"One-eyed...one-eyed ghoul."

Ye Shenyue's heart sank, "A one-eyed ghoul turned from a human?"

There was a scream of screaming in the distance, and I was temporarily trapped in the burning CCG car, so hot that I couldn't stand it. "It's hot, it's hot!"

He kicked out the car door and jumped out of the car at the oncoming stranger who he saw and started fighting with.

"Bastards! We are..."

Before Kirishima Ayaka could tell her family, Tiao fought him indiscriminately, "Calm down!"

The speed of Tiao's movements surprised Kirishima Ayutuo, this is not a little kid, and it is only an SS rank ghoul.The result of the combined fists and kicks was that he temporarily quelled Ciao, and kicked him to the railing beside the road.

"Because...because I miss big brother so much, that's why the car blew up!"

Cry rolled on the ground, crying and rolling, leaving Ayano Kirishima speechless.

"I thought it was a guy, but it turned out to be just an idiot."

He looked at Cui disdainfully.

"You are the fool! The only person in the world who can call me a fool is my eldest brother! You guys, I'm going to smash you all!"

He clicked his knuckles and declared war on Kirishima Ayato.

The people in the cafe in the safe area were watching the live news. The news was broadcasting what happened before. The car escorting the ghouls was overturned by the people of the bronze tree, causing the ghouls who should have been escorted to escape. "CCG believes that this is Bronze Tree declaring war on their CCG, CCG people will never let Bronze Tree go... The main character in this incident is a guy with a mask..."

The TV was turned off by Kirishima Dong Xiang.

"Mask, that person is Brother Yeshen, right?"

Hina could see it, "There must be some reason for this, big brother, he won't intercept CCG's car for no reason."

"Chu Shi, he joined the bronze tree after all..."

Gu Jian Yuan'er sighed, "Since he joined the Bronze Tree, there is no need for us to evaluate what he does."

In District 11, Yamen checked the information on the ghouls that had been kidnapped by the people from the Bronze Tree. "Face mask……"

All the pictures about masks that appeared in the video were intercepted by Yamen. Although only a pair of eyes were exposed, this one was so familiar... Who the hell is it... I feel like I've seen it somewhere.

"Let go of me! You two bastards! What are you trying to do with me here! Let me go see my big brother!"

Tii was obviously mentally ill, crying bitterly and struggling to say anything to see his elder brother.

"Hey, calm down! You haven't escaped the CCG's surveillance range, do you really want to be caught by them?"

Kirishima Ayato wrapped her arms around her chest and in front of her, leaning against the wall. "I really don't know what Aite is doing, but he actually asked us to rescue such an idiot."

"Gecko, who is it?"

Ye Shenyue crouched down and asked.

"The gecko is Jason. I really don't know what it means for him to have so many code names."

Kirishima Aya looked at Tiao disdainfully, "Weeping like a bitch, those who didn't know thought you were crying and mourning!"

"I just miss my eldest brother! You have to take care of this!"

Tiao turned her head and shouted at Kirishima Ayutu.

"In the case of Jason, he is in the Bronze Tree. If you want to see him, you can see him soon, don't worry."

Ye Shenyue tried to comfort him.Although I already felt that the relationship between this hoof and his eldest brother Gecko was very abnormal, but when he thought of Yue Shanxi, Ye Shenyue looked at him more pleasantly.

"Really?" Ting looked at Ye Shenyue, very miserable.


"Mask! You are such a good person! Thank you so much!"

Ye Shenyue thanked Ye Shenyue with snot and tears.

As a result, Kirishima Ayato grabbed Tee and watched CCG retreat and took him back to the bronze tree, Tee finally saw his long-lost eldest brother, Jason. "Big brother!"

He knelt down in front of Jason in front of many people. This was not to make Jason face, but to humiliate him.

"Okay! Go away! Stop crying!"

Such a scene really made Aya Kirishima laugh half to death. He held his stomach for a long time without stopping, "I didn't expect Jason to have such a subordinate, I really thought he was a fool."

He watched Jason take Tie away, the laughter stopped, and looked at Ye Shenyue with cold eyes, "But it's only SS rank ghoul."

Ye Shenyue avoided his sight and walked back to the bedroom.Although it was in a hurry, he seemed to be more interested in the twins of Anju Hena and Ankuna White.It is a wonderful experiment to see if a ghoul or a ghoul can be transplanted into a ghoul or a one-eyed ghoul.However, what was the reason for them to change from humans to ghouls?Is it voluntary?Or forced?He really wanted to know.Almost, even the real thing forgot.

Chapter 0088 Second Attack on Kuklia

Light gained Aite's trust in the Bronze Tree, and almost forgot the business.Ye Shenyue was full and lay on the bed, but she didn't have a clue, hey.For several days in a row, I only did one mission, but this mission was really cool. Looking at the expression on Kirishima Ayato's face when he killed the ghouls, he must have put his whole heart into it.No, no, no, don't think about this anymore, finding the murderer of Shawu is the most important thing, you can't get stuck in it anymore, otherwise, it will be really difficult to get out.

"Do Do Do Do."

The knock on the door should not be Kirishima Ayutou.If it was Kirishima Ayutu, he would not be so civilized at all, he would have kicked open the bedroom door long ago.Who is it, Ye Shenyue got up from the bed and opened the door.

"ohmybaby, Imissyouverymuch!"

Yue Shanxi looked at Ye Shenyue with a turbulent face, "Doyoualsomissme?"

He wanted to take the door down and slap him in the face, he tried his best to remain calm, "Why are you doing it?"

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