Yamen put away his Kuink, "It has nothing to do with you, don't think too much."

"How could I not want to! Of course, as his only daughter, I have to take care of what my father caused! Now that he can no longer be a search officer, what do you want him to do? Killed by that ghoul just now? Wait at the door, have you ever thought about my father and your master!"

Amen was stunned, but just wanted to temporarily appease Akatsuki Mato's mood, how did it become like this... "I... just want you to calm down, after all, there are more important things waiting for us to solve, right? If your heart has been stagnant here, are you going to let me collect the corpse for you? Let the white-haired master send the black-haired man?"

Amen almost couldn't control himself. "You told me from the beginning that time is everything and can't be wasted. What are you standing here now? Are you wasting time and life? Why don't you go somewhere else with me!"

Akatsuki realdo realized her gaffe, and she reorganized her mood, "Yes, Amen-sama. But I will help him with the unfinished business of my father, so Amen-sama doesn't have to worry about it."

Jason flew up from the ground, and he would definitely go crazy if he didn't let out the anger he just received!Haven't been humiliated like this in such a long time?What is he?A fledgling little bastard with no experience, just won him twice, so wild and not knowing how to restrain, hum! "Those two investigators haven't left yet, just in time, let me vent fire!"

"Hey, Mr. Jason, Art told you to come over again. I'll take care of it here."

Yue Shanxi suddenly appeared and intercepted Jason.

"What are you? I have to go through your command to kill someone?"

Jason hates people ordering him the most.

"I'm nothing, but this is Aite's order, don't you dare to disobey? Sure enough, it's different if you're used to the boss."

Yue Shanxi covered his mouth and smiled, "If you don't go, will I really let you go according to Aite's temper?"

No one dared to disobey Aite's order, and Jason was no exception. "Hey, be careful with me!"

After sending Jason away, Tsukiyama Xicai slowly descended and walked in front of Akatsuki Mado and Kotaro Amen, "Let's go, if you don't leave Jason, you will find out that I lied to him."

Looking at Akatsuki's face, he still muttered to himself, "What's so good about him, he's actually taken a fancy to it."

Although Akatsuki Mato and Kotaro Amen couldn't figure out why there were ghouls to help them, they still fled this floor and rushed to other floors.Akatsuki Mado thought back to the man who helped them deceive Jason, and Akatsuki Mato couldn't think of any other adjectives to describe Tsukiyama Xi except perverted and disgusting.Tsukiyama Xi looked at the back of Akatsuki Mado who was running away, stroked his forehead and sighed, "I'm so handsome, so handsome that Ye Shenyue doesn't like me. Maybe he just likes ordinary people and doesn't have any special features. People. Hey~" Jason found Aite and asked him what was wrong with Aite, but Aite told him that he hadn't asked him to return to his post.Only then did Jason realize that he had been tricked.Jason, whose anger has reached its peak, found Yue Shanxi, "Fuck, wait for me, Yue Shanxi!"

"Hey, I envy you for being too late to be beaten like this by him."

Yue Shanxi's rippling eyes are full of envy, not deceitful at all.

Chapter 0092 The bell house is made, good seedlings

"Ha, sure enough, either some chops or some perverts, Aite's 'vision' is getting better and better."

Jason wiped his nose, I'll send you there if you want to die! "

Just need someone to purify the fire, since he brought it to the door, why didn't he use it!

"Both are bronze trees, and both work for bronze trees. What you do, internal killing is the most meaningless, and people will laugh at it. You say yes, Mr. Jason, and you and I actually have a common goal."

Yue Shanxi didn't want to fight Jason, because he felt that fighting with someone like Jason was a waste of physical strength. He still likes mental warfare, and it's better to fool.


Jason was really fooled by Yue Shanxi.

"Isn't your purpose to kill Ye Shenyue to vent your anger? Well, so did I. I just wanted to kill him and cut off his flesh piece by piece as sashimi, ah, how delicious."

Jason looked at Yue Shanxi's eyes gleaming, just thinking about it can become this level, this pervert is well-deserved. "Your title of gourmet really makes sense. If that's the case, let's work together and kill Ye Shenyue together. The body is yours."

"Okay, it's a deal."

Yue Shanxi turned around and smiled slyly. Sure enough, he had a simple mind and developed limbs.

As Ye Shenyue walked, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he was. Why did he obey Aite's words to save "Shou", and he didn't know it, and his fundamental purpose was not to do things for the bronze tree, he just wanted to Just find out the cause of Mist's death.I can't fall into it anymore, and I can't do things for the bronze tree so unconditionally.Simply... He thought of a trick to get Aite to give up and let him rescue "Zi" "Can you hold back?"

As soon as the bitter plan comes out, Aite should not doubt it, right?Ye Shenyue put her Hezi in front of her and stabbed her in the abdomen mercilessly. Soon, a large hole was pierced through the abdomen, and he fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss.He seemed to have slept for a while, and when he woke up, he found that his injury had already healed. This speed of recovery made Ye Shenyue both love and hate.He continued walking, looked at the time, it was already this point, the people from the bronze tree had probably started to finish, right?While walking, he actually found Ayutu Kirishima who had fainted. Seeing the face of Kirishima Dong Xiang, he picked him up and carried him on his body.Continuing to walk forward, something seemed to flash past beside him, Ye Shenyue took a step back and threw her head to the left, there were two people sitting in the dark alley - Anjiu Hena and Anjiu Naibai, "Xiao Hei noob?"

He put down Ayado Kirishima and walked in.

"Night... Night God Moon..."

Anju Hena was seriously injured, and Anju Nabai, who was in his arms, was also seriously injured.Anjiu Heina wanted to leave with Anji Nabai, but was stopped by Yashin Yue.

"Where are you both going to be so badly injured, come with me."

Just as Ye Shenyue was about to leave with the three injured people at the same time, a figure suddenly appeared behind him. "So fast!"

His speed was as fast as what he had, and in a flash, Ye Shenyue realized that a slit had been cut in his waist, and blood was flowing.He turned around, just aimed at the man's Kuyinck, a death scythe-like Kuyinck, slashed straight at the night god, "Pfft—"

He was too fast, and he was careless.

"There are still people here. I thought no one would play with me. Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, when will you find someone to play with me again?"

Suzuya Shizuo showed an excited expression, "You guys can't play with me anymore, so are you looking for someone specially for me?"

The white-haired boy in front of him was not easy.She looks extremely beautiful, even more beautiful than a girl, her voice does not seem to have developed, and she still has a very clear childish voice.It's just that this young man should not be underestimated at all. Looking at it like this, the injuries on Anjiu Hena and Anjiu Nabai's bodies were probably caused by this young man.I was also attacked by him inadvertently, and sure enough, I cannot underestimate it.

"Mask, are you that mask?"

Suzuya Shizo put down Kuyinke, "The mask that appeared in the news, the new face of the bronze tree, you know? The news is full of your face! I'm still curious, what is the ability of the mask? But can you be patient with that?"

He looked at the big hole in Ye Shenyue's chest and the cut on his waist, "Hey! He's recovering, so can you play with Shizuo again? Come on, come and play with Shizuo, What Shi Zao likes to do most is to torture and kill ghouls..."

Ye Shenyue seemed to see the shadow of Wu Xu of the real house in this white-haired boy. The degree of fanaticism towards the ghouls was no less than that of Wu Xu of the real house.

"Hey, come on, don't hesitate."

Suzuya Shizo picked up Quinck and stepped back, expressing his desire to fight in an open space.


Anjiu Henai held the dying Anjiu Nai and didn't let go, "Mr. Yagami..."

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