Akatsuki Mato called out to Amen from behind, completely interrupting his thoughts.Forget it, always remember.

CRc gas is a poisonous gas developed by CCG specifically to deal with ghouls. Yagami is not aware of it, so there is no defense.His body gradually softened, and soon, he also passed out.In an instant, Xiao Hei Xiaobai, Kirishima Ayado, and Yashin Yue all lost their fighting power.Aite turned into a one-eyed owl and took all the others out, leaving Tatara to finish.At this time, Tatara seemed to have become a finishing professional, but he could only obey the leader's arrangement.

... When Yagami woke up again, she was already lying in her bedroom, and when she heard Ayato Kirishima's slight snoring, he thought it was all over.finished?He didn't seem to have completed the task that Aite gave him, to save the "squirrel", he didn't even see his face, how would Aite deal with him.Will he be punished?That should be it.He was lying on the bed reluctant to get up, he was afraid that if he got up together, that Aite would call him out immediately.

"Do Do Do Do."

There is a knock on the door, what is this?At ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Shenyue looked at her watch, "Hey, go open the door, hurry up."

With a lazy sleepiness, Aya Kirishima was awakened, and he reluctantly asked Yashinyuki to open the door, "Let me sleep for a while, and go open the door!"

He turned over and continued to sleep, while Ye Shenyue put on her clothes and went to open the door.

"Art called you."

Sure enough, what should come should come, Duoduo's face is paralyzed, and his voice is the same for thousands of years, a low voice without a trace of emotion.


He replied, "Just change your clothes."

Is retribution coming so soon?Ye Shenyue finished changing her clothes and was ready to go out.

"If Aite asks why you didn't complete the mission, then put it on me. Didn't you delay the mission because you saved me and Xiaohei and Xiaobai?"

Kirishima Aya held her head up and her hair was messed up, but he looked childish at this time.

So he knew it?Knowing that he saved him.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't want you to save me. I was able to come out alive. It's just that you always meddle in your own business. I'm not ready to thank you."

Kirishima Ayato did not admit that Yashinyuki saved him at all. Although he said that he would not thank him, he still thanked him in his heart. Kirishima Ayato was such a childish person.

"It's okay, you go to sleep, I'll deal with Art."

Yagami closed the door softly, and looked at Kirishima Ayutuo blankly.

Chapter 0094 "One-eyed Ghoul" that can be produced

Ait sits in a high chair and swings her feet in the air is her signature move.And, that whole body bandage.Ye Shenyue decided to say first, "If Aite wants to say that I didn't save the mission of 'Squirrel', then I am willing to be punished."

He lowered his head, not wanting to see Aite's reaction.

This man is still so interesting. Sure enough, it was a good thing for me to ask him to join me in the first place. "Punishment is essential, but it can also make up for it."

Aite jumped down and walked to Ye Shenyue's side, "Aya should have already told you about Anjiu Hena and Anjiu Naibai. But...he said something wrong, Xiaohei and Xiaobai are not the same. We are the people of the Bronze Tree, so... I hope you can bring them both into the Bronze Tree."

She stretched out her bandaged hand and gently lifted Ye Shenyue's chin, "Don't be so afraid of me, I'm just a cadre. You don't need to be so lowly in front of me, this is not your style."

Ye Shenyue was stunned. Obviously, he was shocked by the latter sentence. What does it mean to humiliate her in front of her? He was only punished voluntarily, but he was regarded as drunk. maybe. "Just put the twins of Anju Hena and Anju Nabai into the bronze tree?"

"That's right. The two of them have been doing things for Dr. Garner, and I think it's too subservient."

Aite turned around and turned his back to him, "I think they have a good impression of you. It shouldn't be difficult for you to put them in the bronze tree. Let's go."


Ye Shenyue quietly exited Aite's room. Perhaps, he did not do well enough to refuse the task given to him by the people above; but it seemed that this also proved a point, and Aite gradually began to trust him.No, this Aite seems to have wanted himself to join the Bronze Tree from the very beginning. From the beginning, he clearly stated that he would only be able to enter the Bronze Tree after defeating Tatara, but then it became an exception admission; later, he was allowed to participate in any task, which has been able to explain Something's gone, isn't it?Coupled with... the information that Tsukiyama Xi has collected, Nishio Miri's death may be related to Tatara.Perhaps, Tatara was the murderer of Nishiwei Mist. Yagami had a headache, so he leaned against the wall and calmed his mind.

Isn't Little Black and Little White a person from Bronze Tree?Was it because Ayato Kirishima mistakenly thought that Ayt had brought them both in and out of the bronze tree?

"Dry branch..."

Tatara suddenly appeared behind Aite, "Is it really good to use the death of Xiwei Mist to let Yashin Yue join the bronze tree?"

Duoduo has been worrying about something, "You are not afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

Aite turned his head, "Afraid he would betray me?"

"No, that's not what I meant, but..."

Duoduo actually meant that, but he never dared to make trouble in the face of Aite.

"He won't betray me, never will. He will only have different hearts, everyone has different hearts, Xuan has it, he has it, Jason has it, you have it, and even I...I have it too."

Aite wouldn't care about this, but she felt that it was precisely because of the dissent that her subordinates broke out such beautiful and wonderful fighting power. "Some people always do something for what. I don't need to know what they are for. I only care about the result. In fact, the bronze tree is growing, isn't it? This is the best result."

Duoduo nodded, yes, it is true, Aite never cared about the real purpose of others entering the bronze tree.She has only one request, not to betray.As long as she doesn't betray, she can endure and forgive anything she does.It is such a special leader that can make so many ghouls gather together to form the largest group of ghouls - Bronze Tree. "I see, Ganzhi."

Duoduo stepped back.

It seems that Dr. Garner has some connection with the bronze tree, so that his people can also freely enter and exit the bronze tree, such as Mrs. A, Anju Hena and Anju Nabai.At one point, Ayano Kirishima mistakenly thought that they had also joined the Bronze Tree.Back in the bedroom, Ye Shenyue lay on the bed thinking slowly.Although he really wanted to meet the two sisters, Yasuhiro and Yasuhiro, but he didn't want to approach them for this purpose. "Ah, so confusing."

He couldn't help but complain.It would be nice to approach them without purpose...but that's impossible.Besides, he is also curious about the fact that they have turned from humans into ghouls, and the meeting with the twins will soon be put on the agenda by him...

"Hey, Xuandu. Where is Dr. Jiana, and Xiaohei and Xiaobai should be with him, right?"

He asked Kirishima Ayutu, who was sleeping upstairs, and didn't know if he was awake.

"Well, probably. Did Aite give you another task?"

Kirishima Aya is getting more and more unhappy. Why does Yagami give him so many tasks when he comes to Aite, really want to help him build merits and let him have a complete foothold in the bronze tree?Do not!While jealous of him, he was helping him unconsciously.

"You know where, tell me."

Yagami Yue jumped off the bed and looked at Ayado Kirishima.

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