"People... people just think it's fun to shout like this... it's fun to shout like this..."

Being stared at by so many people, or anyone who can kill her at will, the small teacup's voice became smaller and smaller, and soon shrank behind Ye Shenyue.It's like finding a safe haven.


Higurashi snorted and turned to look at Jinguji, which was quite unfriendly. "Jingshui is a long time, you should send this guy back, it's better to only send her halfway and then throw her in the monster pile."

Although Jinguji and Hiju have already fought according to Yashin Yue's idea, their relationship seems to be still stiff.

Hiiju especially hates Jinguji for saying that she copied her hairstyle and appearance. Although this is the case, the proud guardian blade will not agree.

"Humph! I don't want a water snake with a human face! If you want to give it to me, I also want my monthly gift!"

She is not at ease if Jingu Temple doesn't say anything, she will definitely be thrown away by them without magic power, she is not so foolish.

Even though Fei Ju has already said all her plans.

"Humph! The people at the end of the Demon Slayer are not qualified to let me do it myself."

Not only is there a gap between Hii Ju and Jingu Temple, but Jing Shui Jiu is still thinking about Jingu Temple's title of "a monster with a human face", so she continues to fight back.

"The end, the end, the end, I said don't call it the end, you monsters, you can still kill them all!"

Jinguji's eyes sharpened, these monsters were really annoying, they made her angry again and again, went to the UK to study for so many years, and rummaged through so many magic books to get the respect of others, why are these monsters In his eyes, it is naked ~ naked irony?

The source of magic was vigorously rolled, and Jinguji only felt the heat wave all over his body.

The magic power that should have been slowly recovered, fully recovered.

full recovery!

The terrifying magic power continued to spread around Jinguji.Her magic is back.

"Er 207... It's too much!"

Ye Shenyue's hand holding the teacup froze in mid-air, this, this is really incredible, but it was just satirized, the anger of Jingu Temple was transformed into magic power, which greatly shortened the time to restore magic power.

It's like, Brother Xinchun was resurrected with blood on the spot!

"Oh hoo hoo... The magic power is restored, I don't want you to send it! Yue, give me your phone!"

Jingu Temple's face was full of anger. She didn't expect her magic power to recover like this. Seeing Feiju and Jing Shui's unhappy faces, she instantly felt relieved, and quickly moved to Yeshenyue's side, and touched Yeshenyue without authorization. took out his phone from his pocket.

"Uh... can you remove the word "kiss"?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Jinguji's little hand that was flicking on his cell phone at a speed that couldn't be faster, and looked at the number and title she entered.Ye Shenyue was really speechless.

"Kissing fiancee."

This is the name of Jinguji Temple.


Feiju pouted in disdain, the cat's eyesight is very good, especially when someone deliberately opened the screen of the mobile phone for her to see, how could Feiju not see it?

"I'll text you at night~~" Jinguji put the phone back in Yashenyue's pocket, kissed Yashenyue's lips, and then summoned the swirling flames, completely covering her body and waiting for the flames to disappear. At that time she also disappeared.

She went back first.

"Humph! Young Master, put your mobile phone on me tonight, but you can't let that violent little girl from Jingu Temple spread perverted ideas to you. Protecting the mental health of Young Master is the task of the guardian blade. ."

However, Fei Ju quickly threw herself on Ye Shenyue's body, and held the phone in her hand at the same speed as Jinguji, but she still had a just and dignified look.

It's obviously beyond the scope of his duty!

Ye Shenyue shook her head, a little funny, but she focused her eyes on the small teacup.

Now that Jingu Temple has slipped away, he can also be regarded as protecting the small teacup that was almost destroyed. Is the small teacup worth paying for?

Ye Shenyue looked at the small teacup with bad intentions.

ps: ask for subscription, ask for subscription.Thanks 74105774 for the tip.Welcome to the East.

Chapter 0033


"Ugh... Jinguji, you big bastard! The last, last, last!"

Ye Shenyue came out of the bathroom and heard angry shouts from Feiju's room. Yashenyue really found it funny, he had known for a long time that Jingungji was not at ease, it was purely for playing Feiju. of.

As for her intentionally saying in front of Feiju that she sent him a text message at night, it was obvious that she wanted Feiju to grab his cell phone and send excessive messages to Feiju at night.

Yes, the person Jinguji really wants to receive text messages is Feiju, but she is incompatible with Feiju, how could she miss any opportunity to be angry with Feiju?

The revenge mentality of an annoyed woman is very strong.

However, Ye Shenyue looked a little dumbfounded at the handwriting on her palm, with a sentence printed on it.

"The luxury suite on the top floor of the Tiangong Hotel tomorrow evening."

This is the address of Jinguji Temple. The message that she really wanted to tell him that she wanted to invite him was printed on his hand when she gave him the mobile phone at the beginning, but Feiju was attracted by the mobile phone at that time. So I didn't notice it.

go?Still not going?

Ye Shenyue was silent for a while, and then she decided to go. It would be hard to justify her fiancee's invitation if she didn't go.

Maybe something good will happen.

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