
Hatsuki looked very happy, "It would be great if Brother Yeshen could accompany Hatsuki all the time, so Hatsuki would not be lonely. Mom didn't even go to the street with Hatsuhiro, and she didn't even let Hatsuhiko go to the street, she said. Too dangerous. Hinami is so boring!"

She gave a small report to Ye Shenyue with a flute mouth, "If only brother Ye Shen was my father!"

Children's words have no taboos, children's words come true.

Fieguchi Ryoko was sincerely happy to see that her daughter liked Ye Shenyue so much, and she also hoped that Ye Shenyue could always be by their side.But this is impossible after all. She always felt that Ye Shenyue's appearance was to solve a catastrophe, otherwise how could it suddenly disappear and appear again.The existence of such people is special and cannot be manipulated by ordinary people.

"Hey, Brother Yeshen, let me tell you, Hina will use Hezi!"

Dikou Hina excitedly pulled Yagami Yue to the upstairs room, and showed her Heko to Yagami Yue.

"Wow~ Hina has two kinds of Hebao~ That means Hina has two different Hezi. It seems that Hina will become a very powerful character when she grows up!"

Ye Shenyue gave Hinami a thumbs up.He has seen two kinds of Hezi, one inherited from Ryoko Dikou, and the other inherited from himself.He turned his head and smiled at Yoshiko Fukuchi who was peeking between the door, and said with his lips, "Hina will be able to protect you well when she grows up."

Chapter 0110 Aite, are you ready?

Hinami's Heko is not very proficient yet, and Yagami is a little curious. Who taught Hinami to use Heko, is it Ryoko?Impossible, Ryoko is too kind, even a small cockroach dare not kill let alone a person.She was bullied by other ghouls just because she didn't want to use Heko. She loves peace and will never teach her daughter to use Heko.

"By the way, Hashimi, who taught you to use Heko? It can't be mother, right?"

Ye Shenyue asked Hinami to take back Heko.

"It was Shendai Li Shi. She suddenly appeared in the cafe and said that she wanted to teach me to protect my mother. I thought it made sense, so she became my teacher."

Hinami recalled, "I thought Rishi Shindai was a bad person at first, but she was really serious when she taught me how to use Hezi, and I learned very quickly."

Unexpectedly, Shendai Lishi is so kind to her daughter, and Ye Shenyue will treat Shendai Lishi differently.I thought she had been eating herself all the time, but maybe her thinking was too narrow, she should really like herself, that's why 07 treats herself so well.Love the house and Wu, take care of the people around you by the way.His worries were a bit unnecessary, and he gradually let go of his prejudice against the gods. "However, Shendai Li Shi is not a person in the safe zone after all, so Xiao Hsu should have more minds. People, more minds are always right."

"Well, I know."

Hina nodded.

"However, I can learn a lot by following Shendai Rishi. My brother also learned from Shendai Rishi that he can use his own Hezi flexibly, so according to this point, Shendai Rishi is really a good teacher. Our little chicks Blessed indeed."

Ye Shenyue is still positive about the teaching method that is unique to Shendai Lishi.It's getting late, Ye Shenyue should go home, and after explaining things, it's almost time to go back to the bronze tree after sleeping at home for a night.He gradually got used to living in the bronze tree and lived a very rhythmic life. "Then I'll go first. After today, I have to go back to the Bronze Tree. If you have anything to do, call me. If you're not on the mission, I'll sneak back as soon as possible."

He touched the head of Dikou Chushi, "Goodbye, little chick."

Akatsuki Mato saw all this in the cafe in the safe area, and since Yagami first stepped into the cafe, she tracked his every move.She even saw him go in and out of this cafe twice in a row.Looking at his attitude towards the people in this cafe and the attitude of the people in the cafe towards him, she is sure that this cafe is equivalent to a stronghold of Ye Shenyue, and she is sure that the percentage of people who chat with him Ninety of them are ghouls.Watching him step out of the cafe door for the second time, she decides to follow him to see where he goes next.

"Aren't you really tired of following me all the time?"

Ye Shenyue stopped, he knew there was someone behind him, but he wasn't sure who it was.He is not very familiar with this breath, and it seems that he is not someone who often follows him.

Akatsuki Mato was careless, was his footsteps too loud, or was his hidden inner strength too weak?Impossible, such a dark day.

"Aren't you coming out yet? If you don't stand behind me obediently, I'll pull you out by myself. Don't be afraid then."

Ye Shenyue said with a smile.

"damn it."

Mato Xiao scolded secretly and stood behind Ye Shenyue, "What are you doing? You're just a ghoul, why are you so loud!"

"What do you do with me if you don't go to work at CCG, do you fall in love with me? Akatsuki Mado?"

It was Akatsuki Mato's voice, even if Yagami didn't turn his head, he could hear it.This woman's voice is very special, not as gentle as Shendai Lishi with a knife, not as gentle as Dikou Hina, her voice always has a tenacity and arrogance.He just likes arrogant women!He liked to joke with Akatsuki Mado, and to see her face flushed with anger.


Akatsuki Mato lost his confidence in an instant, "It's just nonsense! Ghoul is such a lowly thing! I like to say baseless things everywhere!"

"I have no basis?"

Ye Shenyue supported Akatsuki Mato's waist in an instant, "Then you have the ability to not blush?"

Her face was very hot, especially when Ye Shenyue stood behind him and supported her on her lower back. At that moment, blood rushed to the brain from all parts of the body. What kind of feeling was this?

"Forget it, I won't tease you. Come on, what is the purpose of following me!"

Ye Shenyue ran from behind her to in front of her, staring into her eyes with a serious expression, "Do you want to beg for torture? Or to kill?"

"Tell me, you joined the bronze tree, right, and you are the 'mask'."

Akatsuki Mato tried to cool himself down.

"So what is it, what is it not, what can you do to me? Just a little CCG investigator."

Ye Shenyue completely ignored the woman in front of her, "If you had the ability of your father, maybe I would hesitate, but you are not, so... you shouldn't interfere in some things, it's better not to interfere, because... ...be careful of losing your life."

In fact, what Ye Shenyue wanted to express was that he didn't want to kill her, and his words always changed his taste.

"My father? My father has already been made like this by you. What can I compare to! Ye Shenyue, don't underestimate me, one day I will personally step on your feet! Make you cry 700 and beg me Let go of you!"

Akatsuki Mato was fed up with being insulted, she had to fight back.

It's just that Ye Shenyue shook her head, "You won't be my opponent if you practice for a few more decades. It's better to stay in CCG's logistics and not stay on the front line, okay? Because I really..."

He didn't want to say any more, he was going to leave.He turned around and said softly, "Goodbye."

"Ye Shenyue! Stop for me!"

But he had already disappeared, and disappeared in front of Akatsuki. "I have to find out the evidence that you are the 'mask' and make you cry and beg me to let you go!"

"Impossible little sister, in the next century, I will let you abuse."

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