Ye Shenyue has no opinion on this, he just wants to quickly sign and leave.

"Wait for a while and have a meal with me."

Takatsuki Izumi smiled and stopped the pen in his hand.

In front of Takatsuki Izumi's book fans, Yagami couldn't refuse at all.Maybe she just took advantage of that.He couldn't figure out why Taka Tsuki-Izumi always wanted to pester him, because he was too handsome?Appearance is doomed and cannot be changed, okay?He hesitated for a moment, but replied, "Okay."

Hina Diguchi carried Taka Tsuki-Izumi's book and returned to the safe to go to the cafe. She was thinking about a problem along the way.Takatsuki Spring in her eyes and Takatsuki Spring in Yagami's eyes.The two are the same person, so why does it give her and Ye Shenyue different feelings?Hinami thinks that Taka Tsukiquan in her eyes is a very powerful character. She has her own unique opinions on everything, and she never talks sloppily. Although people with such a character are sometimes unpopular, Hinami likes it very much. .She likes the character of Takatsuki Izumi, and she also appreciates the character of Takatsuki Izumi.She doesn't know why Ye Shenyue is so disgusted with Taka Tsuki Izumi's approach to her. Even though Ye Shen Yue also likes Taka Tsuji Izumi's books, Hina always feels that Ya Shen Yue doesn't like Taka Tsuki Izumi very much?Did you think wrong?Or... Hinami didn't want to think about it any longer.

Back to the coffee shop, the coffee shop is already busy. "Hey, little chick, have you come back? Come and help, the business is too good to be too busy!"

Nishio Jin called Dikou Hina's name, "This new employee is really a waste. He broke ten plates in one to ten minutes. I really can't stand it!"

While collecting the plate, he was still complaining about the new employee, Fan Shi Luoma, "I really don't know what happened to the manager of Fangcun, but he actually accepted such a piece of waste wood! It's really!"

"Okay, I'm back, I'll help!"

Dikou Hina ran upstairs, put down the book, changed into a suit and started to help, "But brother Xiwei, don't talk about Sister Roma, you are not much better yourself."

Hinami's remarks caused everyone in the cafe to burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at! Hurry up and drink, and leave immediately after drinking!"

Nishio Jin blushed and continued to put away the plate.

The inexplicable boom in the cafe business makes Fangcun Gongshan a little worried. This kind of life will not last long. Soon, CCG people will probably besiege here, right?He squinted and looked out the window, "These kids have been with me for so long, they must not be hurt..."

"Director Kazuo! Shinohara and I agree that the next direction should be directed to the cafe in the safe area!"

When Marutesai brought Kouki Shinohara's report to Kazuyuki.

"Is there any evidence?"

When He Xiuji took over the report and read it carefully, "You dare to make a judgment based on the words of a female writer?"

"But you don't have any other clues, don't you? Even if there is no evidence, these information all point to the cafe in the safe area. If you don't take action, will you just watch the bronze tree continue to attack our CCG? If we pay attention to the evidence, our CCG will be destroyed long ago! Please order immediately, let us attack that cafe! I have already thought about what to do, and now I just ask you to issue an order and give me this right!"

"Marute, Marute, since you have everything planned, do you still need my approval?"

He Xiuji shook his head helplessly, "Don't I know you yet? Even if you don't have the name of me, you can completely order an attack on that cafe yourself, right?"

"No, you still need a name."

Marutesai smiled strangely as if he had expected everything.

ps: Ziqi's new book "The Protagonist's Halo" will meet you on Saturday. All you can see here are very good oil!

Chapter 0118 This is not a sacrifice

Sixteen years ago, in the first crusade against Xiaoxiao, Sifang Lianshi's sister was killed by the then special investigator Arima Gui. Even Sifang Lianshi was seriously injured. Fangcun Gongshan rescued him. And take him to the safety of the 20th arrondissement to the cafe.Later, Sifang Lianshi worked in a coffee shop for a period of time and became powerful under the training of Fangcun Gongshan.Later, Sifang Lianshi proposed to go outside, and Fangcun Gongshan agreed.

Fangcun Gongshan recalled Sifang Lianshi sixteen years ago. He was still very young. Now, Fangcun Gongshan had to call Sifang Lianshi back.Although it is unclear why the CCG people suddenly came to the coffee shop, Fangcun Gongshan knew in his heart that the coffee shop was no longer safe, and soon, CCG would attack it.He can't let these children suffer with him in this great impending catastrophe, and he has to deal with it before CCG.So he contacted Sifang Lianshi, hoping that he could return to the safe zone and take care of these children instead of him.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Sifang Lianshi sat on the sofa with a dull face, "Like before? Going to face it alone? Don't forget, there was a 'butterfly' who would help you in the past, but now... you are really alone alone."

Fangcun Gongshan was expressionless, "I broke an arm back then, and it was 'Butterfly' who saved me. But then he disappeared, and I don't even know where he went."

He recalled the situation of the year, "The CCG fight ended in failure, even the second time, even without the help of the 'butterfly'."

"Really? I didn't participate in CCG's second crusade against the owl, but is the 'butterfly' gone or... dead?"

Sifang Lianshi expressed doubts, "I once saw a man who looked a lot like a 'butterfly' in the safe area. I don't know...whether it's just a resemblance or..."

"You mean Ye Shenyue, right?"

Fangcun Gongshan's expressionless face finally showed a smile, "I was also taken aback when I saw him for the first time. After [-] years of disappearance, a person who looked exactly like 'Butterfly' appeared. , and even Hezi is exactly the same. But when I saw him for the first time, he didn't have any impression of me at all, I don't think it's because I'm getting old? Haha."

When he thought of Yeshenyue, Fangcun Gongshan felt inexplicably in a good mood.

"So what? The Black Palace Shiyu of the year has become the current Yeshenyue. He lost his memory and became younger?"

Sifang Lianshi thought this was incredible. "Don't tell me it's true, I don't believe in such unrealistic things."

Fangcun Gongshan shook his head, "It's possible, it might be unbelievable that this happened to others, but it's entirely possible that it happened to Heigong Shiyu."

With a confident smile on his face, "Heigong Shiyu, his body is very special, I have seen it once..."

"Have you seen anything? Could it be that his soul still came out of his body? Run into someone else's body?"

Sifang Lianshi got up and patted Fangcun Gongshan on the shoulder, "Big brother, although I don't live as long as you, I still have common sense, right?"

"What is impossible in this world?"

Fangcun Gongshan smiled meaningfully at Sifang Lianshi, which made Sifang Lianshi's scalp tingle.

"Don't tell me that Yeshenyue is the Heigong Shiyu that year, he is back!"

Sifang Lianshi took a few steps back in horror, "Obviously... well, even if it's the same person, there are still slight differences."

He recalled the appearance of Ye Shenyue he saw, "It's not as docile as before, but more fierce and swift. In my impression, the Heigong Shiyu does not pursue killing, but it is very strange. Like Ryoko, he pursues Peace. During the crusade against Xiao, if you hadn't asked him to help, I don't think he would take the initiative to help you at all."

"That's right, that's why he walked with Ryoko."

Fangcun Gongshan nodded, "Yishenyue and Heigong Shiyu are different. In Heigong's eyes, I see more of Hinami and Ryoko. For him, killing is the most boring thing; In Shenyue's eyes, I see ambition, and I am unwilling to be reduced to the lower level of ambition. In fact, I can see that on weekdays, Ye Shenyue knows how to kill, and after he solves the problem, he will start after thinking about it, and he will not hesitate at all. Hei Gong seems to be much more tender, thinking about the consequences of everything before deciding whether to do it or not."

"It's obviously the same person... Then do you think he died or left?"

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