"Long time no see, Ryoko. I'm back."

Ye Shenyue smiled at Fukuchi Ryoko and touched Hina's head, "Do you miss me?"

For a moment he wanted to say "do you miss Dad?" but held back.

Ryoko Diguchi hugged him desperately, "Think."

At this time, Ryoko Fieguchi doesn't care whether he is Ye Shenyue or Heigong Shiyu, just come back. "Are you still going?"

"Well. Bronze Tree just put me on leave, and didn't let me leave the organization, so I have to go back."

Ye Shenyue patted Ryoko Dikou on the back, "Don't worry, I won't let myself be in trouble."

Although there is still no memory of the past, Yashinyuki has long regarded Ryoko Diguchi as his wife, and he believes that one day he will find his memory back.

Hina, who was standing beside Ryoko Diguchi, was very puzzled, and did not understand why her mother had such a good relationship with Brother Yegami.But she didn't care, the big brother she liked came back, and she was very happy.

"Big brother, you're still going, right?"

Hina pulled the corner of Ye Shenyue's clothes, "I really hope you can stay by Hina's side forever, so mother and Hina will be very happy."

Ye Shenyue would not agree to stay with a woman forever. He prefers to deal with many women at the same time. He believes in fraternity!


Ryoko Diguchi walked outside the store, "It's the first snow."

The first snow of this winter.

Ye Shenyue pulled Hina and turned around. The first snow of this winter, seeing 973 with her wife and daughter was also very good.It's just... how incompetent he really is since he hasn't even found the murderer who killed Nishi'ao.There are still so many women around him waiting for him to solve it. It would be great if he could regain his identity in other worlds, such as a god. If he was still a god, he would apologize to all the women in his harem and end all this directly. never mind!Unfortunately, the self in this world can never be as free and easy as the self in other worlds.

"Manager, it's snowing."

Gu Jian Yuan'er looked out the window, "The first snow of the year."

Fangcun Gongshan raised his head and squinted to look out the window. He didn't like snowy days, because... He turned his head and opened the cabinet. There were two teacups there, but there were actually three in the beginning.Every time Kozen Fangmura saw snow, his broken memories would be brought back to him, it was a painful and unworthy memory.He took out the cup and carefully wiped it up. His wife and daughter were all far away from him on a snowy day...

"Aite, it's snowing."

Duoduo Liang looked at Aite squatting on the rooftop, "Aren't you going back?"

"No, you go first."

Aite raised his head, "How many times have I seen snow? Snow is such a disgusting thing, I'm afraid I'm the only one who thinks so?"

Chapter 0108 Aite = One-eyed Owl

Ye Shenyue walked into the cafe, Fangcun Gongshan saw him, "Are you back?"

Ye Shenyue nodded. "It shouldn't stay too long, right?"

Ye Shenyue nodded again.

Ye Shenyue noticed the emotion in Fangcun Gongshan's eyes as he wiped the cup in his hand. These two cups must have some special meaning to him. "If you can, can you tell me the story of these two cups?"

Although the purpose of his coming here is not for two cups at all, but for... Owl.He knew that the current leader of the Bronze Tree was called "the one-eyed owl", and most people wouldn't give themselves such a code name, right?Moreover, he once heard Ryoko Dikou say that Fangcun Gongshan's code name used to be "Owl", so he was thinking, Fangcun Gongshan told him before that he had sent a daughter, will it be the current leader of the bronze tree, "One-eyed Owl" Fangmura Gongshan nodded, "Since you want to know, of course I won't refuse."

The current Ye Shenyue should have been in contact with her, right?Fangcun Gongshan thought of his own daughter, the daughter who was sent away by him.

The two came to the back room, Fangcun Gongshan poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue lowered her head, "Can you tell me something I don't know?"

Fangcun Gongshan knew that Ye Shenyue's purpose was not the two cups, but something deeper.The things that are hidden in his heart will eventually be dug up by Ye Shenyue. If it drags on for too long, he may forget it.His eyes appeared, and he began to recall his past.

Once upon a time, there was a ghoul named... Gongshan. Like most ghouls, he ate people in order to survive, and he slaughtered all his fellow ghouls.He cursed fate while living strong and alone.The name of Gongshan is getting louder and louder... So a certain organization found him, and he decided to join that organization.He obeyed the order of the organization, no matter whether the target was a human or a ghoul, he would kill him... Killing and killing became his job, and Gong Shan was still alone.The organization he joined could not be his home either.One day, Gong Shan met a human being in an old cafe...

"Would you like another cup of coffee?"

The waiter asked politely.

Fangcun Gongshan looked out the window and didn't turn around, he pushed the cup directly to the waiter.

"You always sit here and order the same cup of coffee."

The voice behind him did not leave, Fangcun Gongshan turned around and looked at the waiter.Short flaxen hair, broken bangs. "And no sugar...right?"

Her smile seemed to melt Fangcun Gongshan's heart.

"Mr. Gongshan is not very good at reading Chinese characters, so let me teach you."

The two started dating.


Fangcun Gongshan didn't want to get too close to this woman, and he began to hesitate.

But Yuna didn't care at all, "Let's go."

The merit of being alone and not opening up to anyone, somehow removes the heart from women.But... one day, he was ordered by the organization to carry out a mission, and after the mission was completed, Yuna suddenly saw him.Just when he thought their relationship was over and was about to kill her, Yuna suddenly rushed up and hugged him.She cried and said to him, "You have been alone, it must be very painful..."

The woman accepted Gong Shan, bought a set of yellow couple cups, got married, and got pregnant.It's a pity...humans and ghouls can't have children, and the children of humans and ghouls, unless a miracle happens, otherwise...

"Then... if it goes on like this... this child will..."

Yuna hugged her head and cried, and soon, she stopped crying and stroked Fangcun Gongshan's face, "This child needs nourishment, right?"

She left the room and walked into a small room, "It doesn't matter, a miracle will happen."

The woman caused the miracle... A few months later, there was a blue cup of the same style next to the yellow couple cup.Gong Shan finally ushered in a happy life.However, this happiness did not last long... He fled with Yuna and the child. During the escape, Yuna was killed by members of the organization. Gong Shan Ren gave up Yuna's body and continued to escape, leaving the child in Area 24. , and call his friend "Butterfly" to take care of.At that time, the child's little hand tightly grasped Gong Shan's little finger, but Gong Shan still gave up his child in tears and never saw her again.

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