Ai Tou woke up Kirishima Ayutu, "I have a reason for assigning you together, and I hope you will slowly come to your senses. This is the end of today's day, congratulations on completing the task."

After leaving Art's office, Aya Kirishima said angrily, "That's what you saw early on but didn't tell me. So you also secretly cooperated with me to make it for Art to see, right? Yagami Yue."

"Well, fortunately, you didn't hinder me. In Aite's eyes, this is what I meant. You did a great job, Xuandu."

Yagami pushed away Kirishima Ayutu's hand, "Anyway, the two of us have already gained the trust of Aite, right? Isn't that what you want most?"

"What kind of trust, I have Aite's trust from the beginning, okay?"

Aya Kirishima refuted him.

"Okay, everything you say is fine."

Yagami gave Kirishima Ayato a smile and left.

Ye Shenyue here seems to be doing well in the bronze tree, and there is no major problem in the safe area.Takatsuki Izumi's new book is always out so fast, "The MacGuffin of the Hanging Man" is out again.Diguchi Hina really wanted to go, because she knew that Yagami liked this writer very much, and she might see Yagami at Takatsuki Izumi's new book launch.Even if you can't see it, it's a good choice to take the signed book and give it to Ye Shenyue.

"Mom, do you want to accompany Hinami? Tomorrow morning at [-] o'clock in the Defu Building, Takatsuki Izumi's new book sale!"

Hina Diguchi took Ryoko Diguchi's hand and shook her hand until she agreed.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

The next day, Takatsuki-Izumi's book sale was still full. Hinami took Ryoko in a long line to buy the copy of "The MacGuffin of the Hanging Man". before.

"Oh? I seem to have seen you more than once, little girl."

Gao Tsukiquan knew the little girl in front of him, and he would see her figure every time a new book was sold, "Is your mother standing next to you? I really can't tell, so young!"

Gao Tsukiquan couldn't help but admire that this woman was no different from sixteen years ago.Ryoko Diguchi, wife of Shigure of the Black Palace.Kuromiya Shiyu mentioned his wife when she was a child, and she also showed her photos. Although she had never seen the real person, Takatsuki Izumi was sure that the person standing in front of him was Kuromiya Shiyu's wife.So what about the little girl?Could it be the daughter of Kuromiya Shigure?


Hinami smiled, "Miss Takatsuki, I like your work so much, can you sign me!"

"Of course. What's your name? What's your name?"

Takatsuki Izumi picked up the pen and wanted to start writing.

"Uh, Hinami, Higuchi Hinami. This book is not for me, I want to give it to someone else, so can Miss Takatsuki write that person's name?"

Hinami plans to give the book to Yagami.

"Okay, what's that person's name?"

"Night Moon."

Chapter 0087 The Rescue of Cry

"Okay! Now."

After quickly writing his name and signing his own name, Takatsuki Izumi handed the book to Hinami Fieguchi. "By the way, isn't Hina's father coming? Now that your mother has come with you."

"My dad...he's been gone for a long time..."

Hina accidentally missed her mouth.


Ryoko motioned her to stop talking.

"Ah, I shouldn't have brought this up, it's my fault."

So they haven't recognized each other yet, ha, Takatsuki Izumi was thinking about something. "Because I like Hinami very much, so this is for you. If you have anything unhappy, you can ask me out to chat."

Takatsuki Izumi took out his business card and gave it to Hinami, "I won't give it to ordinary people."


Cui, who was sitting in the CCG car, was looking for an opportunity to escape. He finally waited until he was changed to prison, and while in this car, he was completely able to escape.If you escape, the first thing you do is to see your big brother, the gecko.

The people of Bronze Tree had received this information long ago, and sent Ayutu Kirishima and Yagami Yue to respond.They kicked the CCG car over, and soon, the CCG people knew that they had been targeted by the Bronze Tree people.The investigators jumped out of the car one by one, and the two sides confronted each other.

"Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai actually came too."

Kirishima Ayato looked at Yasukuni and Yasukuni who were high in the distance, "Is your injury healed?"

Ye Shenyue followed his gaze and saw that there were twins in black and white, with black hair in black clothes and white hair in white clothes, each wearing a black and white striped mask. "Is that Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai?"

"New arrival."

Xiaobai said to Xiaohei, "I don't know what the ability is."

"It will be fine for a while."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai flew to Ye Shenyue's side and landed in the air with a kick.

He Zi, who reacted instantly, blocked Xiao Hei's feet.

"Hey, just like what Aite said, unexpectedly, it's very strong."

She withdrew her foot, "My name is Anjiu Hena, and my sister's name is Anjiu Nabai. Please take care of me for the first time, Mr. Yagami."

"I don't have time to talk nonsense, let's go and catch him!"

Kirishima Ayutuo watched as Tiao was about to escape, "Hurry up!"

After saying this word, he even disappeared.

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