Amon Gangtaro lowered his head, "Then let's go first."

He and Xiuji watched the two leave nervously, and the document in his hand was slammed to the ground by him, "Why did they know about this, didn't this end with the death of Anjiu Qisheng? Are you dead, too..."

He Xiujishi's face instantly paled, "He...he didn't die?"

He took a step back and leaned heavily on the desk.

The two who returned to the office were extremely uneasy. The director's reaction made them both feel strange. Kotaro Amon and Akira Mato looked at each other and felt that this matter was definitely strange.

"Maybe we should..."

Kotaro Amon stared into Akatsuki Mado's eyes.

"Check it out for yourself."

Akatsuki Mato knew what he meant.


Ye Shenyue returned to the Bronze Tree, but he still hadn't completed the task that Aite gave him.In this way, he has not completed any of the tasks that Aite gave him, and Aite has not punished him for such a dismal performance. "Could it be that Art is in love with me?"

He is somewhat narcissistic.As we walked, Aite's office was in front of him, "That's it, Ye Shenyue, what can she do to you? The big deal is death. Do you think Aite will let you die?"

He asked himself, "Of course not. If Art wanted to kill me, she could have killed me long ago, why should I have to complete some tasks that I am doomed to fail?"

Immediately, he felt a lot more relaxed. He knocked on the door and took a deep breath, "Aite, can I come in?"


Art answered him from the door.

Ye Shenyue opened the door, Aite was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, her back was shrouded in sunlight, making her body glisten in the sunlight.The white bandages made her whole body nearly transparent, dazzling in the sun.


He took the initiative to admit his mistake, "Anju Hena and Anju Nabai did not give me an accurate answer to join the bronze tree, but I believe they will join in the future."

Aite didn't turn around, "I know, maybe you should rest for two days. Your state is not as high as it was when you joined the Bronze Tree on the first day. If you go on like this, you will not only complete the task, but also die."

She wasn't angry at all, she was getting used to Ye Shenyue's mission failing because she knew he did it on purpose.With the level of Yashenyue, how could he fail the mission again and again. "Only, don't fail next time, or it will be too obvious, isn't it?"


Ye Shenyue doesn't care that Aite can guess his mind at all, because he knows that Aite is very smart, otherwise he would not be a senior cadre of the Bronze Tree, "I understand."

This bandaged girl always appears in front of everyone wearing a bandage. Has anyone seen her appearance?Have you never seen it yourself? "Can you take off your bandage and let me see what you look like?"

"I'll show it to you myself when you want to see it."

The ambiguous answer is neither rejection nor agreement.

"I'm thinking about it now!"

He stepped forward excitedly.

"It's not the time yet."

Aite still maintained that action, looking out the window, as if there were infinite scenery outside the window.

Forget it, Ye Shenyue stepped back, is it fun to hang him like this?Ye Shenyue felt like she was being tricked by this woman.Since Aite gave herself a vacation, she should take a vacation first. The reason why she didn't show herself her appearance must be because she was too ugly!Ye Shenyue comforted herself like this. "Are you okay? If it's okay, I'll go first."

Finally being able to leave the Bronze Tree temporarily, he left her office without waiting for Aite's reply.

After so many days, I seem to miss the people in my cafe quite a bit, and I don't know how those little employees are doing now. Will they miss him?There are also the people at the cafe in the safe area, the manager of Fangmura, Dong Xiang Kirishima, Ryoko Fueguchi, and Hinami... his wife and daughter in his previous life.

"Aite, is this okay?"

Tatara stood behind Aite, "Is it alright to monitor him like this? Why did you let him leave since you still have to watch him."

"I just want to know who is the first woman he sees when he returns to his own world, and which woman he misses the most."

Aite's voice was ethereal.On the surface, he doesn't care, but his heart is very complicated. This Ye Shenyue, if only there are not so many women around.

There is the smell of ghouls behind him, and Ye Shenyue found it after turning around many alleys after leaving the bronze tree.Because no matter how many alleys he goes around, the breath behind him still follows him.It's not one or two, but a large group. "Bronze tree?"

He was sad.Even after he left, he even sent someone to follow him. Aite was very scheming.

Chapter 0102 is the same kind, so save her!

In order to get rid of the group of ghouls behind her, Ye Shenyue could only keep going over the wall, detouring everywhere, and returning to the original point after a long time.The breath behind him was gone, and he temporarily relaxed his vigilance. After all this tossing, it was night before he knew it.

"The members were all thrown away by him, haven't we been discovered by him?"

Tadara asked.

"He won't find us. He must think that he has thrown all the ghouls away, so he let his guard down. As long as we hide our breath, he will never find us."

Aite smiled, "Besides, what can he do even if he finds out about me?"

Under the street light, Rishi Kamedai hijacked Akatsuki Mato, who had left work late.Akatsuki Mato pressed the button of the toolbox, and the toolbox instantly turned into Quinck.

"Little girl, haven't you suffered enough?"

Kanda Rishi stood in front of Akatsuki Moto in an instant, "Humans are faster than ghouls."

Without the supply of Yagami Yue's blood, Shindai Rishi could only find other targets, and now, Akatsuki Mato is her target. "I was attracted by the smell of your blood, and I came to your side unknowingly."

She stuck out her pointed tongue and teased Akira Mado.

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