Xiao Hei's eyes dimmed, "Please come back safely."


He turned around and gave Anju Hena a huge smile, how could he make girls worry about him, this is absolutely not allowed.

Suzuya Shizao took Ye Shenyue to the empty world, rushed to the front in an instant and then returned to rush towards Ye Shenyue in an instant. His speed was extremely fast. It seems to be faster than Ye Shenyue, "Maybe I can't win."

Ye Shenyue looked at the boy in white with relief and grinned at him.Needlework tattoos on lips and arms, "masochistic?"

It's really interesting that there are such investigators in the CCG, but since they are here, they can't escape. If they can defeat them, try to defeat them as much as possible.

"I'm coming!"

With a kick in the air, Quinque was raised, and it was a blow to Ye Shenyue's head with a lightning speed.

"Son, you are really fast."

The voice came from behind him, and Suzuya was stunned, when did he run behind him! "Uh...don't cherish children at all, you weird uncle..."

Suzuya Shizao's abdomen was pierced by Yashinyuki's Heko, "It's faster than me, I haven't met a ghoul faster than me..."

He squatted down and was covered in blood by the Hezi who Ye Shenyue suddenly pulled out.

"No, you're faster than me, I just created the illusion that I'm still in front of you. Boy, you're really fast."

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but admire, "CCG has a talent like you, there is hope in the future."

"People who are obviously Bronze Tree are concerned about the future of CCG. It's really strange to blame you, uncle!"

Suzuya said reluctantly.

"Bronze tree, in case I leave the organization one day, it may seem normal to evaluate you again, goodbye, child."

Chapter 0093 In order to benefit the world, why not join the bronze tree?

Aite wanted to check Yeshenyue's progress, and came to the prison where "Zi" was being held alone, "Ah, why not."

Aite walked up to "Oi", "Isn't there a person wearing a mask to save you?"

In fact, the door of the prison where "Oi" is being held has been opened, and he could have left long ago, but for some reason, "Oi" has not left the prison where he is being held.He seemed to be waiting for something, who destroyed the prison system in Kuklia, and who started the Kuklia war again.He was sitting in a chair and lowered his head in thought, when suddenly a girl's voice came from in front of him. He raised his head, and he didn't seem to recognize the girl whose face was covered with bandages, making it difficult to see her face.


Aite shook his head, "No, Mr. Koujiro, I'm here to save you."

Indiscriminately, he rushed up and punched, "I don't know you, why do you want to save me."

Even if the other party is a girl, there is definitely no good thing about suddenly appearing, but he attacked desperately, and the girl avoided it skillfully, as if he didn't care about attacking her at all.She took off the bandage, so that he couldn't see her expression at all, this feeling was terrible.

"Hee hee hee……"

Aite smiled, "Why, I just want to save Mr. Kamidai, is this even wrong? Do you know how much effort I put into saving you..."

This is the truth, the previous attack on Kuklia was just a foreshadowing to save the gods.

"Ridiculous, ridiculous, simply ridiculous!"

It's not obvious that it's a scam for a woman who doesn't know her to keep saying she wants to save her.

"If I say..."

Aite dexterously retreated backwards, and the Goddai Charong hit the air. "Follow me, join the bronze tree, and I'll tell you the whereabouts of Shendai Lishi?"

Aite watched Goddai Charong's movements noticeably slow down, "This condition is not bad, right?"

"Why do you have to use Li Shi to blackmail me! Could it be that Li Shi was caught by you..."

Kamidai Charong has a bad feeling.

"No, I just think that Mr. Kamidai has an unusual relationship with Miss Rishi, and after being imprisoned for so many years, Mr. Kamidai must miss Miss Rishi very much, and he is eager to know her whereabouts... Then, the newly released Kamidai It's a little troublesome for you to go back to the former District 6 now, isn't it? After all, it has been so many years, and District 6 has changed several times in charge. You should go to District 6 at this time to take a step... It won't be too... Are people paying attention? And it's not convenient to see Miss Li Shi, are you right?"

"This person is not easy."

Shendai Charong stopped and looked at the girl in front of him who was not tall enough to his chest, "You want me to join the bronze tree, bronze tree, what is it?"

"It's just a ghoul group that exists to eliminate CCG. It's only good for you and no harm, trust me."

Aite stretched out his right hand and tried to shake hands with Kamidai Charong, "If you agree, follow me."

She was right, she couldn't go back no matter what, when she was in District 6, she had lost her place to stay. At present, it seemed that there was really no other place to go except the bronze tree. "Okay, I'll trust you once, I know what you want to do, don't try to use me."

"That's natural, I'm not that kind of person."

Aite watched Goddai Charong put his hand on hers. It seemed that Goddai Charong's problem had been solved, so there was no need to stay in Kuklia. "It's almost there, right?"

Aite glanced behind him, no one was there.

CCG made a final response, spewing out CRc gas. "Is the bronze tree finished now?"

Akatsuki Mato watched as the entire Kuklia building was covered in CRc gas.The people beside him were thoughtful, not at all interested in the CRc gas sprayed by CCG, "What's the matter, Yamen, wait."

Akatsuki Mato watched Gangtaro Amen walk into the gas.

"that person……"

Amen Gangtaro seemed to have seen someone he knew, "Mask..."

Appeared again, although it was just a back figure, but... "Master Yamen!"

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