"The first team worked hard to hold on and disperse the enemy, and the second and third teams were responsible for destroying the scattered enemies. The special Marutes were in charge of commanding these two troops."

He ordered at the time of repair.

Marutesai received an order to investigate the situation, and suddenly received a call, "I am the captain of the third team, Hachikawa."

"what's up?"

"Mr. Marute, please leave the black dog to me to deal with."

Hachikawa said.

"Did you hear that, the magic ape will be handed over to Wang Yuan."

Marutesai assigned the task.

"Bachuan, although I handed the black dog to you, don't force it!"

Magic Ape's combat effectiveness is very strong, and it didn't take long for the first team of CCG to be almost wiped out.

Tanaka Maru Wangyuan walked over, took out his weapon, and aimed a blow at the magic ape, "Come back to the mountain, little monkey."

"I'm so sorry, this is my place."

The magic ape was very upset.

When the black dog escaped with her members, she never thought that there would be the third CCG team led by Hachikawa Chuan when they jumped from the top of the building.

"Long time no see... black dog..."

Hachikawa Tadashi's lenses gleamed in the moonlight.

"The fourth team will be responsible for blocking the scene, and no ghoul will ever be allowed to escape the encirclement."

Continue to give orders when you and Xiuji. "The protagonist has appeared..."

A ghoul appeared in front of He Xiuji, who had just given the order - "Mask", his eyes were full of red light, and red flames were about to burst out.

"Sixteen years ago, you started a crusade against owls 20 years ago, isn't it interesting? We have been plundering since the day we were born, absorbing human flesh and blood to survive, do you think we are happy to do so? The person Gong Shan killed in the past can no longer be resurrected, and he has never attacked humans again and again over the years. You have tried to annihilate him again and again, don't you believe that the ghouls in the [-]th district will unite to annihilate the entire human society? In the end, who got the worst end in the end, don't you understand?"

Ye Shenyue wore a mask and kept stating her views.

"Face mask!"

Amen Gangtaro got excited when he saw Yashenyue, "No, Yashenyue!"

He called out directly, and the Yeshenyue in front of him seemed to be different from before, with a more burly body, and even the aura emanating from the whole body was different.

"My code name is not 'mask', but 'butterfly'."

Ye Shenyue emphasized, "I regret that I didn't destroy you all at the beginning, and I won't make so many bright halls now. Your so-called 'evil' is only for us ghouls, don't you humans have so-called' Evil people? Why do you want to exterminate all the ghouls and leave the ghouls alone, just because they are CCGs? Can only kill ghouls? It's ridiculous."

He shook his head, his body was covered by Hezi, which became his armor, "As far as you are concerned, our ghoul's life is evil, and living in the world is evil. Right?"

"Butterfly, it's back..."

When talking to Xiuji, he didn't expect that "Butterfly", who disappeared for [-] years, would reappear with "Owl".Back then, it was hard to beat "Butterfly" into serious injuries. At that time, he was not so powerful. Now... the battle plan has to change. "Yamen, do you know this person? You come to deal with him. The rest of the people continue to attack Xiao!"

"No! Director He Xiu, leave Ye Shenyue to me!"

Akatsuki Mato stood up from behind Kotaro Amen with a sad face... Although he didn't understand why Akatsuki Mato had such an expression when he was with Shuuki, he still agreed.After all, someone who volunteers is better than someone he arranges. "Be careful!"

he finally exhorted.

Ye Shenyue saw that the CCG actually dispatched Akatsuki, which made it clear that she wanted to find her own way. Unfortunately, Ye Shenyue would not kill her. He took back Hezi and said lightly, "It's boring."

Then disappeared in front of everyone.

"What does that ghoul mean, huh."

Masato Takizawa snorted coldly, "I've never seen such a willful ghoul, it's boring? Oh, my God."

Amen Gangtaro stopped Takizawa Masato's malicious complaints, and looked at the scene in front of him with a solemn expression, fighting, fighting constantly, and members constantly dying, he seemed to see a piece of suicide note flying in the sky.

Before he knew it, Xiao Xiao had already arrived at another place, where there was no one else except the team led by General Ma Gui.Arima looked at Owl, although he looked very arrogant, but Arima always felt that something was wrong.Ah, he was injured, that's why he became a hero so quickly.If it was in the state of sixteen years ago, Xiaocai would not have wrapped himself in Hezi so quickly.

Ye Shenyue stood at a high place, looking down at the fight between CCG and ghouls, Aite lied to her.In terms of time alone, she clearly told herself that it was half past six, "Oh, this child..."

If he hadn't come to check the situation in advance, maybe by the time he came, the fight between the safe zone and CCG would have ended.

Although they are different races, their beliefs are the same, and they are all for living.There are good and bad ghouls, and so are humans. Why can't CCG people distinguish between the good and evil of ghouls and the good and evil of human beings?Killing them all with one stick is the benchmark for their actions?is that so?Can humans and ghouls really not coexist peacefully?There are laws for everything. The laws for the peaceful coexistence of humans and ghouls have not yet been established. Everything is solved by powerlessness. Is such a world really good?

Ye Shenyue even imagined a future world, a world full of blood and only killing.

The senior officials of the Bronze Tree in the distance are all around, including Duoduoliang and Aite. Oh, does this child really want to kill himself?Blindly doting makes her lose her sense of proportion, is she too stupid or she trusts her too much.You can't rely on the bronze tree, you can only rely on yourself.Ye Shenyue looked at the battle center, Owl and Arima were facing each other, and the two sides were still in a stalemate there.Suddenly, a woman appeared in the center!

"Matsumoto Akatsuki... Damn it."

He jumped up and quickly picked up her who was almost hit by Ghoul Heko, "I don't have time to care about you now, but you have to remember that your life is mine, so you can't die."

Ye Shenyue took Mato Akatsuki to a safe place and put it down, "Do you know?"

Akatsuki Mato was in a state of dementia the whole time, and she couldn't believe it was true until Yagami put her on the ground. "you……"

She was speechless.She stared at the back of Ye Shenyue leaving in a daze.

Amen Gangtaro managed to catch up with Yashinyuki, and breathlessly patted Akatsuki Mado on the shoulder, "Are you alright, Akatsuki."


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