Apparently, I heard the superior Yamen say that Yashenyue is a very good human being who runs a cafe, but now she has turned into a ghoul?Could it be that Ye Shenyue knew Amen's high-class status from the beginning, so she approached him on purpose?Sure enough, if this is the case, then that Ye Shenyue is definitely not simple.

Mato Akatsuki came to the cafe of Yagami alone, and heard from the clerk that Yagami left the store to the clerk a long time ago and went to another city.Such a coincidence?

"I'm Akatsuki Mato, the second-class investigator of the CCG Countermeasures Division. I want to investigate some things. If possible, can I go to Mr. Yagami's house to check the situation. Because I suspect that he may have been murdered by ghouls."

This reason is enough to convince the clerk, and she can also find a legitimate reason to enter Yagami's house to investigate.

Chapter 0097 Sudden encounter with God on behalf of the world

Hearing the news that Yagami may have been murdered by a ghoul, the shop clerks in the cafe started talking.In retrospect, what Ye Shenyue said before she left was quite...a bit like a last word.Especially the line to the manager, "If I never show up again, then you'll be the store manager, you know?"

"I just said that the store manager's face was wrong before he left. Was he being targeted by the ghouls at that time!"

Shuri stood up, looking sad.

"The store manager's explanation before he left is indeed like a last word, but how could the manager be such a good person... If the store manager really died, it must be the person who killed Miss Wu!"

Manager Ito thinks it must be like this, "Don't forget, before the store manager left, he clearly said that he had something to do, and he must have left to find out the murderer of Mist, but now that he is like this, isn't it obvious that he killed someone? "

"It makes sense, we should call the police!"

Yuriko believes that the only way to do this is to rely on the police.

Mato Akatsuki felt a little speechless when she saw these clerks so worried about Yashenyue, she just made up a random reason to make such a big wave.By the way... who is the fog?What does it mean to be dead? "Has there been any murders here?"

Mato Akatsuki felt that things were getting more and more interesting, and the police could not get involved in this matter for the time being, because once the police intervened, it would be troublesome for CCG to launch an investigation.

"Wu was the girlfriend of our store manager and an employee of this cafe. She was killed before the store manager disappeared. The store manager really wanted to find out who killed Miss Wu."

Manager Ito explained.

"No police?"

The first reaction of a normal person should be to call the police, as a human being.But Ye Shenyue didn't call the police, doesn't he want the police to intervene?Is it because he was afraid that if the police investigation deepened, he would find out that he was a ghoul?It is also possible that he already has clues about the murderer.No matter, in short, I still have to go to his house to see the situation. "I'm afraid the police can't solve this matter, so it's better to leave it to our CCG countermeasures class. It's not too late, take me to his house!"

Ito took Mato Akatsuki to Yashin Yue's house and left, "Fortunately, the manager of Yashin put a backup key of his home in the store, otherwise we really can't open the door of the manager of Yashen today. We It's just a small employee, can't help much, and can't do anything other than cooperate. I just hope that CCG people can investigate the truth of the matter as soon as possible, so that Miss Wu and the manager of Ye Shen can find out. "

The joke seems to be getting bigger, Mato Akatsuki didn't expect Yagami's clerk to care so much about him. "I see, CCG will definitely find out the truth of the matter, you don't have to worry."

Seeing Ito and the others leaving, Akatsuki Mato dared to check the situation at Yagami's house.It looked like the house had been uninhabited for some time, and the floor was covered with dust.She walked towards the rooms in the house and opened one of the bedrooms, there seemed to be someone on the bed, who was it.She walked over cautiously, lifted the quilt, "En!"

She took a few steps back in fear. It wasn't someone at all, it was a corpse!Moreover, it is actually a ghoul! "If even his girlfriend is a ghoul, how could Ye Shenyue be a human! He lied to Amen's class!"

Akatsuki Mato closed the quilt and set it there. "What is the situation and why! How did things develop! Let me take care of it!"

All kinds of chaotic questions suddenly filled Akatsuki's mind, "Is this corpse the Nishio mist? Why was her corpse placed here! Why isn't it buried or destroyed? Where is Yagami! Yagami? Why put down her girlfriend's body and join some bronze tree? Don't you want to find the murderer of your girlfriend? Could it be..."


For a moment, Akatsuki Mato seemed to have thought of something.

Is the death of Xiweiwu related to the bronze tree?That's why Ye Shenyue joins the Bronze Tree.So, maybe he joined the bronze tree in order to find the murderer of Xiweiwu in the bronze tree?This reason is most in line with Yagami's current state of mind, and Akatsuki Mato trusts her intuition very much.She thought about it according to her intuition, and found that all the problems seemed to be solved, and just as she was thinking about whether to take the body of Nishiweiwu back for research, there was a terrifying aura behind her...


She quickly took out her gun and turned around. Someone, it seemed like... Shendai Li Shi?The woman in front of her has long purple hair, a pair of purple framed glasses, and a long cotton and linen dress.She had seen this outfit in CCG's ghouls database, and it was Shendai Rishi.That "gluttonous eater" Lee Shih, who was indiscriminately killing innocents in District 6 and couldn't get along, went to District 20 and continued to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Who are you and why did you appear at Ye Shenyue's house."

Shindai Rishi could not tolerate the presence of other women in Yashinyuki's family, and the moment she saw Akatsuki Mado, her eyes were fully revealed.She didn't want to disguise in front of Akatsuki at all, because it wasn't necessary at all.

The bullets that were fired were blocked by the Hezi who was protruding from the goddess Rishi, and when it collided with her Hezi, it made a crisp sound of "dangdangdang".

"You can't beat me."

Kamidai Rishi was not afraid of Akatsuki's bullet, "Where's your Kuink? Why didn't you use it?"

She was provoking Akatsuki, "Didn't you bring it? Hahaha,"

She sneered, "As a CCG investigator, he didn't even bring Kuyinke."


Akatsuki Mado squatted down, and she left Kuink at the door, which was really careless.In the current situation, there is no other way but to leave this bedroom and go to the door to find her Kuyinke.She tried to escape from behind Shendai Lishi, but Shendai Lishi seemed to see her next move, and kept blocking the door to prevent her from acting rashly.

"Don't expect me to let you go out and get your quince, your quinque has long been thrown downstairs by me, I will give you two ways. One is to be obediently sucked blood by me, and the other is to be beaten to death by me. ,Which one do you choose?"

Shendai Lishi buried his hands in front of his chest, his eyes full of desire for blood, "I'll let you choose."

Even though she knew that her pistol was completely useless against Rise Kanda, Akatsuki Mado still wanted to fight to the death.She aimed the pistol at Rishi God, and in an instant, Herko, who was attacking at high speed, knocked her pistol to the ground and kicked it into the distance.Before Akatsuki Mato could check where the pistol had fallen, Rishi Kamediro posted his face.

"If I didn't know that you were investigating my man, I would have killed you long ago, how could I have kept you until now."

Kamidai Rishi exhaled cold air and sprayed it between Akatsuki Mato's neck.

Chapter 0098 Infiltrate the Safe Zone

This Ye Shenyue is really not simple, and it has something to do with the "gluttonous" God Dai Li it the man of Yagami, Moon God, Delixi?Then what is this west tail fog?joke.Akatsuki Mado turned her neck in disgust, just to avoid Kamidai Rise's perverted behavior towards her.

"You know what? Your blood smells delicious too."

Kamidai Rishi started licking Akatsuki Mado's neck, "Where should I bite?"

"You let me go!"

Akatsuki Mato was tied with his hands by Rishi God, unable to move. "You might as well kill me if you insult me ​​like that!"

The sharp teeth touched his fiery neck, freezing cold to the bone.In an instant, the blood all over his body rushed to the top of his head, and a numb feeling suddenly hit, and Akatsuki Mato collapsed and sat on the ground leaning against the wall behind him.Kamidai Rishi also squatted down with his movements, constantly sucking his own blood. "Have you finished smoking?"

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