"It doesn't matter, the memories will only let us remember the tragic death of our father, and then continue to take revenge on CCG. Mr. Yagami, we have to thank you for letting us remember the purpose of our life in this world. But now, you still want us to Join the Bronze Tree?"

Blackie looked into his eyes.

"I didn't force it, I respect your choice. If you think it's easier to get revenge by staying by Dr. Garner's side, then you can stay by Dr. Garner's side. You can still stay in the Bronze Tree anyway, right? ?"

Ye Shenyue thought about it for a while, no... Jiana cooperated with CCG at the beginning, right?Then why can you freely enter and exit the bronze tree?Could it be that Dr. Garner has lost his financial investment since Anjiu Qisheng died, so he switched to Bronze Tree and let Bronze Tree then invest him in human ghoulization research?He was lost in thought, and things really weren't that simple.

"Mr. Yagami, what are you thinking?"

Xiaobai looked at Ye Shenyue as if she had turned into a statue.

"That day, you only met Gangtaro Amen, didn't you meet anyone else?"

Ye Shenyue recovered.

Chapter 0096 Ye Shenyue is a ghoul?

In fact, Ye Shenyue was thinking about how the CCG senior leaders would react if they saw Xiao Hei Xiaobai.Judging from the status quo, Dr. Garner will no longer cooperate with CCG, so what will happen if the senior leaders of CCG meet Xiao Hei Xiaobai?Surprised?The abandoned project is still in progress, and the target that could have been used by himself ended up in the hands of the enemy.It is a pity that Anju Hena and Anju Nabai did not meet the senior leaders of CCG, but only met Gangtaro Amon. How would Amon Gangtaro react?

"Is there any reaction from Yamen?"

Ye Shenyue asked.

"Surprise. That's natural. After all, he was our lecturer when we were at CCG Academy. He must be surprised to see his students suddenly turn into ghouls."

Xiao Hei shook his head, "Amen Shang is really a good lecturer, we really liked listening to him at that time."


Then, Yamen Gangtaro will definitely investigate this matter, "You are too careless, if Yamen sees it, doesn't it mean that it is seen by CCG senior leaders? The project stopped by CCG is still in operation, And it was successful, what would they think.”

"This has nothing to do with us."

Blackie seemed very calm. "It was not a good project in the first place, and this development will only make us more aware of the dark side of CCG."

"That said, but..."

Yashinyuki always felt that there was a conspiracy, and the CCG people would never let Yasukina and Yasukuni Shiro go, "If Amen Gangtaro reports this matter, then CCG's top management will definitely send someone to find Dr. Garner and Force him to stop this experiment and destroy all the results so far."

For example, the twins of Anjiu, CCG people will never allow them to exist.

"Destroy us? No, Yamen won't do that. He won't easily report it unless he finds out the truth. We know this very well. So please rest assured, Mr. Yagami, our lives will not be in danger for the time being."

Xiaobai clarified.They are quite familiar with Yamen Gangtaro's character, after all, they have dealt with CCG Academy for many years before, "If Yamen wanted to kill us, he would have killed us when he attacked Kuklia, didn't he? Why wait until now."

That's right, judging from Yashinyue's experience of talking to Yamen Gangtaro several times, that person will still sell it. "That's good, in that case, Xiao Hei Xiaobai, do you want to join the Bronze Tree and become an official member of the Bronze Tree?"

"We think it's good to follow Dad for the time being."

Anju Hena has no interest in bronze trees.

"Anyway, the door of the bronze tree is open for you at any time, and you can join at any time."


After chatting with them, Ye Shenyue left District 6 and returned to the Bronze Tree stronghold in District 20. After talking with Aite one by one, she quietly left her office.Wouldn't it be too obvious to not complete the task every time, wouldn't Aite resent himself?Ye Shenyue really doesn't understand this woman.

"Ganzhi, are you being too indulgent to him, Ye Shenyue doesn't seem to be really serving the Bronze Tree. So far, he hasn't accomplished two things."

Tatara looked at the back of Ye Shenyue indifferently, and told Aite what she thought of Ye Shenyue.

"Even so, I still won't give up on him. You clearly know my dissent, don't you? Why bother asking more."

Art disappeared in front of Tadara.

"Hey, Art is really emotional too."

Duo Liang couldn't help sighing.

Akatsuki Mato sorted out her emotions, but she couldn't rely on the psychological impact of the "mask" ghoul. Maybe she should ask her father. If she couldn't figure out this matter, she might be insulted by the "mask" for the rest of her life.She came to the hospital where Wu Xu lived, and talked about the recent attack on Kuklia, in which she specifically mentioned "masks". "The warden of Kuklia died, so now Kuklia is particularly vulnerable to being invaded. ?"

Mato Wu Xu probably couldn't find any other reaction to reply to his daughter except wanting to laugh, "I heard that the bronze tree was finally dispersed with CRc gas, right?"

Mato Akatsuki was there, and sure enough, he couldn't hide anything from his father, "That's right, it's just father, did you let one or two ghouls escape when you were fighting the ghouls before? I mean Yes...you..."

Zhento Wu Xu saw the strangeness of his daughter, "Have you run into trouble?"

I seem to have an impression of the mask mentioned by my daughter. Could it be... is it him?Make yourself a ghoul like this. "Is he here for revenge?"

"He did mention the word revenge, is it true, father, is it really revenge?"

Akatsuki Mato couldn't believe it.

Mato Wuxu remembered the scene that day. On a rainy day, he beat a ghoul named Ryoko Fieguchi to half to death, and a ghoul with a mask appeared at that time.By reasoning, it should be the same person.

"I don't know who the ghoul is, but my intuition tells me that he is Yagami Yue who opened a cafe in the 20th district. Because before I caught Yoshiko Fueguchi and her daughter, he used to cover They, and took them to the cafe to hide, and when he officially fought the mask ghoul that day, his stature was very similar to Yagami."

Mato Wu Xu has always trusted his own intuition.

"Ye Shenyue?"

Akatsuki Mato always felt like he had heard this name somewhere, ah, it seemed to be Amen Shang, and Amen Shang would sometimes mention this person. "However, I heard Yamen mentioned this person, this person named Ye Shenyue is just a human being."

"Hehe, Xiao, have you forgotten that my father's intuition is always the most accurate. If you don't believe it, you can go to that cafe to see if Ye Shenyue is still there."

The real household Wu Xu put on a confident look.

Indeed, there is no reason for Akatsuki Mato not to believe in his father. Many cases of Mato Wu Xu are solved through his own intuition. "Well, I'll go check it out, goodbye father."

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