"Birth, old age, sickness and death."

Gao Tsukiquan didn't want to continue this topic, because she was already at a disadvantage now, and she was afraid that the more she talked, the more Yagami Yue would be able to guess.She didn't want to let Ye Shenyue know everything too soon.

"is it?"

Ye Shenyue saw the troubled look on Takatsuki Izumi's face. As a gentleman who likes beautiful women, Yagami felt that she had gone too far. "It's me who lost my temper, Miss Takatsuki, let's eat."

Chapter 0120 Dusk

After the meal was over, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and Yagami Tsukuru returned to the bronze tree.He offered to send Takatsuki Izumi home, but Takatsuki Izumi refused him.Forget it, if she refuses, she decides. How can a female writer guess her own thoughts.

"Ye Shenyue, you finally appeared."

Yue Shanxi leaned against the door of Yeshenyue's dormitory with a cold expression on his face, and folded his arms around his chest.It seemed that Ye Shenyue was very dissatisfied with the fact that Ye Shenyue was free to leave the bronze tree.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

Ye Shenyue deliberately ignored Yue Shanxi's expression and opened the door to enter the room.Yue Shanxi went in and seemed to have something to say to him.

"Have you checked it out? The murderer who killed Nishiweiwu."

Yue Shanxi was straight to the point, expressionless, and lost the excitement of seeing Ye Shenyue in the past.

"Well, found it."

Ye Shenyue took off her coat and was about to lie down on the bed to rest for a while, but just as she was about to climb onto the bed, she was pulled by Yue Shanxi.

"Since we have found it, then leave the bronze tree, this place is not suitable for us."

Yue Shanxi finally had some expression on his face, he looked very urgent, "My intuition tells me that something is wrong with the bronze tree."

Ye Shenyue didn't like to have too much physical contact with men, so he shook off Yue Shanxi's hand, "What does it have to do with me. Besides, you are not the real household Wu Xu, what intuition is it?"

He was really tired so he didn't want to talk to Yue Shanxi, "I'm too tired today, I'll talk about it tomorrow if I have something to do."

Yue Shanxi looked at Ye Shenyue's tired look, and knew that even if he talked about it, he wouldn't listen, "Okay, I'll come back to you tomorrow."

He exited Ye Shenyue's room, like thousands of ants were biting at his flesh and blood, he was going crazy thinking about things.The reason why he became like this was because he slipped out of the bronze tree today and noticed something abnormal when he passed by to the cafe safely.Fangcun Gongshan did not ignore him as usual, and even kindly let him and Ye Shenyue dry in the bronze tree.Such an abnormal move made Yue Shanxi feel that the situation was a little serious.Is something going to happen?his first reaction.The business in the store was mediocre, and it could even be described as bleak. There were few people, and even the employees seemed to be out of shape.That little girl named Roma Hoisin often breaks dishes, Nishio Nishiki often gets angry for no apparent reason, and even Dongxiang Kirishima, who is famous for her hard work, will deliver the wrong coffee... Although Tsukiyama Xi is not a person in the safe zone, but because of the night Shenyue's relationship also doesn't want to become enemies with people in the safe zone.He blended into the safe zone as much as possible and became friends with them.So if the safety zone is in trouble, he will not let it go.

"Did the manager of Fangcun encounter any trouble?"

Yue Shanxi looked at Fangcun Gongshan with a sad expression on his face.But Fangcun Gongshan did not answer Yueshanxi, and after a long time, he told him that he hoped that he would fight alongside Yeshenyue.There was a hint of weirdness in Fangcun Gongshan's words, and Yue Shanxi always felt that this place was about to fall apart, and there might be a huge battle. "I know, I will."

He knew that he couldn't intervene in the internal problems of the safe zone, so he just wanted to tell Ye Shenyue what he thought.After waiting for him at the door of Yeshenyue's dormitory for a long time, he didn't want to talk to Yue Shanxi.

Maybe he hasn't considered himself a friend yet?

The Safe Zone Cafe is closing.

"It's only been a few days that our business has been bleak again. Maybe customers think that our coffee is too static?"

Fangcun Gongshan called everyone together, "So I decided to call Sifang back and help me develop new coffee together."

"Eh? But can Mr. Sifang make coffee?"

Nishio Nishiki looked suspicious.

"Don't underestimate Lian Shi, he is the ultimate weapon in our safe area cafe."

Gujian Yuaner has not seen Sifang Lianshi for a long time, but she was very excited to see it today.

"Yes, although it was a long time ago."

Fangcun Gongshan smiled.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Sifang also worked in a cafe in the safe area..."

Kirishima Dongxiang couldn't believe it either.

"I really don't want to believe..."

Nishio Jin shook his head.

Li Jianxuan wiped the plate and glanced at Sifang Lianshi, "Don't underestimate him, he is very good at making coffee."

She paused, "But I'm not good at receiving guests."

After speaking, the crowd laughed.

"Is Mr. Sifang so shy?"

Nishio Nishiki joked.

Sifang Lian did not change her face, "I heard the manager of Fangcun say that Dong Xiang, you are going to take the college entrance examination, right? You don't need to help in the coffee shop in the near future. Prepare for the test well. The same is true for Chu Shi. It is also good to wear Dong Xiang."

Kirishima Dongxiang never said that he could not help in preparing for the college entrance examination. "It doesn't matter. I can help while reviewing."

she declined.

"Don't need Dong Xiang, I've already helped you find the house. You, Hashimi and Ryoko will pack up tomorrow and move out first, and come back after the college entrance examination. Fortunately, the business of the cafe is not very good, and there are still enough staff. I am also thinking about your university goals, if you want to go to Jingjing University, I advise you to go to the house I found for you to review."

Once the decision is made, the Quartet will not change, "I told the Fangcun store manager, and he agreed."

"If that's the case, then... thank you."

Kirishima Dongxiang was confused by the sudden arrangement, but it was true that the college entrance examination was imminent.Mathematics has always been Kirishima Dongxiang's weakness.

"Yeah Dong Xiang, there is still us in the cafe, you don't have to worry."

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