It seems that Ye Shenyue has a good relationship with the "gourmet". "Does Mr. Yegami and Mr. Yueshan have a good relationship?"

Ye Shenyue pushed Yue Shanxi away in disgust, "No, I have to leave beforehand. Mr. Yamen and Yue Shanxi are optional, I'll invite them."

He went to the bar, paid the money, and left the cafe free and easy.

In an instant, the two men sat facing each other, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little weird.

"Ah, since my friend is gone, there is no need for me to stay here. Goodbye, Sergeant Yamen."

The corners of Yue Shanxi's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sly smile.

Amen Gangtaro, who just happened to meet Yagami, originally wanted to ask Yagami some questions. He didn't want to ask him whether he was a ghoul, and whether he had joined the bronze tree. In fact, he wanted to ask if he was a ghoul. Will human beings become friends with him and join CCG.Although these problems have become unrealistic, Amon Gangtaro still does not want to believe it. 0.6 He is so indecisive and unwilling to change his original intention easily.This is his Achilles heel, and Wu Xu Zhendo said that his character is probably the Achilles heel that prevents him from reaching a higher level.

"Hey, Yeshenyue. Why don't you go out for a few days during a vacation, and return to the Bronze Tree in two days is not your style."

Yue Shanxi chased after him and put his right hand on Ye Shenyue's left shoulder.

Ye Shenyue shook off his right hand in disgust, "Don't touch me, okay? I don't like men touching my body."

He wiped his left shoulder, "If you're a woman, I might let you touch it."

"I hate it. Speaking of which, have you found out what you want to check? From the day you joined the Bronze Tree, it's almost a month."

Yue Shanxi estimated the time, "Didn't I give you a clue? Didn't I find out?"

Chapter 0115 Duoduo Liang, it really is you

Ye Shenyue stopped, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, he didn't like being followed, and he didn't like being interfered with. "I'm in a bad mood today. You'd better not follow me, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

Use words to force Yue Shanxi to leave.

"Ah, ah, I see."

Yue Shanxi no longer follows Yeshenyue, because Yeshenyue is like his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys to him.In order to eat the most delicious meat, Yue Shanxi would agree to Ye Shenyue's request.

"You just need to stay peacefully in the bronze tree and save your life. I'll do other things, you don't have to worry."

Ye Shenyue felt that her words were a bit excessive, and she did not forget to leave this sentence before she left.

"Ah, is Ye Shenyue worried about me?"

Yue Shanxi fell into a state of excitement. He took out the handkerchief that was stuck with Ye Shenyue's blood for a long time, "Ah, delicious, the only spiritual support in the bronze tree is you. I don't need to protect myself. , I just need to protect you, because you are my little baby."

He put the towel on his face and sucked the smell like crazy, "I really want to eat you early, my little baby."

Back in the dormitory, Kirishima Ayumi was still sleeping, changed clothes and decided to go to Aite. He wanted to ask her if she had gone to the safe area cafe.He knocked on Aite's door, "Can I come in?"

But there was no one inside.He waited a long time and no one opened the door for him.

"So, what are you doing standing in front of my office?"

Art came over, covered in bandages.

"I miss you."

Ye Shenyue said lightly.

Oh, how can this be.Takatsuki Izumi is her, Aite is her, they are obviously the same people, but their attitudes towards them are very different. "Ye Shenyue, is my camouflage skills so strong that you can't tell whether these two are me, or... you are actually..."

Aite didn't dare to think about it, she was afraid that her heart would hurt.

"it is good."

She answered lightly, it doesn't matter, she can bear it.As long as Ye Shenyue could remember the past, she wouldn't treat her like this.All the efforts she made were just to retrieve Ye Shenyue's memory. She had waited for so many years, and now the pain was nothing.She opened the door and walked into the office, "Sit down, it's not just as simple as I think?"


Ye Shenyue nodded unabashedly, "Have you been to the cafe in the safe area?"

What he wanted to ask more was this question.

"Go, the coffee is delicious."

Aite said casually.

"What about that person, what do you think of the service attitude of the store manager and the store staff there?"

Ye Shenyue looked curious.

"Fortunately, isn't it the service attitude that a normal coffee shop should have? Except that the coffee is a little different from other coffee shops, I don't see anything special about it."

Aite sat on Yagami, "Why do you like that cafe so much? I really can't see what's so good about that cafe. The atmosphere in there makes me feel sick, I think I probably Won't be going there again."

Beggar "..."

Why is this reaction, it shouldn't be, Ye Shenyue shook her head. "Really? I think the atmosphere there is very friendly, and the employees inside are as harmonious as family."


Aite jumped off Ye Shenyue, "I don't care about any family in my life, I think it's good to live a free life alone!"

Ye Shenyue felt that Aite's reaction was somewhat familiar, and she always felt that she had seen this scene before, but she couldn't remember it for a while. "No, you can't think like that. Family is a wonderful existence. If you had family, you would be much happier, at least not as lonely as you are now."

"I'm not alone, I still have you."

Etra raised Ye Shenyue's hand, "Right, it's enough to have you by my side."


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