"In District 6, in an abandoned building with a basement below, Dr. Garner often conducts experiments there."

Kirishima Ayasu told Yagami honestly. "Aite asked you to see Xiao Hei Xiaobai? Entering Dr. Garner's laboratory, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out..."

The last sentence is sarcasm.

"it is good."

Ye Shenyue looked indifferent.Seeing Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai is the point. It doesn't matter what Dr. Garner is and what he has to do with him.

It took a lot of hard work to find the abandoned building. The entrance to Dr. Garner's laboratory is really hidden, but fortunately, Yashin Yue managed to find it.He walked in and the entrance was no different from a haunted house.It's just that the more you walk in, the more terrifying it is, there are specimens soaked in formalin everywhere.Heart, brain, lungs... these are all pediatrics, but there are even fetuses from one to ten months old, forming a complete gestation system of 3.9.Freaks, ghouls, and more, the list goes on.In the deepest part are the imprisoned thin human and ghoul's organs and hebao. These are the raw materials for the production of "one-eyed ghoul", right?Ye Shenyue calmed her heart.Horrible, simply inhumane.What is the difference between these and perverts, imprisoning good-looking human beings, arbitrarily implanting ghoul organs or ghouls, and turning them into "one-eyed ghouls", these are all true...

"Mr. Night God..."

Yasuhina walked out of the back room, "Why are you here."

"Why did Mr. Yagami appear in 'Dad''s building, did 'Dad' call you here?"

Ankuna White followed closely behind.


Is it Garner?Ye Shenyue thought to herself.

Chapter 0095 Human Ghoulization Research

The two sisters, Anjiu Hena and Anjiu Nabai, led Yagami to the place where they lived. Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't do anything to Yagami.It seems that what Aite said has some truth, and the twins are very interested in him.Ye Shenyue followed them in and sat down. The two sisters looked at him calmly, and didn't seem to want to say anything more.

"If you can, can you tell me your story?"

Ye Shenyue looked at them with a hint of sympathy in her heart. If something hadn't happened, no human would have chosen to become a ghoul?


Anju Nabai wanted to talk, but was stopped by Anju Heina.

"Mr. Yagami is here today just to know our story? Isn't it for other purposes?"

Anju Hena is much more cautious than Anju Nabai.

"There are indeed other purposes. I was ordered to put you in the bronze tree, but after all, it is just an order, and it is my business to obey or not."

Ye Shenyue doesn't care about the task that Aite didn't know to give him. He didn't really want to do things for the Bronze Tree, and the punishment was completely small for him, and he obviously had to accept the punishment last time. Atonement?So he wasn't even more afraid.

"Mr. Yagami is really an honest person, so openly stated your purpose, aren't you afraid that the task will not be completed?"

Anjiu Heina looked at Ye Shenyue coldly, without a trace of expression.

"It doesn't matter, as a ghoul, you can recover quickly from an injury."

Yagami Yueman seemed to be startled by Yagami's indifference.


Yasushi Heina didn't expect Yagami to say this, "If you want to hear it, we'll tell you. Our story."

Xiao Hei lowered his head, and Xiao Bai began to narrate, "Xiao Hei and I were originally the preparatory investigators of CCG Academy. At that time, our grades were very good, both in theory and actual combat. When we thought that we could successfully graduate from CCG Academy and become excellent Our companion died, a companion who fought by our side. From that moment on, we realized our flaws as human beings - life is limited and short. We were afraid, afraid of sudden One day we too died like that companion. In the end, it was something else that made us become ghouls. Our father, Anjiu Qisheng, the de facto leader of the Sphinx Trading Company, invested in a secretive Project - Human Ghoulization Research."

"Human ghoulization research? Your father?"

Ye Shenyue noticed a trace of strangeness, and the background of this matter does not seem to be so simple.

"That's right, our father invested in this project, and the developer of this project... is CCG, and we only discovered this secret later, but our father was assassinated by CCG people before we discovered this secret. That's why we escaped from the CCG Academy. And human life is so short, it's better to join Dad's experiment and become a ghoul."

Yasunami looked a little helpless, "CCG, we paid so much for it, but in the end we got such a result."

"We begged Dad to take us as subjects, because we know that we can't take revenge on CCG with a human body. At that time, Dad's experiment was not successful, but it didn't affect our belief in Dad's experiment. The big deal is death, fortunately Dad's experiment was a success, and we were implanted with a ghoul's ghoul, making us an artificial one-eyed ghoul."

Yasuhina continued.

Things will not be that simple. Research on artificial ghouls requires a lot of money. As an investor, Anjiu has died for seven lives. Where can Dr. Garner get the money to continue the research? "This project should be a secret only known to senior CCG leaders, right?"

Yagami asked, because his intuition told him that this project should have been abandoned, otherwise the CCG people would not let the two sisters Anju Hena and Anju Nabai escape, since the last attack on Kuklia. As can be seen.

"It should be. Only Dr. Garner, our father, and senior CCG leaders know about this project. People like Amon Gangtaro wouldn't know about these things, otherwise..."

Xiao Hei's words stopped.

"Otherwise what?"

Ye Shenyue asked.

"Otherwise, Yamen won't let us go."

Xiaobai said, "We were both injured by Shizuo Suzuo. When we were fleeing, we met Yamen, and he didn't arrest us."

CCG clearly hates ghouls the most, but it asks people to study and turn humans into ghouls. Isn't this the most ridiculous joke?Could it be... Could it be that they want to use artificial ghouls to deal with ghouls!Use the abilities of the ghouls to destroy the ghouls... God, only CCG people can come up with such a horrific strategy.

"Perhaps, have you ever wondered why the people at CCG do this?"

Ye Shenyue wanted to ask what the twins thought.

"Probably to deal with ghouls. After all, CCG's mission is to eliminate ghouls, isn't it? But the methods they used were so vicious, if it wasn't for this, we wouldn't even know our father was investing in this kind of thing. !"

The more Xiaobai said, the more angry he became, "What did our father do wrong to be assassinated by CCG, what did he do wrong!"

"I'm sorry, it was me who brought back bad memories for 047."

Yagami didn't know the reason why they turned into ghouls. At first, he just thought they were to gain more power before agreeing to Doctor Garner to turn them into ghouls.

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