Not being able to contact Ye Shenyue at all is the most fundamental problem, "That's up to us! Try to persuade us if we can, even if the manager of Fangcun doesn't listen to us at all, we can at least ask him to let us join in. It's better to fight than to endure it all alone."

Ryoko Diguchi has already prepared for the worst.


Kirishima Dong Xiang admitted, "In this case, we must at least inform Yashinyuki, even if the bronze tree is heavily guarded, Miss Ryoko can still sneak into the bronze tree, right? However, Miss Ryoko knows where the stronghold of the bronze tree is. Is it?"

"I know, Yue mentioned it to me. Then... in a moment, Dong Xiang pretends to be going out. If you can make Mr. Sifang notice you and follow you, then I can take the opportunity to sneak out. Then I went to the Bronze Tree to find the moon at 1.8 o'clock!"

Ryoko Fueguchi seemed to have a foreboding of everything.

Kirishima Dong Xiang keenly grasped a key point, "'Moon', Miss Ryoko actually called Yagami Moon 'Moon'! No, now is not the time to think about this, I have to let Mr. Sifang leave."

She walked out of the apartment door as if she didn't know anything, but she caught the attention of Sifang Lianshi and followed.

Dikou Ryozi saw Sifang Lianshi walking away, and immediately went out, but as soon as he left the door, he was stopped by Rijian Xuan and Gu Jian Yuaner. "If you have to go out so late, it's too dangerous outside. Miss Ryoko should go back to the apartment."

As soon as Li Jianxuan opened his mouth, there was a kind of meaning that people couldn't refuse.Fieguchi Ryoko turned back to the room and ended in failure.

Chapter 0124 Note

Ryoko Fueguchi sat in the room and sighed, feeling really sad that he couldn't help when he wanted to help.In fact, Hina was not asleep. She heard the conversation between her mother and Dong Xiang, and she could hear it from her mother's sigh. She tried to find Ye Shenyue but failed.Since even her own mother can't do anything, she can only rely on Hinako.She felt that it should be easier for her to find Ye Shenyue than her mother.

Kirishima Dongxiang was captured by Sifang Lianshi, and when she saw Fieguchi Ryoko sitting in the room and sighing, she wondered if she failed in her action, right?After a question, it turned out to be the case. It seemed that the Quartet Lian Shi, Gu Jian Yuan Er, and Li Jian Xuan were staring at the three of them.But this just happened to prove that the cafes in the safe area were really dangerous, and Fangcun Gongshan wanted to protect them.

"Miss Ryoko failed?"

Kirishima Dong Xiang patted Fluteguchi Ryoko on the shoulder.

"Well, I didn't expect that there are Miss Inimi and Mr. Gu Jian outside the door, otherwise it wouldn't fail."

Dikou Ryoko glanced at Dikou Hina, who was still sleeping, "What should we do? Are we really supposed to be rice bugs? Under the protection of Fangcun's manager for the rest of our lives?"

"No, we will always find a way!"

Kirishima Dongxiang comforts Fluteguchi Ryoko.

"They must have known that we were aware of Fangcun's plan, and this will only make them even more refusing to let us leave this apartment."

Ryoko Diguchi was even a little desperate, "I don't think there is any need to hide it from us, right? Wouldn't it be better for us to contribute?"

"The manager of Fangcun is always so gentle."

Kirishima Dongxiang finally said something.

Dikou Hina has made all plans overnight. She can't see Ye Shenyue, but there is one person she can definitely see, and that is Taka Tsuki-Izumi.She once left Hina a business card with her phone number on it. If she could contact Takatsuki Izumi, she would basically be able to contact Yagami Yue.If he can make a small contribution to the safe area cafe, he can at least prove that he is a useful person.In the morning, Hina Fieguchi told Ryoko Fieguchi and Dongxiang Kirishima about her plan, saying that their conversation yesterday completely entered her ears, so she made this decision.Fieguchi Ryoko and Kirishima Dongxiang didn't say anything, they just told her to be careful when going out.

"It doesn't matter, since you will be followed by Mr. Sifang, Miss Ichim and Mr. Gu Jian when you want to go out, then I will definitely be followed by one of them when I go out, so my safety is still guaranteed. I will lie that I am going to Takatsuki Izumi's new book launch, and then ask Miss Takatsuki for help, I believe she will definitely help me."

The chick is very determined.

"But are you familiar with that Takatsuki Izumi? Are you sure she can help us find Yagami?"

Kirishima Dongxiang was a little suspicious.

"I'm very familiar with her. She is my favorite writer. She will definitely not lie to me. She will definitely help me, so Mom, Sister Dong Xiang, just trust me this time! I will bring you good news!"

Dikou Hina seemed very confident.

Since the two of them can't get out, they can only let Hinami try.

Hina was dressed neatly. She told Sifang Lianshi that she was going to find her favorite writer, Taka Tsuki-Izumi. Sifang Lianshi agreed and followed her silently.The two seemed to be talking normally and drinking coffee. At this time, Hina Miguchi took out Takatsuki Izumi's latest novel "Small Night Rain". "Last time I just bought it and didn't ask you to sign it, so I'll make it up this time."

Gao Tsukiizumi saw that a note was added to the book, she carefully signed the name, took out the note, and closed the book. "Sign it, take it back."

It was written on the note, help me find Ye Shenyue, and let him quickly show up in the safe area.

Dikou Hina took over the book, and Takatsuki Izumi replied the same, I know, I will do as I do.Her task has been completed, and she can leave with peace of mind. "Miss Takatsuki, this cup of coffee is my request. The book you wrote is really beautiful."

Sifang Lianshi didn't find anything wrong outside the cafe, maybe they just met briefly.

Takatsuki Izumi returned to the Bronze Tree with the note from Fiekou Hinami. He wanted to burn it, but stopped.The Safe Zone Cafe is in trouble, she's the one who did it.If she doesn't tell the people at CCG that there is a problem with that cafe, at least that cafe can still be opened safely, but not now, because it is imminent, and even Dikou Hina is dispatched, indicating that CCG This time it will definitely come true.But why, Takatsuki Izumi is not very happy.It's obviously the result she wanted, but...but why is there a faint sadness in her heart...She can't figure out what she's thinking. Shenyue, will he thank her then?It seemed that as long as she helped Hina Yuguchi, Yagami would thank her in any way?This deal seems to be a good deal, and it doesn't waste its own costs at all. "Then I'll help you out, Hina Dikou. But this isn't for the safety zone, it's just for Ye Shenyue!"

She put away the note, changed her clothes, wrapped a bandage, and became Aite.

"If you have time, come to the office."

Aite knocked on the door of Yeshenyue's bedroom and said outside the door.

Ye Shenyue immediately straightened up from the bed when she heard Aite's voice. Is there anything Aite told him?He put on his clothes and went to her office calmly.

"Guess what this is?"

Aite raised the note in his hand, "You can't recognize this handwriting, right?"

It was Hina's handwriting, and Ye Shenyue could naturally see it, thinking that she had taught her to write some new words back then. "Why do you have a small note."

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Ye Shenyue turned it into a declarative sentence. He seemed to be asking her what happened to Hina.

"Isn't it normal for me to have a young real note?"

Aite accidentally missed his mouth.

This sentence has already proved that Aite is Takatsuki Izumi. Even if I thought that Aite was Takatsuki Izumi before, it was just a suspicion.

Ye Shenyue said lightly, "I should have seen it a long time ago, but unfortunately I can't be sure. I always deny that you are not Takatsuki Izumi, and you are not a one-eyed owl, you are just a senior officer of the bronze tree, unfortunately didn't have a good sense of proportion when you played your three roles, so let me see through it..."

"Do you think I'm really out of touch?"

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