"A safe zone?"

Amen Gangtaro has not conducted an actual investigation of this cafe. He is familiar with the cafe opened by Yagami Yue in the 20th district. "I'm not familiar with it, maybe we can go there and see what's going on."

"Well, I can only go to see the situation temporarily. If there is really a cafe where personal ghouls are mixed, as Takatsuki Izumi said, then... will there be... some high-level ghouls in the 20th district? Where to hide? After all, we have found some places, and none of them are strongholds of ghouls in Area 20."

Shinohara Yukuki began to analyze, in short, I still have to go to the cafe in the safe area to see the actual situation.

"Special Shinohara said so, so hurry up and check. You and Shizo go first, and Akatsuki and I will look for opportunities later."

Yamen still didn't want to let go of his research on human ghoulization.

"Okay, I'm going to investigate the situation tonight with Shizuo. Hopefully we'll find something."

Chapter 0114 Night God Moon, If You Are Human

Aite was not in the Bronze Tree today. He probably went to the cafe in the safe area. Ye Shenyue knew that her words worked.It was a bit boring to stay in the bronze tree with no tasks, but everyone in the bronze tree seemed to have something to do, so I was an idler by myself.He sat in the cafe and read Takatsuki Izumi's book.The most recent one called "The MacGuffin of the Hanging Man" is only a month away from the previous one, "Between the Rainbows". He was curious about what this woman grew up eating and why she wrote the article like this. fast.

The entire Defu Building was actually opened by people from Bronze Tree. It was a guess by Ye Shenyue at first, but it became a fact later.He asked Kirishima Ayutu, and it was true, so the bronze tree could be perfectly evacuated from Area 11 and came to Area 20 to take root and build a nest.

Ye Shenyue was sitting in the cafe of the Defu Building. Before he knew it, it was already afternoon, and he didn't even notice that there was a Takatsuki Izumi across from him.

"Is "The MacGuffin of the Hanging Man" good?"

She beckoned and asked the waiter to come over, "Just give me a cup of iced coffee."

Ye Shenyue obviously didn't think that Takatsuki Izumi would suddenly appear in front of her eyes, she raised her head and showed a lazy look, he was a little sleepy.

"Is it boring? I see that Mr. Yagami is very sleepy."

She bit the straw and looked helpless, "Since it's so boring, don't watch it. It's not good to watch you fall asleep."

She put down the glass in her hand, "Next Sunday, my book launch, you will come, right?"


Closing the book, he nodded, "I promised you that I would go, and I will not break my promise. I, Ye Shenyue, have always said what I have to do."

"That's the best, since that's the case, I'll go first."

Takatsuki Izumi, who had finished drinking the iced coffee, disappeared from Yagami's sight.

What kind of person she was, he couldn't guess.The sun was just right, and it was very warm on Ye Shenyue's body.He opened his eyes slightly to look at the sun outside the window, but suddenly another person's face appeared, it was Guntaro Amon, who seemed to be staring at him and made a "don't go" gesture to himself.Well, he had no intention of leaving.

"Mr. Ye Shen, long time no see."

Amen Gangtaro sat in front of Ye Shenyue, smiling.

"Well, since Mr. Yamen was transferred to District 11, we really haven't seen each other for a while."

He replied, "How are you doing, Mr. Yamen?"

"Okay, I'm still the same, nothing has changed. I wonder if Mr. Yagami's life has changed recently?"

Amon Gangtaro is testing Yagami's tone.

"I don't know what Mr. Yamen is referring to? There are so many aspects in life, don't you think?"

He can fool as much as he can, he doesn't think there is anything difficult for Amen Gangtaro to deal with.

"You know, what's on my mind. Everyone knows what they're saying, so why bother. I know you handed over the cafe to your staff, why, why don't you open the cafe. What are you doing lately? ."

Amen Gangtaro unconsciously approached Yashenyue, "Answer me, who the hell are you!"

"Who am I to have anything to do with Mr. Yamen? You and I are just passersby. You are your investigator, and I'm my passerby. Our wells don't cause river water, isn't that bad?"

Yashenyue was about to leave, and he didn't want to talk too much with Amon Gangtaro.

"sit down!"

Yamen returned to his seat, "I have a very important question to ask you."

"I have nothing to say, you should go back to CCG."


Amen Gangtaro grabbed Yagami's arm, "I'll let you sit down!"

"You let me go, I don't like men!"

Yagami hates physical contact with men.

Yue Shanxi happened to be walking downstairs from the bronze tree, just in time to see this ambiguous scene. "My stuff was violated!"

That's what he had in mind at the time.Isn't this person the CCG investigator, what's his name?Amon Gangtaro? "Oh! Dear! How could my heart be entangled by the CCG people, I have to save him!"

Yue Shanxi gently pushed open the glass door of the cafe, "What's the matter, Ye Shenyue, why are you holding your arm by a man?"

He gently pushed Amen Gangtaro away and pulled Yashin Yue to sit down, sitting beside him by himself. "If I'm not mistaken, you are Mr. Yamen?"

Yamen Gangtaro did not expect such a person to appear beside Ye Shenyue. He tried hard to recall the ghoul information. Yes, there is this person... "Yueshan, is it Xi?"

he asked uncertainly.

"Am I so famous? Mr. Yamen actually knows me?"

Yue Shanxi doesn't care that he is known by CCG people. Even if he knows, there are few people in CCG who are his opponents, not to mention that he is only a high-level investigator in front of him.

"It's hard not to know the famous 'foodie'."

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