Shinohara Yukki was going to take the report to Marutesai.

"What did Shinohara show you?"

Akatsuki Mato raised his head, "Is it an important clue?"

"Before, a famous writer Takatsuki Izumi revealed to Shinohara that it was safe to go to the cafe in the 20th district. It is said that there are many high-level ghouls hidden in it. I forgot to tell you before that Shinohara went to the cafe a few hours ago. The investigation was done, and a report was written. Although it was not clearly stated that there was a ghoul stronghold, he still submitted the report. I am afraid this report will be returned because the evidence in his hand is not yet. a lot of."

"Safe place?"

Mato Xiao paused, feeling inexplicably nervous. She had been to that cafe before.It is indeed a mixture of people and ghouls, and there are indeed many high-level ghouls hidden.She didn't report that matter to Gangtaro Amen, as if it was because of Yashinyuki... Damn, why did she think of that person again, Akatsuki Mato knocked on her head. "Matsumoto Akatsuki, wake up! He's a ghoul, you're the CCG investigator!"

"What's the matter, Xiao, you've been looking bad recently."

Yamen felt that there was something wrong with Akatsuki Mato during this time. Could it be that he was hiding something from himself? "Do you think it is feasible for Shinohara to do this?"


Akatsuki Mato hesitated.Although she knew that Kouki Shinohara's conjecture was correct, she just didn't want to say it. "I don't know, I haven't been there to investigate."

She just prevaricates.

"Really? Your intuition has always been accurate. If you went to investigate, the matter should have ended long ago."

Amen Gangtaro regretted not taking Mato Akatsuki to the cafe in the safe area to see the situation, "It's too late to chase the Shinohara special class back, I knew I should take you to see the situation, at least I can add some Shinohara. Extraordinary confidence and the veracity of this matter."

"Intuition can't be eaten, isn't it? My intuition is not [-]% correct. If we do less opportunistic things, our rate of correctness in doing things will increase."

Akatsuki Mato is not in the mood to answer Gangtaro Amen's question. She is only worried about whether Yagami will have anything to do with going to the cafe safely. If it does, it will be bad.Strange, why is he so worried about Ye Shenyue now, isn't he his own nemesis?Damn, Akatsuki Mato is really going crazy.

"Master Amen, don't listen to Akatsuki Mato. Since Shinohara is sure to take the report and give it to Marute, it means that this matter has probably been confirmed, and you don't have to worry so much."

Masatoshi Takizawa came over to comfort Amen Gangtaro, "Even if this matter is really wrong, you won't blame Doya's high-class head, right?"


Amen Gangtaro fell into contemplation, should he stop the work he was doing about Yagami moon being a "mask" and turn to preparing for the crusade against the owl?

In Marutesai's office, he looked at the report sent by Kouki Shinohara and slammed it on the table, "I have seen your report, is there any conclusive evidence? Is there a sixth sense? Really, You are not Wu Xu..."

He turned his head to the window and looked at a flock of birds flying by suddenly outside.


Shinohara Kouki also turned his head out the window, "That's what I said."

"However, the other party may have already known the appearance of the District 20 investigator, so I sent another person to monitor them."

Marutesai looked disdainful, "Do you think you are the only one who can collect intelligence? After all, the 20th district is also within my jurisdiction. The reason why the manager of the cafe in the safe area answered so easily is probably because he already knew each other. Let's do it. But so what, the calmer the surface, the more guilty the heart is. Although your report has no evidence, it can't stop us from preparing to attack there!"

Marutesai is waiting for an opportunity, as long as he gives an order with Shuuki, he will immediately attack the cafe in the safe area!

Chapter 0117 An Order

"As expected of Amaru, the action is really fast."

Shinohara Yukuki praised.

"Stop praising me..."

Marutesai didn't want to be praised by Kouki Shinohara, "Although Director Hexiu has been preparing for this crusade against the owl, he has no clue. If we tell him about this, he at least has a direction. Right? Shinohara."

Shinohara Yukuki nodded thoughtfully, "I thought I had already discussed the countermeasures with Director Xiu."

"If he had discussed the countermeasures long ago, he would have called us to a meeting, otherwise why would it have been delayed for so long? With his personality, he will always act resolutely. If you think about it, you should know."

Marutesai saw through He Xiuji's current state, "I'm afraid he is still confused, waiting for us to hand in all the countermeasures we can think of."

"is it?"

Shinohara Yukuki didn't know what He was like when he was with Xiuji, only knew that when he was with Xiuji, a decision would be implemented quickly.

When I was discussing with Xiuji about the crusade against Owl, I was interrupted by a report from Guntaro Amon.Why did this damned human ghoulization research appear again, and how did his subordinates know about it?Simple suppression can't stop people like Yamen from conducting in-depth investigations. I'm afraid he is still investigating now, right?He can no longer pay attention to Amen Gangtaro's affairs, the most important thing at the moment is the crusade against the owl!

In the blink of an eye, it was Takatsuki Izumi's new book launch, again at the Defu Building.Although Hina really wanted to participate, she had to give up because Yashinyue did not allow her to approach Taka Tsuki-Izumi, but she still unconsciously went to the Defu Building and bought her latest work - "Small Night" "Eh , little chick!"

Gao Tsukiquan saw Dikou Hinami, she walked over to her and patted Dikou Hinami's shoulder, "Why don't you come to me, I'll sign your autograph soon."


Dikou Hina's whole body trembled, "I still have something to do, so I'll go home first. If I sign it, it's the next time!"

Hina quickly left the Defu Building as if she had seen a ghost.Ye Shenyue, who was hiding by the side, saw this picture and nodded with satisfaction.

"Hey, Hina, come to me when you encounter difficulties? As long as I can help, I will help you!"

Takatsuki Izumi watched Hina Dikou quickly move away from him, and shook his head helplessly, "Hey~ Am I too scary? Even children are afraid of me."

Takatsuki Izumi returned to the autograph table in despair, and quickly signed his name.

"As promised, I'm here."

He stood in front of her, dressed as a noble boy.

"I really can't believe that I can see Mr. Yagami wearing a suit and tie. Not bad, very handsome."

Gao Tsukiquan took the book from Yoshinori's hand, "What do you want to write? A famous quote? Or a simple name?"

"As long as you write your name."

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