Ye Shenyue suddenly thought.

All four nodded, which could satisfy their desire to fight without being very dangerous.

Just when the four felt that victory was in sight, there was a problem in the cafe.

Takatsuki Izumi went to the cafe.Her watch showed [-]:[-], ten minutes before the CCG attack.That's right, she lied to Ye Shenyue and lied to him that CCG would attack at [-]:[-], but it wasn't at all.Today is still closed, Gujian Yuaner and Nijianxuan each perform their duties and prepare for the arrival of CCG.However, Taka Tsukizumi walked in like yesterday, but he didn't put on a medical mask like yesterday.She sat on the side with nothing.

It was the first time that Fangcun Gongshan met his daughter. Although the hair color was different, he was sure that the girl with dark green curly hair in front of him was his daughter, the one-eyed owl.In addition to being surprised, Fangcun Gongshan actually dropped the cup in his hand to the ground, making a crisp sound.This was something that had never happened before, and both Gu Jian Yuan'er and Li Jian Xuan were a little surprised.

"I'm so sorry I haven't been able to see you, my father."

Gao Tsukizumi looked at Fangcun Gongshan with a smile on his face, but he had no good intentions.

Everyone in the cafe was surprised.

Yoshimura Gongzen stepped forward tremblingly and looked at Takatsuki Izumi with a smile on his face.But I never thought about it, the Hezi in Gao Tsuki-Izumi's body suddenly popped out and stabbed into Fangmura Gongzen's chest, with a mighty expression on his face and a arrogant smile, "You know what? How much I hate you!"

The people around were stunned and wanted to go forward and grab Taka Tsuki-Izumi, but Taka Tsuki-Izumi looked calm. No one in this cafe was her opponent, so she was not afraid at all.Yoshimura shook his head as he stopped the employee who was trying to grab his daughter.

"I knew it would be like this, but boy, if you still want to stab me, you can stab me a few more times. Dad doesn't care."

Fangcun Gongshan smiled, as if he really didn't care that his daughter stabbed him.

Yoshimura's attitude made Takatsuki Izumi startled, and his attitude towards him also changed slightly, but the feelings of hating her father all along gathered together, she left without hesitation, but just walked a few steps and turned around, "Forget it. Said, the CCG people will all be there in two minutes, but I would love to see the scene where your blood is flying in the air. Isn't it as beautiful as before? Like icy snowflakes scattered in the sky."

She remembered that when she was handed over to Ye Shenyue by her father, it was icy and snowy, and it happened to be snowing at that time.She disappeared in front of Fangcun Gongshan without stopping.

The people in the store began to get nervous again, there were only two minutes left, and the CCG people were coming in two minutes.

Fangcun Gongshan said nothing.At least he could see his daughter before confronting CCG. He was very satisfied. He took one last look at the two cups in the closet, which belonged to his children and his wife.Calmly walked out, CCG people are all ready.

After incarnating as a hero, the owl showed a hey eye, and looked like the one-eyed owl, the leader of the bronze tree who attacked Kuklia twice. The team had no choice but to say the word "assault".

It's just... "Owl" who disappeared for more than ten years stepped out of the rivers and lakes again, but his power was still so terrifying, and the Hezi behind him was different from ordinary ghouls, who were all flesh-type organizations. After so many years of precipitation, Fangcun Gongshan's level has been Completely surpassing the highest-level SSS-level ghoul, he has long since become a hero, and he became a hero through internal digestion.The Hedan behind him swept the CCG like a machine gun, and in an instant, all the people who were sent in front of him at the time of Shuuki had been wiped out.

He and Xiuji laughed as if he was relieved. Wasn't this result expected long ago? "What he shoots is no longer a simple Heziliu, but a Hexian, like shooting reinforced concrete directly on a person."

"Is this... an existence that surpasses SSS-class ghouls? This monster... how about..."

A soldier collapsed to the ground, and the owl in front of him was walking towards him.

In an instant, Kouki Shinohara stretched out Kuyink to block Kozen Fangmura and chopped off his arm.It's just that with Fangcun Gong's good ability, this small injury healed in an instant.

"It's a pity... I originally wanted Apan to try some delicious coffee together..."

Shinohara Kouki faced Owl, with Heipanyan behind him.

The signboard of the cafe in the safe area lights up, and on the other side are Gu Jian Yuaner and I Jianxuan helping out. CCG first team ambushed where they appeared.One was wearing a magic ape mask, the other was wearing a black dog mask, one black and one white, and said in unison, "Welcome."

Guns and ammunition are useless for the two of them, as they have a natural ability to evade.The result of a sweep is that the ammunition is gone and the people are gone. The quick attack of the black dog and the magic ape can cut the abdomen of the CCG soldier with one hand.

"Don't panic! There are only two opponents!"

said the leading commander.

"He said there were only two."

The black dog stopped.

"It's really dull."

The ape followed.

The black dog and the magic ape jumped to the top of the building in an instant, snapped their fingers, and the companions of the black dog and the magic ape appeared behind them.

"Isn't the enemy only Owl!"

"That is……"

"Magic ape... and... black dogs... those guys... were obviously hostile before, why... why..."

The people at CCG are a little bit broken, because the two ghouls that disappeared in the past were obviously opposites, but now... they fit together perfectly!

"I said, you shouldn't have forgotten your skills!"

The ape screamed.


"You guys, just die for me."

The black dog ordered.


"Black dog, let's make a scene together!"

The ghoul group headed by the Demon Ape entered the battle first, and jumped down one after another, instantly destroying the first CCG soldiers one after another, effortlessly.The same goes for the members of the Black Dog.

Chapter 131 The world is evil

"The first team is fighting, and the enemies are the magic ape and the black dog."

News from the front line.

"Magic ape and black dog? Isn't the enemy Owl? And Chief Xiu!"

The scouts who were always watching the battle immediately asked Shuji what to do.

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