
Akatsuki Mato blurted out, raised Kuink in his hand and attacked Rishi from below, "Go to hell! Gluttony!"

Shendai Rishi dodged extremely fast, and she could see the flaws in Akatsuki's hands, "Your Quinck is much worse than your father, he's not skilled at all, take me as a teacher, maybe I can teach you how With Kuink, you gain strength."

Shendai Li Shi's whole face was distorted and arrogant, "Little girl, I really want your blood. I haven't encountered sweet human blood for a long time, and I'm very hungry now."

She ran behind Akatsuki Mato, and stretched out her hand to grab Akatsuki Mato's waist from behind. "With such a soft and slender waist, it's better for me to enjoy it alone."

Her cold tongue and head licked on Akatsuki Mado's hot neck, and Rishi Kandai felt the temperature of Akatsuki Mado's neck dropping instantly. "Are you so sensitive?"

"let me go."

Akatsuki Mato tried to keep calm, "If I don't let go, I don't know what I can do."

She was nearly collapsed by Shendalee, she had never failed like this before, and she was immobilized by a ghoul.

"You resist, I really want to see how you resist."

Kanda Rishi's tongue and head did not stop licking Akatsuki Mado's neck, "I can feel the trembling of your body, are you sure you can continue to pretend to be calm?"

"Perverted! Perverted! Perverted!"

Quinque in Akatsuki's hands stabbed back sharply! "Go to hell! Kamidai Rishi! The whip-shaped Kuyin suddenly hardened and broke into two pieces, and a short bayonet was stretched out from the middle, making Kamidai Rishi hard to guard against. He was stabbed in the abdomen by Akatsuki's Kuink. agitation.

"Do you think you can kill me like this?"

Shendai Li Shi jumped back, "Impossible."

The wounds on the body are recovering quickly. "The biggest advantage of being a ghoul is that the wounds can recover quickly. Little girl, did you forget?"

Mato Akatsuki, who was devastated physically and mentally, tried to keep herself calm. At this moment, if Kamidai Rishi said another insult to her, she could go mad in an instant.It's just that Shendai Li Shi didn't say anything, standing quietly opposite her without saying a word.

The reason why Shendai Li Shi was quiet was only because she smelled the breath of a person, a person who had not appeared for a long time, this person she had been waiting for for a long time. "Go away, I don't want to tease you anymore."

Akatsuki Mato quickly took back Hezi and left, only because she was too weak. If she could have the strength of her father, she would not be afraid of ten gods!It won't be like now, repeatedly making Godly Rishi molested and almost collapsed.

When Yashenyue felt that the breath behind him had almost disappeared, he actually found Rishi and Akatsuki Mado under the street lamp. He watched Rishi Kandai licking Akatsuki Mado's neck. Akatsuki Mado's facial expression made him amused.Akatsuki Makoto deserves it today, and Shindai Rishi really took a bad breath for himself.He quietly watched every move of Rishi Kamedai towards Akatsuki Mado, and he did not voluntarily devote himself until Rishi Kamdai stopped his movements and let Akashi Mato go.

"Hi, Li Shi, long time no see."

He walked from the darkness to the goddess.

"Why did you show up so late, don't you know I'm waiting for you?"

Shendai Li Shi's eyes suddenly turned into hey eyes, and her whole body was filled with the smell of blood. She really wanted to kill people now, and she really wanted to eat Yeshenyue in front of her eyes, so that she could be completely relieved!

"Did you spot me? When?"

Ye Shenyue tried to appease Shendai Li Shi's mood, "It's hard to meet once, it's not good to be so violent, can you take back your murderous aura?"

"Why do I have to listen to you? You haven't appeared once since joining the Bronze Tree. Why did you appear today? Is it for the sake of Akatsuki?"

Shendai Lishi didn't want to take back her eyes, but she wanted to hear what Ye Shenyue would give her.


Ye Shenyue was really dumbfounded by Shendai Li Shi's imagination and didn't speak.

"Is that so?"

The Hezi of Goddai Lishi turned into a steel knife and fell on Ye Shenyue's shoulder, rubbing lightly, "If you don't say it, it's not just rubbing and rubbing."

She showed sharp teeth.

"As I said, I'm not interested in Akatsuki, I just want to get revenge on her, don't think too much."

Ye Shenyue shoved Hezi of the gods of life from her shoulders, "Didn't I tell you? Wu Xu, the real household, almost killed Ryoko Fiko, I want to help Ryoko Fiko. That's all."

"Would you help her for no reason? Do you have an unusual relationship with Ryoko Dikou! And that Hina Dikou, her Heiko... If she hadn't had two Hebaos, two different Heikos, I would They all thought Hina was your child."

Goddess Li Shi blurted out.

"What do you mean? Hina's son? What are you doing in the safe zone?"

Ye Shenyue became vigilant. It is usually not a good thing for Shendai Li Shi to go to the safe area. "Hina is still a child, why did you see her Hezi? What did you do in the safe area!"

Ye Shenyue's reaction seemed a bit extreme in the eyes of Rishi Kandai. He seemed to have noticed his rudeness and quickly regained his calm, "I only saved her because I felt that Ryoko Diguchi was very pitiful. Besieged with other CCG guys, I saved her out of kindness, that's all."


Goddale's intuition is telling her that this is not as simple as the same kind.The more Ye Shenyue explained to her, the more tricky she felt.

Chapter 0103 Aite is interested in you, right?

"I won't answer you if I keep asking like this, Li Shi."

He couldn't stand himself being asked vexatious questions, and he didn't like it. "Besides, who do I help need your permission?"

He looked at Shendai Li Shi calmly, without a trace of expression.

Yes, Ye Shenyue is not her own, she can't control her.But, he couldn't help but care about the woman who appeared beside Ye Shenyue.She gave up the questioning, since he had said it for the sake of it, of course she had no right to continue questioning.The current self seems to be a little embarrassed, and Shendai Lishi couldn't help blushing.


Ye Shenyue thought that the blushing appearance of Shendai Lishi was very cute, and the killing intent on her body disappeared. "Have you calmed down? Now tell me why you went to the safe zone."

"No... nothing..."

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