Aite finally took off her bandage, "Yishenyue, you shouldn't be like this."

ps: The new book "Protagonist Halo" has been released. The author is the one who only loves your blue silk. The link is at the top of the comment.It will probably involve zombies in the apocalypse of the academy, my wife killed my wife in the future diary, Gin and Xiaoai in Conan, Kirishima of the fool summoned beast, and Guilty Crown.Guys, assist!

Chapter 0125 Awakening

What did she mean by that, he shouldn't be like this and how he should be.Aite did not speak, and took him to the basement, where the body of Kuromiya Shiyu was placed.

It seems that Aite can't stand being treated differently by Ye Shenyue, she has to let Ye Shenyue restore her memory as soon as possible, otherwise she may never be able to enter Ye Shenyue's heart.It's just that I'm not sure whether Heigong Shiyu's body can help Ye Shenyue restore her memory, no matter what, the dead horse should be the living horse doctor.

Ye Shenyue followed Aite into the basement. It was extremely cold. What was the purpose of her bringing herself here?He walked and thought until a corpse appeared in front of him... a corpse that looked exactly like him, and he seemed to be attracted to this corpse all the time.This is... who?Ye Shenyue was stunned, thinking about who this man was. There must be some holes in his memory, and these holes must be filled by the corpse in front of him.

"This is you, the old you."

Aite put Ye Shenyue's hand on Heigong Shiyu's heart, "Do you feel it? The fiery heart of yours that used to be, now doesn't beat anymore."


Ye Shenyue felt her heart beating violently, and her blood boiled into her brain, "This...I...why am I here? I clearly... clearly left this world?"

All the memories flooded into Ye Shenyue's head at once, "My body of God, it's back..."

At this time, Ye Shenyue remembered the reason why he left this world, just because of boredom... and hate killing...

And at this time, Nangong Shiyu's body turned into nothingness, because it was just a memory left in this world.

"You remember?"

Aite saw a change in Ye Shenyue's eyes, "Do you still remember who I am? Ye Shenyue."


Ye Shenyue, who recovered and later, was a little unsure, "Are you Koizumi? Have you grown so big?"

He recalled leaving without a word sixteen years ago, "Well... it seems like sixteen years, right? Has Koizumi been doing well in the past sixteen years?"

Tears rolled in Gao Tsukiquan's eyes, "I have guarded your body for so many years, and you are finally back."

Takatsuki Izumi hugged Ye Shenyue suddenly, "Brother Kuromiya..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "No, it's better for you to call me Brother Yeshen, because Heigong Shiyu is just a name I randomly chose, and my real name is still Ye Shenyue. It's just that I was with your father back then. Playing, he asked my name, and I didn't want to tell him, so I just took it casually."

He recalled that the first time he met Gao Tsukiquan's father, Yoshimura Kozen, he felt amused, "Yoshimura back then was really funny. You were born with your mother, and then..."

He found that he brought up a topic that shouldn't be brought up, he hugged Takatsuki Izumi, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't just leave this world to worry Koizumi, and I shouldn't forget Koizumi when I come back to this world again. "

He was indeed deeply sorry, "As Ye Shenyue, I didn't recognize you as the child I took care of back then. It's really a sin."

"No! Brother Yeshen, it doesn't matter to me, Koizumi only hopes that you can always be by Koizumi's side!"

Takatsuki Izumi rubbed his head in Yagami's arms.

"Ah Koizumi..."

Yagami Moon let go of Takatsuki Izumi's arm, "Is it really interesting to live in this world with three identities?"

He looked into Gao Tsukiquan's eyes, "Playing three roles can give you countless freshness, even I was played around by you, are you happy like this? I'm back, you can put your heart into it. All the bitter water was poured out on me, just like when I was a child."


Gao Tsukiquan didn't want Ye Shenyue to ask her these questions as soon as she woke up, "Brother Ye Shen, I don't want you to do this, you know? I don't want to dig out the things I tried to bury in my heart again, you know what to do with me. How scary is that?"

"Nevertheless, you have to face it, don't you? I don't want Koizumi, who was cute and lively as a child, to be like this. Gloomy, dark. It's not you! I don't know what happened in the sixteen years I was gone. , tell me, can you?"

Takatsuki Izumi shook his head, "Don't you want me to forget my parents by naming me 'Takatsuki Izumi'? What do I want from a father who doesn't come looking for his child! It's better to destroy him!"


Ye Shenyue understood that Gao Tsukiquan actually longed for fatherly love in her heart, but she was a little broken because Fangmura Gongzen ignored her... "I told you the other day that I had time to go to the cafe in the safe area to sit. Sitting is actually just for you to meet your father, have you really gone?"

"What if I went, and what if I didn't?"

Takatsuki Izumi was almost crazy, "A man like him is not worthy of being my father!"

"It's a misunderstanding. He was chased by CCG back then and entrusted me with you when I was young, so that I could take good care of you. He didn't come to see you just because he wanted to take you away when he saw you. You have to know, stay with him. It's much more dangerous to be around than to stay by my side, how could he let you escape with him?"

Ye Shenyue explained.

"But didn't he settle down in the end! Why didn't he come to me since An An was driving the cafe steadily!"

Gao Tsukizumi thought that Yoshimura Gongzen came back to find her after the first crusade against Xiao, but he didn't, "You said let me wait, I waited, what did I wait for? It's just a dream."

"I don't know what happened after that, but there must be some misunderstanding, Koizumi, you shouldn't be so cranky."

Ye Shenyue continued to persuade, "How can a father not love his child, after a while, maybe you will find that Fangcun Gongshan actually misses you very much."

"After a while? Impossible."

Takatsuki Izumi thought that the cafe in the safe area was about to be besieged by CCG, she smiled smugly, "I won't make it easier for him."

Damn, Ye Shenyue ignored Gao Tsukiquan's words and rushed out. There was the note on her desk, "Quickly help me find Ye Shenyue, and let him quickly show up in the safe area."

The safety zone is in trouble. Judging from Koizumi's expression, she must have known about this a long time ago. What happened!He was a little anxious, so he found Gao Tsukiquan and asked him clearly.

"The cafe in the safe area is about to be besieged by CCG, Fangcun Gongshan has been exposed, what do you think?"

She asked Ye Shenyue, "Are you going to help them? Don't forget that you are from the Bronze Tree now!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, "I have already remembered everything from the past, and my dusty power has also awakened. Do you think if you want to stop me, you can still stop me?"

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