She wanted to push this blood-sucking madman away, and if she didn't stop Shendai Lishi, she would definitely be washed into a mummified corpse.

"No, it's not enough."

Shendai Lishi stopped and shook his head, "It's the first time I've touched such soft and tender skin. This touch really makes me want to stop. I've bitten so many people, but no one can give me this kind of pleasure. Except you and Ye Shenyue."

When she felt that she had had enough and stopped, Akatsuki Mato also lost too much blood and turned pale. "Isn't it enough to suck so much blood? You are too weak."

Kamidai Rishi stood up and looked down at Akatsuki Mado who was slumped on the ground. This woman is probably Akatsuki Mado, because she really looks like his father Wu Xu, Mato, and it's almost like it was carved out of a mold.Intuitively accurate and annoying!

She heard Yashenyue mention Mako Akatsuki. At that time Yashenyue fought with her father Mado Wu Xu, because Mado Wuxu caught Ryoko Dikou.In order to rescue Ryoko Fieguchi, Yashenyue and Zhendo Wu Xu fought fiercely and forged a grudge, and Yashenyue secretly decided to take revenge on Zhendo Wu Xu's daughter, Akatsuki Mado.

She really wanted to see Akatsuki Mato's expression when she found out that she had become Yagami's prey, that must be beautiful and wonderful.

"You might as well kill me!"

Akatsuki Mato raised his head weakly and looked at Rishi Kamashiro's face, "A ghoul is a ghoul! Never let it go!"

"Even if you are stubborn, what can you do, you can still kill me?"

Shendai Li Shi sat on the edge of the bed, crossed Erlang's legs, "You are too far from your father, you are not cautious at all."

Akatsuki Mato realized her indiscretions, such as how Kamidai Rishi got into this house, why did she know that she would be at Yagami Yue's house, and how easily she took Kuink into the house. Keep it at the door instead of taking it with you!She sighed, it was too late now, "So, what do you want to say?"

She looked at her indifferently, as if she didn't care.

"As soon as you went to Yeshenyue's cafe, I brought it to you, and I followed you along the way and found out that you were investigating Yeshenyue."

Kamidai Rishi stepped forward and grabbed Akatsuki Mato's neck, "You know that? The fact that Yagami is a ghoul, and also joined a bronze tree."

Akatsuki Mato was immobilized by Rishi Kandai, so he could only endure it in a muffled voice. "Oh? Can you bear it?"

Rishi Kandai simply licked Akatsuki Mado's face. Although her expression changed, she couldn't bear to attack. Such an awkward little appearance made Rishi Kandai interested.She thinks this real household Akatsuki is quite funny.

Akatsuki Mado felt more and more that Rishi God was a pervert. Out of desperation, she couldn't resist, and she hated ghouls more and more in her heart, wishing to wipe out all the ghouls in the world.She looked at Shindai Rishi with hatred, but Shindai Rishi stared at her with a smile. This kind of disgust made her feel bad. If she didn't escape from this female ghoul, Akatsuki would kill herself. maybe.

Shendai Rishi felt that the human female investigator in front of him was getting more and more interesting. Since Ye Shenyue regarded her as her prey, then she should also be regarded as her prey. Anyway, she had nothing to do now.Since Ye Shenyue joined the Bronze Tree, she hasn't even seen Ye Shenyue's face, it's really boring.It's just why Yashenyue hates real household Wu Xu so much?Just because the real household Wu Xu once almost killed Ryoko Dikou?Why is Ye Shenyue so interested in Ryoko Dikou and her daughter, obviously they are just strangers, maybe friends?But it's not necessary to do this for the sake of friends, isn't it?Anyway, Shendai Li Shi will never do such a thing as revenge for a friend, but also to revenge others.Is there any special relationship?But Shendai Rishi didn't think there was any special connection between these three people. Forget it, maybe if they approached the mother and daughter of Ryoko Dikou and Hashimi Dikou, they might discover something.On the ground, Akatsuki Shinto stared at her with unbearable eyes, "Go away, I don't want to kill you."



Akatsuki Mato felt that she was being played around by Rishi God, "Humph."

Now that I have no other way but to escape, I should leave here and slowly find a way to deal with the gods.Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood, right? "Shendai Li Shi, you let me go today, don't expect me to let you go next time!"

He stood up against the wall behind him and stumbled along the wall to escape.

"It's ok."

Shendai Li Shi smiled slightly, "I never need others to let me go, because I can't fail. Sa, Ye Shenyue, how many things are you hiding from me, let me uncover them one by one. "

Shen Daleishi was in a good mood after he was full of blood. Everything revolved around the cafe in the safe area. The people there were not very familiar with Shen Daleishi, but he had only been there a few times and drank a few cups of coffee.She didn't know how Ye Shenyue got in touch with the Safe Zone Cafe, or why they had such a good relationship.But as long as she gives Shendai Li Shi a little time, she will find out everything.Including the sudden disappearance of Ye Shenyue, the real reason for joining the bronze tree.

Wiping the blood on the corner of her mouth and changing her face, she is again a naive and scholarly girl, the goddess of Li Shi, Sa, where should I go next?According to the destination in her heart, Rishi Kandai held the novel "The MacGuffin of the Hanging Man" by Takatsuki Izumi. She remembered that she had seen Hina Miguchi at the launch of Takatsuki Izumi's new book. Compared to that child, she was definitely special. I like Takatsuki Izumi. If I use this novel as an introduction, it should be easy to get close to Fieguchi Hinami.She told herself that she was the gentle God Dai Lishi, not the "gluttonous" god Dai Lishi, "Yishenyue, if you hide from me, I will find out the truth myself."

Chapter 0099 Young Real Hezi

Goddai Rishi came to the safe to go to the coffee shop, and offered to be the teacher of Hina Dikou.The people in the coffee shop looked at each other, not knowing what Shendai Lishi wanted to do.Fangcun Gongshan was making coffee with a calm face, as if the gods of the world did not exist at all.

"Manager Fangcun, this..."

Gu Jian Yuan'er put down the plate in his hand, "What should I do?"

Fangcun Gongshan raised his head and glanced at Shendai Lishi in the distance, "If she wants to teach Hashimi, let her teach it, and it's not bad to ask Hashimi a free teacher."


Gu Jian Yuan'er worried, "She's a very dangerous person, isn't she?"

"But she doesn't look dangerous now, doesn't she?"

In Yoshimura's eyes, Rishi is transformed into a young girl full of scholarly scent, teaching Hinako Hinako to read Takatsuki Izumi's books.

"Because my brother Yeshen and I are good friends, Brother Yeshen wanted me to be Hashi's teacher before he left, and let me teach Hina how to use Heko."

Shendai Rishi touched Dukou Hashi's head and said softly, "Hina, would you like to let Sister Rishi teach you how to use Hezi?"

Dikou Hina really glanced at Fangcun Gongshan, he wiped the dishes and didn't look here at all, as if he wasn't worried about this at all. "Then... that's fine."

Dikou Hina nodded, "If Brother Yeshen asked, Hina would do it."

As a result, others did not dare to say more about things that Fangmura Kozen did not object to, but Kirishima Dongxiang was very worried that Dikou Hina would be bullied by Shindai Rishi.The plate in her hand rubbed and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"You're too nervous, Dong Xiang. The university entrance exam is about to take place. Focus on your studies and don't worry about other things."

Fangcun Gongshan squinted at Kirishima Dong Xiang, "With me here, God Dai Lishi dare not be lawless."

"That said, but..."

Kirishima Dong Xiang was still a little worried, "After all, Hinami is still so young."

"We are all here, Li Shi dare not do anything."

Yoshimura Kozen watched Shindai Rishi and Hina play with him, "She is indeed a good teacher, Hina will learn a lot from her. After all, Ryoko is not a person who likes to fight, if one day we are gone If so, at least Hinami can protect her."

Fangcun Gongshan is thinking about the future, "What do you think?"


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