As time passed, a ghoul called "Owl" who hated everything in the world appeared...

Hearing this, Ye Shenyue muttered to herself, "One-eyed owl..."

"Yes...that's my child..."

Fangcun Gongshan raised his head and looked out the window. The snow did not stop, and was still sparsely falling.

Sure enough, the leader of the bronze tree is Fangcun Gongshan's child.It's just... He still has a question, that is Art. "Then do you know about Aite? It's a female ghoul covered in bandages, a senior officer of the Bronze Tree. She is also from District 24."

Fangcun Gongshan shook his head and said he didn't know what Aite was.He sighed, "I almost finished what I didn't say at the time, Mr. Yagami, is there anything else you want to hear?"

Ye Shenyue shook his head, even though he still wanted to ask a question, that is "Butterfly", forget it, sooner or later he will be able to retrieve his memory, and the matter of "Butterfly" will not be asked for the time being. Area 24... He seems to have thought of something, that Aite, the bandaged girl covered in bandages!At first, Ye Shenyue thought that she was wearing a bandage to pretend to be mysterious, but now that she thinks about it, it seems that it is not for this reason.The reason why she was wearing a bandage to hide her identity... In fact, she is a one-eyed owl at all!If Aite is the one-eyed owl, then everything that is unreasonable can be explained.For example, why did everyone listen to her, even a ghoul like Tatara, a high-ranking cadre of bronze trees, listened to her very much.So she can only be the leader.

While Ye Shenyue was still thinking, Kirishima Dong Xiang suddenly pushed open the door and came in. She was pleasantly surprised to find that Ye Shenyue had actually returned!Ye Shenyue left Fangcun Gongshan's room and walked to the bar.

Dong Xiang's friend Yuko happened to be in the coffee shop today, "Did you say that you are not boyfriend and girlfriend? Dong Xiang, I should give you a mirror so that you can take a good look at your face, how red you are!"

"Hey, Yuko, I beg you to spare me, we are really not the kind of relationship you imagined. Me and Mr. Yagami are just friends."

Kirishima Dongxiang explained to Yuko that Yuko didn’t believe it at all. "Forget it, you continue to play here first, I have something to ask Mr. Yagami."

Chapter 0109 Familiar breath, but don't know who it is

Kirishima Dongxiang really wanted to ask what happened after Yashinyuki joined the Bronze Tree, and of course his younger brother, Kirishima Ayutu. I wonder if he has calmed down.

"The Bronze Tree is not as bad as the outsiders think. On the contrary, the Bronze Tree has been rectified in an orderly manner, and even the dining table has regulations. After joining the Bronze Tree, the cadres were assigned to the group of Yuxuandu, which is actually quite good. At least I He Xuan is not even acquainted with each other."

Ye Shenyue felt that she didn't have any adverse reactions to staying in the bronze tree. On the contrary, she even felt that it was fine.

"Really? My brother... Is he in the same group as Mr. Yagami? In this case, Mr. Yagami must be very hard. After all, my brother has a bad personality. I apologize to you on his behalf. ."

Knowing that her younger brother followed Yagami Yue, Kirishima Dong Xiang felt relieved. "Xuandu's personality has become a lot more domineering, probably because of our father's absence. I don't think he intentionally became like this."

"It doesn't matter, he is still a child, he needs more experience. "And we are in this relationship. It's nothing to take care of him. Or, what do you want to deny..."

Ye Shenyue joked.

Ye Shenyue was just joking, but I didn't expect Kirishima Dong Xiang to blush, which made Ye Shen Yue a little stunned. This is an expression that does not exclude him at all. Could it be that Kirishima Dong Xiang has such a big deal with himself... Favorite?

Aite looked at the snowflakes scattered in the sky, closed his eyes, and the scene of his abandonment always appeared in his mind.Although there was a smile on his face, he hated his father very much in his heart. Why did he have to leave himself behind to be raised by others!Back at the base, she took off her bandages, she wanted to see Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue smiled involuntarily and left the safe area cafe.His harem is getting bigger and bigger, and he really has to laugh out loud when he sleeps.He put his hands in his pockets on the road, and even took out his mobile phone and walked while listening to music, humming a song in his mouth.It was the first time he walked so frivolously that he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Night Moon."

A familiar face entered his line of sight, and he instantly became alert when he pulled out his earphones.This woman is very dangerous.

"Miss Takatsuki."

He put the phone away, "What a coincidence."

It is not easy to meet famous writers while walking on the street, and Ye Shenyue is not that stupid.

"My new book is about to be launched again, will you come to attend?"

Takatsuki Izumi looked expectant.

"No, I still have things to do, next time."

Ye Shenyue didn't want to talk too much with Gao Tsukiquan, he already showed that he wanted to leave.

Ye Shenyue's expression was obvious, and Takatsuki Izumi could see it.She was disappointed, why couldn't he treat himself like other women? "Hina is so cute, she should come."

Gao Tsukiquan deliberately mentioned Hina Dikou, because she knew that Hina Dikou was a dead end of Yashenyue. "I love that kid, and that kid loves my book."

Damn, are you trying to tie yourself down with your own daughter?Ye Shenyue really didn't expect Takatsuki Izumi to use such a move.Obviously I don't want to have too much relationship with her, but... but I do it again and again.This woman is dangerous, and he can't let her have too much contact with his daughter.

"Miss Takatsuki."

Ye Shenyue stepped forward, inexplicably, he smelled a familiar breath, but he didn't know where he had encountered such a breath. "I will go, no matter how busy I am."

Yashenyue's remarks made Gao Tsukiquan feel no joy, because she almost used others to coerce Yashenyue to attend her new book launch, and her reluctant attitude made her very unhappy. "Okay, see you then."

She felt that she couldn't find anything to talk about with Ye Shenyue, and that continuing to stay here might arouse his disgust, so she could only choose to leave.


Ye Shenyue looked at the back of Takatsuki Izumi, a little disappointed.What's her attitude towards herself?He should have turned back to the safe area cafe and told Hinami not to let Takatsuki Izumi approach her again.Even if she likes Takatsuki Izumi, she can't!This woman has a mysterious aura all over her body, which makes it impossible for people to guess.The more unpredictable the more terrifying.

"Chicken real!"

He turned back to safety and went to the coffee shop to find Hina Dikou.

"En? Brother Yeshen?"

Although Dikou Hashimi was very happy that Ye Shenyue had turned back again, he felt weird about his strange tone of voice, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"


Ye Shenyue was hesitant to speak, and she couldn't directly say the words not to let Gao Tsukiquan approach her, which would make her suspicious, "I just came to tell you, next time Gao Tsujiquan's new book launch, I'll accompany you, okay? ?"

"You accompany me? But are you free?"

Hina said something bluntly.

Indeed, although Aite put his leave, but did not say how long.He is not sure if there is still time to go with Hina Mi to Takatsuki Izumi's new book launch. "Yes, of course I am free, why not? As long as Hinami proposes something, Brother Yegami will definitely do it!"

He will do it, and even if he escapes from the mission in the middle, he will accompany his daughter.

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