The two sisters, Yasuhiro and Yasuhiro, who had the upper hand, quickly chased after their victory and severely injured Suzuya, "Because I think you are pitiful, I will let you go today, if there is a future, it will not be this one. It's over."

Anju Heina looked at Suzuya Shizao who was collapsed on the ground, "We don't want to call you Suzuya Shizao, we want to call you Suzuya Suzuo, do you know why?"

"Don't mention it again, since everyone is not the same as before, so there is no need."

Suzuya Shizo always looked cynical, "Wait a few more years and I'll definitely beat you guys, just like in the CCG Academy before."

In fact, the three of them still remember the original days, but unfortunately, things are different.

When Ye Shenyue arrived at Fangcun Gongshan, Fangcun Gongshan was already seriously injured, "How could..."

It was just the effort of saving Akatsuki Mato.Ye Shenyue couldn't believe that Owl, who surpassed the SSS-rank ghoul, actually... "Do you want to be free? Gong Shan. Because you don't want to go on like this anymore, right? That's why... it became like this..."

"Plundering is all 'evil'. We have been plundering since the day we were born. The so-called life is the process of constantly committing crimes. Life is equal to 'evil'. I have a consciousness that I am 'evil', and So are you, you are also 'evil'."

Owl said this to Arima Guishou.

When Xiao saw Ye Shenyue coming, he felt that he might not be able to live, "I really regret that I abandoned my daughter, although I know you are raising her... But... I still regret it, I didn't mean it, Not really, it's just for her safety..."

The one-eyed owl who was hiding came out, these words were clearly meant to her, did you deliberately say this because she knew that she was nearby?

"There's actually... a one-eyed owl, this is the real one-eyed owl!"

There was agitation around, and the people who Arima Guishou brought panicked!

"Your Majesty! So you are here!"

Sifang Lianshi felt the breath of Arima Guishou, so after settling Ryoko Fiko and the others, they rushed to the front line, "I'm going to kill you!"

Arima Guishou is the most outstanding investigator of the CCG, and his ability has long surpassed that of a special investigator. Sixteen years ago, he was able to remove an arm from Owl, let alone now.Sifang Lianshi quickly fell below and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"Ah, you are the investigator who severely injured my Ye Shenyue back then, right?"

The one-eyed owl opened her eyes, and with just a slight movement of her eyes, she would know what Arima Guishogun would do next.However, Arima Guishogun is not a cover, he has an unusually dexterous evasion ability.

Ye Shenyue joined the battle, but at this time, when Aite found him, he said a strange thing. "Although what that person said may be true and can be forgiven, but this is not my pursuit, I do not pursue his love at all, like you said, I like to play a role is lack of love , this time I will get infinite love, I know from the thing about Nishiobu, that is, no one can win the dead."

Ye Shenyue felt bad, and in an instant, Arima Gui was about to take the opportunity to slash down. The one-eyed Xiao could have escaped, but she didn't. She fell down and fell in front of Ye Shenyue.


Ye Shenyue caught her, and the disguise on her body cracked, leaving only the appearance of Takatsuki Izumi with blood all over her body. "Why are you doing this?"

Takatsuki Izumi didn't answer her.The biggest point of death for ghouls is the heart, no matter how strong the ghouls are.Ye Shenyue finally understood why Takatsuki Izumi wanted to keep all the people from the Bronze Tree outside.That is... to want him to see her killed...

"Do you want to use this method to make me miss you for the rest of my life? Takatsuki Izumi! I didn't give you this name to make you such a person!"

He shook Takatsuki Izumi's shoulder desperately, "I'm not worth it, let you use your life to prove that you love me. Koizumi, if you love me, I hope you can stay by my side in a healthy and healthy life, not like this now. ."

How could she be so stupid, Ye Shenyue wanted to punch her twice, he put Gao Tsukiquan on his body as if he was relieved, he would not let her die, absolutely not.And Takatsuki Izumi will not die so easily.

Actually nothing matters.

It suddenly rained and everything was still.Whether it's Safe Zone, CCG, or Bronze Tree.The rain fell on Takatsuki Izumi's body and on his face.The body in the basement of Takatsuki Izumi disappeared, turned into nothingness, and merged into Yagami Yue's body.It turned out that what he had recovered before was only all of his memory and part of his strength, and he was not complete!Now, he is truly complete!

"It's time to end."

Yagami Moon kissed Takatsuki Izumi's forehead, "Koizumi also wants me to use my strength to restore this world to its original state, right?"

He raised his head and looked at the falling rain, "Sa, let's end it."

Ye Shenyue is a god, so he can easily change the world if he wants to.

A light rain purifies everyone's hearts and memories.With a flash of white light, everything was back to the way it was before.There is no crusade against the owl, everything is just a dream.All returned to their original positions.

"Eh? What the hell are we doing?"

asked a CCG employee.Only later did they realize that they were just an organization established by the police department to investigate some cases.They have no people to deal with, and no wars to deal with.

What about ghouls?That's just something in a novel, how can there be in the real world?Ah, whose novel is it, Takatsuki Izumi?Ah, who is Takatsuki Izumi?Are you a famous writer?Oh yes, what about famous writers?A ghoul is just a dream, a dream living in a novel.

Everyone has withstood the test and evolution of the rain, everything has changed, everything before was just a dream, and everyone had a long dream.Although I think this dream is a bit strange, it is quite profound.If ghouls really appeared in the world, what would you do?Hey, let's talk later.

ps: The author's new book, the protagonist Halo, has been released, and friends have not come to see it.The link is right at the top of the comment.Or click the author's name "Only Love You Qingsi" to find it.

Chapter 0134 The Return

This dream is very deep. Let people continue to do it at night... The lost companion in the dream still appears in this world normally, which is the most beautiful, isn't it?Because of dreams and losses, I cherish the people and things that reappear more.

"Hey, Manager Fangcun, would you like another steak? I'm starving to death!"

Nishio Nishiki was sitting at the dining table holding a knife and fork and was very dissatisfied with the slow cooking speed of Fangcun Gongzen.

"Okay, come right now, wouldn't it be better to eat some lamb chops first?"

Fangcun Gongshan smiled and continued to cook his steak. It was like a horrible dream, everyone still remembers it, but for some unknown reason, the white light flashed and turned into what it is now.All gathered together and lived happily ever after. "It's all because of that person, right?"

He squinted and smiled at Yagami, who was sitting silently beside him. He was holding a book in his hand. Takatsuki Izumi's new work - "Tokyo Ghoul" Ghoul was invisible in the crowd and became a pork chop that only eats steak. People with lamb chops, but they are somewhat cooked, but they don't have a unified hobby.

Kirishima Dongxiang and Yuko were reading books in the library, the sun was shining on Yuko's face, and Kirishima Dongxiang couldn't help pinching her face.

"Hey, Dong Xiang, you know what? I had a long dream. I dreamed that you were a ghoul, and I wasn't afraid at all, and I wanted to be your friend. In my dream, you kept protecting me. , I am also more dependent on you. I even saw your Hezi, like angel wings, shining and beautiful!"

Yuko recalled her dream, her face full of excitement, "But how is this possible, ghouls don't exist at all, right?"

She also held the book "Tokyo Ghoul" by Takatsuki Izumi in her hand, "Takatsuki Izumi, he is the author I have ever seen writing a book with the best feeling!"

Kirishima Dong Xiang smiled cheerfully, and she burst into tears when she laughed.Accidentally disturbed Hina Dikou who was reading quietly next to her, "Okay, Yuko is the cutest!"

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