ps: The author's new book, the protagonist Halo, has been released, and friends have not come to see it.The link is right at the top of the comment.Or click the author's name "Only Love You Qingsi" to find it.

Chapter 0132 ghouls and humans can coexist peacefully

Amen Gangtaro was quite shocked that Ye Shenyue was a "butterfly", because he actually regarded him as a friend before and told him so much with his heart and lungs.If you fail today, you will definitely be to blame.

Kirishima Dongxiang and the others who were fighting on the periphery found that they were late, but the time was clearly right.No matter how many, people who see CCG will fight, and soon, the way to "escape" will be killed.A familiar face came into Kirishima Dongxiang's line of sight, it was Yuko, her best friend.Why did she suddenly appear here, and Kirishima Dongxiang saw a terrified look on Yuko's face, which was obviously telling her that she saw Kirishima Dongxiang's battle scene.

Kirishima Dongxiang wanted to escape, but Yuko stopped her, "Dongxiang..."

Her expression seemed to ask, Dong Xiang, why are you here.

Kirishima Dong Xiang didn't know how to answer, she wanted to disappear in front of Yuko immediately, gritted her teeth and prepared to leave. "what!"

With a scream, it was Yuko's, Kirishima Dongxiang turned around and found that Yuko was being grabbed by a ghoul, ready to swallow it.She immediately unfolded her butterfly wings to defeat the man and rescue Yuko. "Let's go, Yuko, this is not the place you should be. It's dangerous, go back."

"You really are Dong Xiang, aren't you!"

Yuko chased after him and held Dong Xiang Kirishima's hand, "I thought it wasn't yours, but it turns out... Dong Xiang, you are actually just..."


The last two words were said by Kirishima Dong Xiang. She wanted to use her Heko to scare Yuko away. At least she would leave here quickly, and she would not care about the future.But when she raised her feathers again, Yuko showed no signs of timidity.

"so beautiful……"

Yuko actually looked at Yuhe of Kirishima Dongxiang with an intoxicated look on her face.


Kirishima Dongxiang was silent, lowered his head, and took a long time to speak, "Pretty? Yuko, don't you think it's funny? You are the only one who can describe a ghoul as beautiful. Aren't you afraid? You idiot, give it up I'm going!"

She tried to scold Yuko away with harsh words, but Yuko didn't seem to care.

"Dong Xiang, whether you are human or ghoul, you are my friend. I don't think there is anything wrong with humans and ghouls being friends, you have been helping me, haven't you? You don't want to eat me at all, these me You all know, so you don't have to say some harsh words to drive me away. Because in my heart, you have always been my friend and best friend."

Yuko stretched out her hand and touched Kirishima Dongxiang's tear-stained face, "Fool, friends are for life, and they won't stop being friends with her because of different species. If species can decide everything, then that person I can’t be friends with animals anymore, right? Can I break up with those little rabbits and puppies directly? So you don’t have to care, even if one day you are hungry and want to eat human flesh, I will give it to you without reservation. You, please don't bite me to death, then we can stay together for a long time, are you right?"

Kirishima Dong Xiang's tears couldn't stop flowing down, she thought of Yashinyuki for a moment, and he had the same attitude.Humans and ghouls can coexist peacefully.But the people at CCG don't want to achieve this kind of eternal "I... I'll be by your side all my life, but now I can't, you have to leave quickly, it's really dangerous here."

Kirishima Dongxiang was very moved after hearing Yuko's words, "I'll send you away, it's too late."

Kirishima Toka quickly sends Yuko back to her home.

Yuko held her hand reluctantly and lowered her head, "Can't you just leave? If you leave... What if I won't see you again?"

Kirishima Dong Xiang raised Yuko's head and saw her eyes were red, "Fool, I'm a ghoul."

"Well, then you remember to come back, and I will make delicious food for you!"

"it is good!"

Kirishima Dongxiang continued to return to the periphery, where there were basically no people, except for a group of people from the bronze tree.She walked to Sifang Lianshi and asked her, "Why do Mr. Gujian and Miss Nijian do this? Staying on the front line, do they also want to make sacrifices for the safe area cafe?"

Sifang Lianshi looked at Dong Xiang's face, feeling helpless, "They are atonement, because they know that they have committed too many sins before. They have killed countless people, so they are always by the side of Fangcun's store manager."

"What about me, I've killed a lot of people before, whether it's because of hunger or because I'm unhappy... Have I committed fewer crimes? Why didn't I stay on the front line? It's the same, but I was left behind. The periphery is a soy sauce."

Kirishima Dongxiang wanted to rush to the front line immediately, but was stopped by Sifang Lianshi.

"You're not qualified enough, Dong Xiang, you know."

He looked at the sky on the front line, a blaze of fire.

On the front line, Suzaku Suzuya fights Yasukuni and Yasukuni.It was the first time I saw a human who became a ghoul when I was with Shuuki. "The daughters of Anjiu Qisheng."

The plan of the year became a reality. No matter how the CCG people tracked down, they still couldn't find the whereabouts of Dr. Garner. "Did he join the Bronze Tree and find the Bronze Tree, the only backer that allowed his experiment to continue?"

He couldn't help cursing, "Damn Garner! You shouldn't trust him! What a pervert!"

"Ah, what do you mean?"

Suzuya Shizo looked at He Xiuji with an angry look on his face, "Director, you..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Suzuya, follow the order, kill the twins, and let them both disappear from this world forever!"

If they disappeared, the secret could be buried in the dust forever.He was sure that with Garner's character, he would show off a few of the ghouls he made successfully. Looking at the number, he probably only made two.Solve these two first today, and then deal with Garner tomorrow.This dark plan will forever be in the dust!

"Okay, Chief Hexiu."

Suzuya replied in a strange tone, and in an instant, he immediately went into battle.

The three of them threw themselves into the battle and left Hexiuji's sight. Shizuo Suzuya thought back on the look on his face when he was with Xiuji, but he didn't care anymore. Facing his former classmate, he said, "Hey, you guys seem to be better than before?"

He noticed that the speed of the twins has improved significantly, and even the accuracy of stabbing has increased. "However, I just like strong duels. Even if there are 100 of you, I'm not afraid~" ps: The author's new book protagonist has a halo Published, friends still haven't come to see it.The link is right at the top of the comment.Or click the author's name "Only Love You Qingsi" to find it.

Also, there are still two chapters left for the Tokyo Eating Seeds, and the next chapter will be Zero Noble Demons. I hope you can continue to support and thank you.

0133 A Dream

The beautiful words before became an insult made by Suzuya, and they were instantly knocked to the ground by the tacit cooperation of the twins. "Pfft" vomited a mouthful of blood and didn't care, just wiped it off and then fought.

"Xiao Hei, I think Mr. Yegami's blood is really a good thing."

An Jiunai Bai Xiaosheng approached Anjiu Heina.

"Well, at this rate, even Suzuya won't be our opponent. Fight with your heart!"

Ankuhana was calm and calm.

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