfolded his Guangdu, looking at the newly restored tea house, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that he seemed to understand Guangdu's The truth.

Guangdu is the potential ability that can stimulate matter. As long as the original material still exists, he can stimulate the potential of the remaining wreckage to restore the original or even beyond the original state.

Doesn't it mean that every cell has the potential to develop into an entire individual?

If this is really the case, Ye Shenyue will feel a little disgusting.How many cells does a person have?Wouldn't it be possible to clone an endless number of cells if all of them were used for light crossing?

It's so disgusting.

"Sure enough, it's still my moon... The clothes are restored, but the strength..."

Jinguji checked her body. The red and swollen parts of her body that were scratched by the cat disappeared. The source of magic power was also filled, but the magic power was still recovering. Now she can't release magic, and it will take some time.

"It seems that Guangdu is not omnipotent."

Indeed, wouldn't it be omnipotent if Guangdu could completely restore even his magic power in an instant?So how did the Tianhe Clan rank sixth in the Ghost Slayer Clan?

The power of Guangdu he got was similar to the power of the original work, but what he got was the full version, which was released as soon as he wanted to.

But there are also limitations, which are now revealed.

Koto takes time, and it took less than 1 minute to restore the table, but it took 10 minutes to restore the wreckage of the current tea house.

He also felt that the power of Guangdu in the body was a little less, but the power of Guangdu was still being generated, although not very quickly.

"Otherwise, I'll take Jingongji back. Now her magic power will take a short period of time to recover. It will be bad if she is caught by monsters on the way back." Ye Shenyue remembered that Jingungji was in monsters. She has a reputation for being the messenger of a violent female demon, so if the monsters know that she has temporarily lost her magic power, sneak attacks will come incessantly.

"it is good!"

This is Jinguji, and her voice is very loud.It's just still covered.


This is the voice of all the girls except her and Ye Shenyue herself. A person's voice can be small, but when several are combined, their voices can be louder.

If Yashinyuki is allowed to send Jinguji back, maybe... oh no, something ambiguous, such as exploring how to produce the next generation, will definitely happen.

You can't give this opportunity to the other party in vain!

Especially Feiju, how could Jinguji and her rush to the same starting line even before her children showed up and she couldn't make soy sauce?

"Humph! Then I'm going to live at Yue's house tonight. Anyway, it's more legal than cats, snakes, and monsters to live there as my fiancée."

Jinguji patted the dust on his shoulders, stood up and looked down on Feiju and the others, with a natural expression.


Still the same refusal.It's just that everyone found out, and there seems to be one more person inside.

Even Jinguji was staring at the small teacup.

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