Sifang Lianshi still can't believe the fact that Shiyu of Hei Gong turned into Ye Shenyue.

"It's dead."

Fangcun Gongshan didn't hesitate, "After repelling the CCG investigator at that time, he rescued me with a broken arm and left. I looked at his back, and he was bleeding all the way. He was injured when he came out, but I could feel that Kuromiya Shigure, who was reluctant to save me at the time, wouldn't live for long... So I think that Kuromiya Shigure, who left with that kind of body, would not survive. It doesn't come down, and Ye Shenyue's body is indeed very different from the Heigong Shiyu back then, like the smell of blood."

"So you're saying that he died and then came back to life in a different body?"

Sifang Lianshi didn't want to listen to Fangcun Gongshan continue to talk. If he continued, Sifang Lianshi felt that he might go crazy.

"As I said before, it's not difficult for Kuromiya Shiyu at all, but I don't know why Yashinyuki lost her memory of being Kuromiya Shiyu. Now, he is Ye Shenyue, this is absolutely not wrong!"

Fangcun Gongshan was very sure, "Sifang, in fact, you don't need to be so suspicious of Ye Shenyue's identity. It's true, it's not, time will tell."

"Forget it, I won't think about it anymore, since you said yes, then it is. In fact, what does it have to do with me when Heigong Shiyu became Ye Shenyue? I'm not familiar with him. It's just that I'm very worried about you, Is it worth your sacrifice?"

Sifang Lianshi looked at Fangcun Gongshan's old face.

Fangcun Gongshan didn't care, "Yuna died, I sent my child away, these two things combined made Fangcun Gongshan dead. Now Fangcun Gongshan is only for the gang in the cafe in the safe area. For me it's not sacrifice, it's love."

"Hey? Xiaoxiao, who was famous in those days and didn't care about any feelings, actually came to tell me what love is? I think you are old and can't fight anymore, right?"

Sifang Lianshi used the most superficial words to hope that Fangcun Gongshan would not do this.

Chapter 0119 Fear

Fangcun Gongshan did not answer him, looked at the flock of birds flying outside the window, and smiled.He left the office and went back to the cafe, ready to find an opportunity to dismiss the gang of employees.

In the Defu Building, Yagami is sitting in the coffee she frequents, waiting for Takatsuki Izumi to finish her work today.After Yagami ordered a cup of mocha, she began to think about this woman who approached him proactively - Takatsuki Izumi.He neither likes nor dislikes her. This woman is dispensable to him, but... The mystery that this woman brings to him every time makes him have to turn around her.He hates this feeling very much. For Ye Shenyue, he doesn't like women who are full of mystery.If Takatsuki Izumi had been direct for a long time, for example, the book "Between the Rainbows" made him very unhappy.Gao Tsuki-Izumi's tone of condescension also made him unsatisfied.

"Did you wait a long time?"

Gao Tsukiquan had an apologetic expression on his face, "There are so many book fans, I've written fast enough."

She picked up the menu and called the waiter, "Give me a cup of iced coffee, thank you."

Ye Shenyue pursed her lips, "Although the air conditioner is on here, it's winter after all. Is it okay for girls to drink iced coffee? Don't you want a hot cup?"


Gao Tsukiquan obviously didn't expect Ye Shenyue to say such a thing, but she was very satisfied with what Ye Shenyue said, at least he cared about her. "Then change to a mocha, no cream."

Takatsuki Izumi put down the menu, "I'll treat you to dinner after coffee, it's still early."

She glanced out the window, but luckily she wrote fast, it was only five o'clock, "It's okay to have dinner."

Ye Shenyue nodded and did not refuse.It's just that he remained silent, and Takatsuki Izumi, who was opposite him, was embarrassed to speak.The atmosphere between the two was very strange, but neither seemed willing to take the initiative to speak.Just waiting dryly for the coffee to run out, Takatsuki Izumi picked up his bag, "Come on, I know there's a very good Indian restaurant, and the curry there is amazing."


Ye Shenyue followed Takatsuki Izumi, her ball head twitched with the frequency of her walking, very playful.Takatsuki Izumi likes to walk on the edge of the flower bed, with a thin edge, two feet are very flexible, and the pace is slightly faster than Yagami.

"Go slowly, Koizumi, and be careful not to fall down."

When Ye Shenyue realized the words he blurted out, even he was stunned. He stopped in place and didn't move for a long time.Why did he blurt out this sentence, he can be sure that this sentence has not been thought through his own brain at all.Perhaps... this sentence exists in the part of his memory that disappeared. Could it be that he really knew Takatsuki Izumi before!

After hearing that sentence, Gao Tsukiquan stopped in surprise. How long had she not heard this sentence? Three years, five years, or... sixteen years, no, much longer than sixteen years.After she learned to walk, she often took Heigong Shiyu's hand and walked on the edge of the flower bed. The narrow path made her childhood extremely happy.She lifted her head, only so that the tears would not fall under the influence of gravity.

"If only you could remember me."

Gao Tsukiquan has always said this to herself, and every time she sees Yagami, she will say the same thing to herself again and again.

"Come on, aren't you hungry? I've been tired all day and I'm very hungry."

Feeling that the tears had evaporated, Takatsuki Izumi turned around, only to find that Yagami Moon was also stuck in the same place, her head lowered.

"I can always feel a familiar smell in you, but I can't remember it. It feels awful to me, maybe I shouldn't have gotten too close to you."

Ye Shenyue said this, but she had already made a plan in her heart. "I don't think we'll ever meet again."

Gao Tsukiquan thought that Yashenyue would not meet him again in the future, so he chased after him without thinking, "I will tell you everything you want to know, but now is not the time. So don't think too much about it, okay? Let's Let's go eat."

Ye Shenyue nodded helplessly, he didn't want this result.Maybe he should be tougher, maybe not like he is now.Gao Tsukiquan took his hand and walked forward, looking at her back, recalling what she said, he always felt that Gao Tsukiquan was very similar to a person, and that person often prevaricates him, "It's not yet time..."

Ha, isn't it Art?Ye Shenyue finally remembered who Takatsuki Izumi looked like.He even began to suspect that Takatsuki Izumi was actually Aite.As if relieved, he stopped again. If Takatsuki Izumi is really Aite, then she is also a one-eyed owl, the leader of the bronze tree... She has multiple identities superimposed, and she takes these three identities just right. If this is the case, That Takatsuki Izumi is really a powerful character...

"What's the matter, why stop."

Gao Tsukiquan turned around and saw Ye Shenyue's sudden realization. Could he have guessed something?Where did you go wrong?That's what made Ye Shenyue show such an expression.

"It's nothing, I just feel hungry and my brain is broken, let's go, didn't you say that the Indian restaurant is delicious?"

He took her hand and strode forward.

In the eyes of a cautious and shrewd person like Ye Shenyue, she is probably full of loopholes today, and I just hope that he will not expose her.

During the meal, Yagami asked Takatsuki Izumi if she had been to the Safe Zone Cafe a few days ago.Gao Tsukiquan immediately became vigilant. If she said that, Yagami Yue would definitely link her to Aite.If she said she didn't go, he wouldn't suspect anything. "I didn't go, I've been typing at home these days."

She answered succinctly.

"is it?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the menu, "How did Miss Takatsuki write those profound novels? Did Miss Takatsuki experience things that ordinary people have never experienced so that she has so much insight into life and life? Young, but very mature in style. I'm very curious, I don't know if Miss Takatsuki is willing to tell me about 2.4."

After closing the menu and ordering a few signature dishes, he looked at Takatsuki Izumi curiously, but it made Takatsuki Izumi feel a little terrified.

Step by step, pressing for questioning feels like a prisoner being interrogated. "Just because I debuted early, I have seen a lot of things that ordinary people can't see."

"for example?"

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