Yue Shanxi walked into Yeshenyue's bedroom and sat on his bed, "I just feel that you are not on the topic recently, so I wanted to come over and remind you, lest you really join the Bronze Tree."

He beckoned and motioned for Ye Shenyue to sit beside him, "And I found some news that the death of Xiweiwu may be related to Tatara..."

Ye Shenyue approached Yue Shanxi, Yue Shanxi originally wanted to make an attack, but unexpectedly Ye Shenyue quickly retreated and failed. "Okay, I got it. Thank you Mr. Yueshan for the information. But don't do this again in the future. I'm not interested in men. I said it at the beginning. If it weren't for Mr. Yueshan or Miss Yueshan, I would have Might work with you."

Ye Shenyue said half-jokingly, "Okay, I have to rest, Mr. Yueshan will go first."

Since Ye Shenyue has already ordered the expulsion, Yue Shanxi has no reason to stay in his dormitory, "Anyway, I told you so much information, you have to give me something good, right?"

Yue Shanxi began to act coquettishly, "Although I am willing to investigate the case for you, but there is no credit and hard work, Yue~" Ye Shenyue's goosebumps fell from the last word.

"I know, you go first."

Ye Shenyue impatiently chased away the normal-looking person who might be gay.

Kirishima Ayato left Tatara's office and went back to his bedroom, but unexpectedly met Tsukiyama Xiu at the door.Are these two negotiating something behind their backs?Looking at the hypocrite on Yue Shanxi's face, he is clearly a ghoul, but he shouts in the organization all day long, "We have to respect our sense of taste, we have to find delicious human flesh, and we can't just blindly eat dead corpses, this is malicious to our sense of taste. s damage!"

What kind of taste does ghouls have?He walked into the room, and Ye Shenyue took a nap with her eyes closed. Sure enough, lazy people like to sleep.Kirishima Aya frowned disdainfully, "Hey, don't sleep, we'll have a big move next!"

Ye Shenyue remained unmoved and continued to close her eyes.His fundamental purpose is not to serve the Bronze Tree. Doing a few small tasks has already given the Bronze Tree a lot of face, but now he actually wants him to participate in everything?This will not work.

"Hey, I said you..."

Kirishima Ayato could not wait to sit on top of him and slap him twice. "Whether you are asleep or not, I still have to make it clear to you. Next, we have to attack Kuklia in Area 23 to save a person. The last time we attacked Kuklia was just to familiarize yourself with the route. This time the operation It can’t be compared to last time. Yashenyue, did you hear that? Tatara said that Aite specially entrusted you with the biggest task, just want you to establish some prestige in the bronze tree, so as not to let others gossip.”

Ayato Kirishima really couldn't figure out what Aite meant. Did she like Yagami?I want to give him tasks all day long.


Tatara stood behind Aite, "What is the purpose of attacking Kuklia again?"

"Hey, it's just to save the gods Charong, he's been locked up for too long."

She put a bandage on herself again, "What if the strength degrades after being locked up for too long."

"Did this dress before Ganzhi go to the new book launch again?"

Duoduo Liang watched Aite wrap the bandages in circles, carefully and laboriously.

"Well, I like my identity as Takatsuki Izumi, which allows me to vent my inner world through words."

At the last step, put on the cape, "If I can't vent, I'll go crazy too."

She walked to the room containing Heigong Shiyu's body and touched his face, "It's obviously the same face, the same person, why can't you treat me the same?"

"If Ganzhi frequently goes in and out of Mr. Kuronomiya's room, it will make Mr. Kuronomiya's body not well preserved."

Tatara is actually reminding Aite that if she keeps nostalgic, the corpse of Kuromiya Shiyu will bring her more than simple excitement.

Chapter 0089 Second Attack

PS: Chapter 88 is in the previous chapter... The previous chapter is two in one...

Kuklya sounded the alarm, and compared to the previous one, the Bronze Tree attack this time seemed more menacing.Attacking and landing from the top to every floor, the investigators in Kuklia had no time to respond, and Haisaki Fukame was already dead, so Kuklya had no new person in charge for the time being.

"Damn, I didn't expect Bronze Tree to attack Kuklia again so soon. Now I can only send Hoji Kosuke, Amon Gangtaro and others to deal with it."

When I was with Xiuji, I was alerted by Kuklia, and my heart was very anxious.He quickly asked people to contact Fa Temple and Yamen, and called other second-class or higher investigators, "Kuklia will ask you for the time being! I hope you can come back safely!"

The last time Kuklia was severely damaged by the bronze tree, CCG didn't even have time to repair the Kuklia Ghoul shelter, and it was too late to recruit new recruits. Only a few important special, quasi-prime, and first-class investigators were left to support. "Bronze tree, it's accurate!"

He Xiuji's fist landed heavily on the desk, and the deep handprint showed the anger and anxiety in his heart. "If it fails again this time, CCG will..."

"Yamen, wait, the bronze tree attacked the 23rd area, we need to go quickly!"

After receiving the notice, Akira Mato ran to Kotaro Amen's office, "Let's go."

"Mr. Shinohara, I am Dharma Temple, and Kuklya was attacked by the bronze tree twice, we need to go there in time!"

The law temple decided to call the upper Shinohara Yuki.

"Okay, I see, I'll be right over here!"

Kouki Shinohara, who was about to go to work, suddenly received a call from Hoji Xiangsuke, "Shizuo, we have another mission!"

He said calmly to Suzuya Suzuo, who was sitting next to him and playing with Quinque, "When the time comes, you have to work hard."

Shinohara Yukuki accelerated sharply, and Kuink slammed heavily on Suzuya Shizo's face.

As soon as Kuklia's defense door was opened, ghouls were all over it.Far more than last time, the Kouklia investigators each held their guns, nervously facing the coming battle.

The ghoul group headed by Chou saw that Kuklia's defensive door was opened, and after five seconds, led the ghoul group to jump down.The mere ammo only has some effect on low-level ghouls, and the bronze tree doesn't care about these little minions at all.Aite lightly fell from the top floor and stood on the railing of an overpass on a certain floor. In front of him was Ye Lu, one of the bronze tree cadres.Because the number of paths of Inspector Kuklia and the terrain here have been figured out before, the Bronze Tree's re-attack seems to be easy.They easily destroyed the prison's anti-theft system, and soon, all the ghouls held in Kukliane escaped.

Today's aura of Yeshenyue is a little different. Seeing that the investigators in the overpass and the corridor have been eliminated, he slowly jumped down from the top floor of Kuklia.When he fell to the ground and stood up, his body exuded an inviolable aura, and any ghouls that saw him would automatically retreat and give him a way out.Wearing a mask, slowly walked inside Kuklia.He thought at first that he and Kirishima Ayato were the only ones in this operation, but he didn't expect that after Kirishima Ayato brought him to Kuklia, he found out that the place was already occupied by ghouls.He and Kirishima Ayato waited until all the ghouls had jumped down before preparing to set off.Ayato Kirishima acts separately from him, as his main mission is to rescue a ghoul code-named "Sashimi".

When Gangtaro Amen and Akatsuki Mato arrived in Kuklia, Kuklia had already been invaded by bronze trees, and they temporarily hid in the aisle when they saw Ayumi Kirishima with a team walking to the bottom of Kuklia. "Just to pick up those ghouls?"

Amen is sad. "that person!"

What did Amen Gangtaro see? It's that masked man, a new ghoul!It seems that they know each other, but I can't remember where I saw this ghoul.

The team led by Ayutu Kirishima was inadvertently killed by CCG investigators, and the defense door to the bottom seemed to be closed. "hateful."

Now that he jumped down, he was either caught by the defensive door or shot by the investigators, and Aya Kirishima was staring at the situation below.

Yagami Yue unfolded Heko and jumped down. His unique hook at the front of Heko tried hard to open the defense door, leaving a gap. This distance was enough for Aya Kirishima to jump down.

"Get out of here!"

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