Masatichi Takizawa will never forget the taste of that shop.

Uneasy about his subordinates, Amen Gangtaro just went out and turned back, "Xiao, do you want to go to dinner together?"

"Wait, Yamen, let's go."

Masamichi Takizawa urged.

Akatsuki Mato looked at his watch, "Eighteen eighteen..."

Amen Gangtaro knew that this man cherishes time like gold, and subconsciously sighed. "If it's a nearby store, I'll go."

Masatoshi Takizawa has always hated Akatsuki Mado because when he was studying at the CCG Academy, Akatsuki Mato always scored higher than him. Whether in theory or in actual combat, he would never be able to beat Akatsuki Mato to take the first place. , Wannian second.He invited Amon Gangtaro to drink, and because he was busy cleaning up the mess for Kuklia and investigating the "mask" ghouls, Amen was also quite irritable.Just drink it, you won't die anyway.

"Hey, Yamen grandson..."

Masato Takizawa was so drunk that he couldn't even speak, "You know what? For me, Motivation must stand out, and I must become an excellent investigator who can deal with the vicious ghoul like the Bronze Tree! But why... in the end? Why...why are the first and second places in the academy sent to work in District 20... Yamen's grandson~" "Takizawa, it's not the job of an investigator to be promoted."

Akira Mato took a sip of wine calmly.

"It's here again! It's here again! She will only deny everything I say and do. She does this every time, Amen's grandson~" Takizawa Masato was really drunk, and he actually started to act like a spoiled child to Amen. complain.

Akatsuki Mato put down the cup, "You bastard seems to really see me as a thorn in your side, but for me, behavior like yours will only make me feel annoyed by fans!"

Akari Mato turned to Takizawa Masatoshi with a red blush, and even raised his middle finger.

" all wake up! Don't get drunk!"

Amen started to have a headache, what should they do when both of them were drunk. "You sit here quietly, and I'll ask you a question."

"Tell me, Amen's grandson~" Masato Takizawa sat obediently beside Amen Gangtaro.

"Go ahead, Amen, wait."

Akatsuki Mato tried hard to keep his mind sane.

Yamen took a sip of water, "Perhaps, will humans become ghouls?"

This question has been haunting Kotaro Amon for a long time.In the previous Kukliya War, he saw the two sisters Yasuhiro and Yasuhiro again, and confirmed the fact that they had become ghouls.The first time you see it, it may be regarded as a mistake, but the second time you see it, it can’t be regarded as a mistake, right?Amen wonders what happened to the twins.

"Impossible! How can humans become ghouls? Yamen ancestors, it must be your imagination, right?"

Masato Takizawa shook his head, "Aren't you going to continue drinking, Amen grandson?"

Akatsuki Mato suddenly remembered Yagami Moon, which also seemed to have turned from a human to a ghoul, "Master Yamen, that Yagami seems to have turned from a human to a ghoul!"

His slightly drunk face was red with drunkenness.

Amon Gangtaro rejected Mato Akatsuki's words at the time, "Impossible, Yagami was the one who I took him to the RC cell testing center for testing. He is a normal human being."

"No, no, Amen-sama, Yagami is really a ghoul, why should I lie to you? 077" Kotaro Amen was shaking in front of Akatsuki, "Hey, Amen-sama, don't move. Ah, you're making my head dizzy..."

Amen Gangtaro shook his head. He was probably drunk, so he would actually believe the words of these two drunkards.

"Master Yamen, you must trust me, the RC cell detector can't find anything at all. Don't you trust my intuition? My intuition is even telling me that the mask is actually Yagami!"

As soon as Akatsuki Mato's remarks came out, the three people present fell silent.

Perhaps Akatsuki was right, Ye Shenyue was really a ghoul, and she had suspected it before but was rejected by herself.Now that you have Akatsuki's intuition, you can probably be sure, right?And, the thing that human beings turned into ghouls must exist.

"Master Yamen, what you said before was..."

Takizawa Masatori was completely awake at this time, and it happened for a moment after hearing the words of Akatsuki Mato.

"I said can humans become ghouls?"

Amon Gangtaro repeated it again.

The three of them looked at each other and took a sip of saliva each, "It might be true."

If it's not true, Xiao Hei Xiaobai is still a normal human being, and he will be an excellent investigator of the CCG in the future, not now, he has become a ghoul.

Chapter 101 Holidays

After returning to the office, Amen Gangtaro decided to report this matter, because this matter was no trivial matter, and he could not decide anything by himself. "Politics."

He wanted Takizawa Masatoshi to print the materials for him, and looked up, "Damn, am I an idiot?"

Seeing Takizawa Masatoshi's tragic drunkenness, Amen shook his head, "If I knew earlier, I shouldn't have agreed to let them drink."

Even Akatsuki, who has always been serious and meticulous, got drunk. Could it be that he had to sort out so much information by himself?

After a long time, Akatsuki Mato slowly woke up and touched his drowsy head, "You bastard, you really shouldn't be drinking."

She, who has always paid attention to cherishing time, complained, "That idiot of Zhengdao!"

"Xiao, since you wake up, let me sort out the information with me."

Amon Gangtaro looked at the unfinished materials at hand.

"it is good."

After finishing the data overnight, the two of them reported the research on human ghoulization to their superiors with full confidence, but they were severely punished by them.He looked at that document and tried to keep calm when he looked at that document, the research on human ghoulization was done so secretly and it had been stopped for several years, why would they still find out!This kind of thing cannot be spread out, if it is spread out, it will greatly damage the reputation of CCG.

"You have so much time to study these unrealistic and ethereal things, why don't you think of a way to take care of those lawless ghouls! Do you think killing ghouls is no longer interesting to you? You actually study these boring stuff!"

He looked angry when he was with Shuji. "Have you forgotten the last time Kuklia was attacked? Have you forgotten the mask? Have you forgotten the Bronze Tree leader who finally appeared in front of you? The situation is so serious that you don't want to solve it, and you are still thinking about these things, Yamen. , even you are not doing your job properly? You are so disappointing to me!"

"We knew it was wrong, we will focus on the ghouls, and we won't do these things again."

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