Ye Shenyue looked out the window, "Aite, do you have any family?"


She has long regarded Fangcun Gongshan as a dead person, "My family died not long after I was born, so I don't need any so-called family at all!"

"Are you dead?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Aite, "If you still had family in this world, what would you do? Wouldn't you go looking for him for the rest of your life?"

"As I said, I'll treat him as dead."

Aite doesn't want to discuss this topic with Ye Shenyue, it will make her hate Fangcun Gongshan more and more! "Can we stop this conversation? I don't want to talk about people who don't exist in our limited time, don't you think it's a waste of time?"


It seems that she did not get some positive emotions when she went to the safe area today, but added some negative emotions. She made a mistake. "By the way, have you found the attendance record? I want to take a look."


Aite showed the attendance record book to Ye Shenyue, and Ye Shenyue looked at the attendance record on the evening of December 12. It showed: Duo Liang, went out to perform tasks, and returned the next morning.Gecko, Nick, go out on a mission and return that night.

Gecko and Nick had no reason to kill Nishio Mist at all, and the timing was not right, so it could only be him.

"Okay? Find what you want to check? The fundamental purpose of your coming to Bronze Tree 010 has been solved. Are you leaving the Bronze Tree?"

Aite looked at Ye Shenyue's face, "Tell me, you won't leave the bronze tree."

"I won't, you're still here, I won't leave."

Ye Shenyue's eyes were full of sincerity. To him, he had seen a lot of little girls like Aite, and he could handle them with ease.

"Better so."

Art walked to the desk, "I have to start thinking about things, you go first. Now that you have the answer, you can think about the solution, right?"

"Well, then I'll go first."

Ye Shenyue closed the door gently, "Don't work too hard, sometimes you have to relax. When you can remove the bandage in front of me, we can date anytime, anywhere."

He saw Aite smiling at him, she was completely taken by herself, and Ye Shenyue was very satisfied with the result.His first fundamental purpose of staying in the Bronze Tree has been achieved, and soon, he will implement the purpose of the new decision.This huge bronze tree is still too inconvenient to hand over to a woman. Sooner or later, this bronze tree will have a new leader to replace Aite, such as Ye Shenyue.

He was an ambitious man, not as gentle as he seemed.What is decided will be implemented very quickly once decided.

Chapter 0116 I have long wanted to invade that cafe!

"Store manager, someone from CCG is here."

Li Jianxuan walked into Fangcun Gongshan's office and told him that there were uninvited guests in the cafe.

"it is good."

Fangcun Gongshan narrowed his eyes, what should come is always coming.He walked out the door and made coffee for the people at CCG himself and responded calmly, placing the sandwich in front of Kouki Shinohara.

"Wow, it looks delicious."

Suzuya Suzaku drooled at the three sandwiches.

"It's a really elegant and comfortable shop."

Shinohara Yukuki looked at the decorations around.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Fangcun Gongshan smiled and said, "However, may I ask... what are you two asking?"

The coffee that Kouki Shinohara had just put on his mouth almost spit out. He obviously didn't expect the manager of this cafe to be so direct, "Uh... that's right..."

Kouki Shinohara didn't know what to say about the store manager, "Some time ago, a cafe manager reported a case, saying that their store manager might have been killed by a ghoul. We accepted the case and found the store in that cafe. The long name is Yashenyue, and it has been gone for a long time. I don't know if you know this as a companion? Because I heard from the manager of the cafe that Yashenyue is quite familiar with you, so I wanted to come. Ask you about his whereabouts, if he was really killed by the ghouls."

Fangcun Gongshan narrowed his eyes, "We couldn't get in touch with him about a month ago, and since then... I don't know if I can help, but I know that he left the cafe because his girlfriend was killed inexplicably. Yes, he told us before he left that he was going to find the murderer of his girlfriend. That's all I know."

Shinohara Yukuki nodded, "Okay, but may I ask where we met before?"

Suzuya Shizo stopped, turned his head to look at Fangcun Gongshan, and said, "En?"


"I don't know, have we ever met?"

Fangcun Gongshan looked elsewhere.

"I'm sorry, I'm the wrong person. Thank you for cooperating with our investigation."

Shinohara Yukuki put down the money, "Let's go, what are you doing?"

Before leaving, Suzuya didn't forget to put the last sandwich in his mouth, "Thank you for your hospitality!"

"By the way, coffee...very good..."

Shinohara Yukuki turned around and dropped such a sentence.Walking out of the store, he loosened his tie, "I will come again."

Koki Shinohara, who returned to CCG, wrote a report and gave Kotaro Amon a look, "What do you think?"

Amon Gangtaro took over the report and read it carefully, "But there's no basis for it, is it?"

Amen Gangtaro shook his head, "Is Shinohara ready to report it? Aren't you going to study it further?"

"Let's report it. There is something wrong with the situation now. If you can go in multiple directions, you can go in multiple directions."

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