Yamen gave Akatsuki a firm look, "You have a keen intuition just like your master."


Akatsuki Mato simply stopped asking, because she could guess what reason Amen Gangtaro would use to explain to her, nothing more than the word intuition...

Masatoshi Takizawa looked sad when he saw the conversation between his nemesis Akatsuki Mato and his boss Amen. He didn't seem to get involved in their conversation. Their conversation was not focused on crusade against owls at all.He was pulled over to talk by Faji Xiangjie before, which kept him in a state of high tension at all times, so that all the knowledge in CCG Academy could be used in the crusade against owls.Seeing that Akatsuki Mato and Gangtaro Amen don't care about the crusade against Xiao at all, could it be that Hoji Shosuke only found himself alone?Is Faji Xiangsuke ready to cultivate himself?Takizawa Masatoshi is different from Mado Akatsuki, who does not seek promotion, but only seeks revenge.Masato Takizawa hopes that he can sit as high as possible.

For a moment, Akatsuki Mado didn't want to admit that Yagami Yue was a ghoul, and he was a "mask". This moment was so unrealistic, all because of Yagami's "invasion" of himself last night, "Maki Akatsuki! Wake up! Stop thinking about it!"

She tapped her head hard and decided to go to the Safe Zone Cafe in District 20 to see what was going on.According to the latest information she found, Ye Shenyue had stayed there for a long time.

"Xiao, have you found something?"

Amon Gangtaro saw Akatsuki Mado's abnormal appearance, "Maybe you should go back to rest, your state is really not very good today."

"No, I just didn't wake up, I don't want to waste time. Keep checking!"

Akatsuki Mado put on his clothes, "I'm going out to get some air, and I'll be back soon."

She wanted to go to District 20 and see what the hell was going on at that cafe.

"Master Yamen, don't you think there is something wrong with Akatsuki Mato?"

Masatichi Takizawa really wanted to find Akatsuki Mato's fault within minutes.

"It's just that I don't get enough sleep. Akatsuki is probably too tired during this time."

Kotaro Amen shook his head at Masatoshi Takizawa, "Have you said anything to the special rank of Hoji Temple?"

Amen recalled that Takizawa Masatoshi was taken over to talk by Hoji Xiangsuke some time ago.

"No...nothing, just some small things, let me follow Amen's good work."

He did not want to reveal the content of the conversation between Hoji Hosuke and him.

"Well. Let's work hard together!"

Chapter 0107 First Snow

It is said that ghouls and humans are mixed together in this cafe, and ordinary humans cannot distinguish between ghouls and humans, and Akatsuki Mato is no exception.She knew this cafe because of her father.Mato Wu Xu told her something about the cafe.For example, Fieguchi Ryoko should live directly in this cafe.Thinking that her father was seriously injured by Ye Shenyue because of Ryoko Dikou, and she also got revenge by Ye Shenyue by the way, she even dared not approach Ryoko Dikou.Coupled with the insult to her by the goddess Rishi, she felt that any female ghoul was a pervert!And even in a head-to-head confrontation, she should not be the opponent of Ryoko Fueguchi. After all, there is still Yagami Yue, and she doesn't want to be targeted by Yagami Yue.

In plain clothes, without any tools, he is just an ordinary human on the surface.Because she didn't come here to start a war, she just wanted to find out what's going on here.

"Welcome, is this a new guest?"

Nijianxuan is an old employee of the cafe, and often stands with Fangcun Gongshan to make coffee.


Akira Mato nodded.

"What would you like to drink, guest."

I saw Xuan with a smile on her face, she is very kind to everyone.Before coming to this cafe, she was the leader of the "Black Doberman" organization, a cruel woman, codenamed Black Dog, who had the same number of subordinates as "Magic Ape" Gu Jian Yuan'er, and her strength should not be underestimated.Now, he is still working peacefully in Fangcun Gongshan's coffee shop as a small employee.

"Just a latte."

The employee was very kind, which was Akatsuki Moto's first reaction.

"Hina, run slowly!"

There was a female voice in the distance, very magnetic, it should sound like a gentle woman.Akatsuki Mato turned around and was hit hard. "It hurts."

She couldn't help moaning.It hurts so much to be hit by a little girl.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Hina quickly apologizes to this sister!"

Ryoko Dikou chased after him and took Hashimi in his arms, "I'm really sorry, our daughter offended you."

"It's ok."

Akatsuki Mato rubbed her sore knee, "Your daughter is so cute."

She complimented politely.

"Hey, Miss Ryoko. I haven't seen you downstairs for a long time. Are you in a good mood today?" Gu Jian Yuan'er asked, wiping the plate.

It turned out that this woman was Ryoko Dikou. She looked like a little girl at all. I really couldn't tell that she had such a big daughter.No, that's not the point, okay?The point is... Ye Shenyue seriously injured her father because of this woman, but this woman really doesn't look like a ghoul...

"Well, because I want to accompany Chu Shi to buy paintbrushes, Chu Shi has been pestering me for several days. I think the weather is good today, so I will go downstairs with her."

Dikou Ryoko rubbed Dikou Hina's head, "Hina quickly apologize to my sister, how does mother usually teach you."

"Sister, I'm sorry, Hina was wrong."

Just like an ordinary housewife, who usually takes care of children at home, she can't tell that she is a ghoul.And she doesn't look like she can eat people. Maybe Ryoko Diguchi is a kind ghoul?No, how could ghouls be kind!

"Miss, this is your coffee."

Irmaxuan brought the coffee to Akatsuki Mato.

Akira Mato took a sip, "Delicious!"

It's so delicious. It seems that there is a reason why this cafe is doing so well.She was about to leave as soon as she met Ryoko Fuguchi, and Akatsuki Mato felt as if she had come in vain.She could only sit in the corner with her coffee, look at the various people in the cafe, and rely on her intuition to see which ones are ghouls and which ones are human.


Ye Shenyue walked in front of Yoshiko, who had just left the coffee shop. He had not seen him for a long time, and there was more confidence and pride in his eyebrows.

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