It was only then that Kirishima Dongxiang understood Fangmura's intentions, "Indeed, if Hinami is not allowed to learn to protect herself and her mother, then they... Without us, it would be really dangerous."

"That's right, isn't that last time the best proof? Ryoko was almost strangled by the real household Wu Xu."

Fangcun Gongshan walked up to the goddess Rishi, "I'll leave it to Miss Rishi about Hashiko's affairs!"


Shendai Rishi touched Dikou Hashi's head, "Naturally I won't refuse what Yue explained to me."

The ghouls in this safe zone are quite simple, and they have been fooled by such a simple reason.Because she has to find a reason for herself to stay in the safe area to investigate the matter of Dikou's mother and daughter, this is the best way. "Sa, Hinami, let me see your Heiko. If you try to concentrate your strength behind your back and feel something hot come out, it will be your Heiko."

Kamidai Rishi wants to see the Heiko of Dikou Hina, and make a training plan for her according to her Heiko.


Hinami nodded, and concentrated her power behind her back as requested by Rishi God. After a while, something hot came out of her back.

"Slow, there are too many people here, let's go to the room."

Diguchi Hina led Kamidai Rishi to her room, and continued to stretch out her hiko.It was the first time that Hina Diguchi stretched out her own Heiko, and she still didn't know whether her strength was sufficient.

"I seem to... feel something hot moving from my back, but it hurts..."

The pain from Hezi's body breaking out of his back was sharp, and Hina's small body couldn't bear it. "I can not stand it any more……"

Her body trembled suddenly and she fell down.

"No, hold on, there has to be a time, doesn't Hina want to protect her mother? If Ye Shenyue is not here, what will Hina and her mother do?"

Kamidai Rishi really wanted to teach Hina Miguchi how to use Hiroko.Her plan is to teach Dikou Hina to use Hezi, they will be able to protect themselves, and Ye Shenyue will no longer be so concerned about them... Goddai Rishi believes that the reason why Ye Shenyue cares about them is because of them. Her own weakness, but the moment she saw Hinako Dikou, her original thoughts collapsed.

What the hell is this!Two kinds of hezi?There are actually two kinds of Hebao in this little chick's body.One resembles the wings of a butterfly, but is very thick, and the other resembles a dragon whip, with red eye-like markings on the keel section by section.This Hezi... how can it be so similar... no!Will not!how is this possible!

"Is this... is Hina's Heko..."

Dikou Hina looked at the Hezi drawn from behind him, "It's so strange, does Hina have two types of Hezi?"

She looked at her Hezi in amazement, "How beautiful."

"Hina, where are you, aren't you coming down to eat?"

Ryoko Diguchi came up the stairs and opened the door of Hina Diguchi's room.What did she see, her own daughter's Hezi? "you……"

Like Hina, she was equally surprised that two He Bao and two Hezi inherited her and her husband's Hezi respectively. "Who are you?"

She saw a woman standing behind Hina.

"Hello, Ms. Dikou, I'm your daughter's new ghoul teacher, Shendai Lishi."

With a sweet smile, she looked at Yoshiko Fueguchi.

The sudden cold made her shudder. Shendai Li Shi, the ghoul who committed a lot of cases in the 20th district, why did she come to be her daughter's teacher, and what was her purpose?

"It's just that Mr. Yagami asked me to teach your daughter how to use Heiko before leaving. I'm just here to keep my promise. Now, it's just for my preparations for your daughter to make the perfect plan - check out her Heko."

Her explanation was so perfect that Ryoko Diguchi couldn't find the loophole in her words.

" it..."

Fieguchi Ryoko smiled unnaturally, Ye Shenyue actually asked this "gluttonous eater" to teach her daughter how to use Heko?Why should such a young child learn to use Hezi?As for him, will he never come back? "Hina, let's practice later, go downstairs to eat first, and take back your Hezi."

Hinako's Heko is exactly the same as Yagami's, which is more proof that Yagami is her husband, so Fuegu Ryoko smiled gratified.

Chapter 0100 Yeshenyue, I misread you

Akatsuki Mato managed to escape from Yashenyuki's house, and immediately returned home to sort out the documents and rushed to his father's hospital.She handed all the information to the real household Wu Xu.Although my father couldn't continue to fight, his mind was still there. Show him these things and maybe he would come up with something.

"I want to hear your opinion, father can't help you all the time."

Mato Wuxu put down the documents that Mato Akatsuki had sorted out and looked at her seriously.

"I think, if the person I met and the person my father met were really the same person, Ye Shenyue, then the reason why he joined the Bronze Tree is probably this woman."

Akatsuki Mato pointed at the woman in the photo, "This ghoul is called Nishiogi, Yagami's girlfriend. According to the clerk in his cafe, Yagami told them to look for the man who killed Nishiogi before he disappeared. The murderer, maybe he found out that the murderer of his girlfriend was hidden in the bronze tree, so he sneaked into the bronze tree to investigate."

"Didn't you guess correctly?"

Mato Wu was very satisfied, but there was no expression on his face. "Since he joined Bronze Tree, he won't have time to trouble you, so you don't have to worry."

He turned his head, "Let's go, CCG still needs you, don't waste your time."


Akatsuki Mato picked up the documents and left.

With no one to clean up the mess in Kuklia, Amon Gangtaro volunteered to clean up the mess.Yamen took Takizawa Masatoshi and Mato Akatsuki to work overtime all night, while Yamen was still staring at the "mask" file.

"Wait, Yamen, the report of the meeting has been sorted out."

Masato Takizawa came over, "If it's convenient, would you like to go to dinner together."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Amen Gangtaro collected the "mask" file, "I happen to be hungry too, let's go eat something."

Kotaro Amon saw Akatsuki Mato come back from the door with a blank face, and sat in a chair and began to be in a daze. "Let's go, Zheng Dao."

"Okay, let's go to the fried skewer shop before. The sauce in that shop is super delicious."

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