All of this, without that person, the world would have been destroyed, right?

"Why are you crying, Dong Xiang? Did you think of something unhappy?"

Yuko wiped away the tears left by Kirishima Dongxiang.

"No, there is nothing to be unhappy about."

Although the world has changed, one thing will never change, that is, Yuko will always be her good friend.

CCG General Directorate and Director He Xiu are crazy.While changing the world, Yagami disturbed the minds of the CCG executives, especially those who had participated in human ghoulization research.The director is crazy, will this bureau be okay?Shinohara Yukuki took Yamen Gangtaro to send all those inexplicably crazy high-level executives into a mental hospital, hoping that they can recover one day.

"I want to eat people, eat people!"

They kept knocking on the prison door.

"Hey... even the director is crazy, what's going on?"

Shinohara Yukuki shook his head helplessly.

"Sarah, who knows."

Yamen Gangtaro recalled this dream. In the dream, he had investigated a study on human ghoulization, and the name of the person he found out happened to be the name of the person he sent to the mental hospital. Is it a coincidence?Amen Gangtaro shook his head, "Maybe they have done all the unforgivable things, and now even God can't stand it..."

"is it?"

Koki Shinohara asked, "Let's go, I spend too much time in a place like this, maybe even my own spirit is in trouble, let's go and see what Suzuya is doing, I heard that he has tattoos again, this kid every day I just love tattoos, look at what you have tattooed yourself! It's just self-abuse!"

"Hahaha, Shinohara special wait."

Amen Gangtaro jokingly laughed, "Perhaps you should bring your subordinates to this mental hospital to take a look~" "Little bastard! I won't break your mouth!"

In the dream, CCG's dead companion just happened to appear in front of them. The loss in the dream made them know how to cherish life and unite together.

With the help of Yashenyue, Anjiu Hena and Anjiu Nabai found their father, Anjiu Qisheng, but Anjiu Qisheng was resurrected with the body of Dr. Jiana. It can be said that Dr. Jiana completely disappeared from this world.But they are already very grateful to Ye Shenyue, without him, their father would never come back.

Yue Shanxi became a true gourmet, not eating human flesh, but only animals.Although it's disgusting to stick out his tongue all the time, his ability to have no time is really high.He would often take Yeshenyue to eat with him, saying that if Yeshenyue accompanies him, his appreciation ability will be higher.Nocturnal menstruation used various reasons to get rid of Yueshan habits, but it didn't help at all.What should come will always come, and what should be caught will always be caught.Yue Shanxi didn't know why he was so reliant on Ye Shenyue, maybe he thought Ye Shenyue smelled good?

All the dead colleagues are back, so your mother should be back too, right?Zhendo Xiao told Zhendou Wu Xu that many of his companions had been resurrected. At first, Zhendou Wu Xu did not believe it, until he looked at the male nurse who pushed in the door, and Zhendou Wu Xu was stunned.

"Xiao, what is your intuition telling you?"

He couldn't believe his eyes, so he could only ask his daughter.


Akatsuki Mato fell into silence and shook his head, "My intuition tells me that my mother is resurrected..."

"Although I don't want to believe the man in front of me... but my intuition tells me that he's Mato Wei..."

Zhento Wu Xu tightened his quilt, afraid that the male nurse would approach him.He couldn't believe that his wife was resurrected as a male nurse.

"Hello, I'm Mato Wei, your nurse for the next few days."

Mato smiled and looked at his former husband and daughter, "Although I don't know what happened, I always feel that if I continue to be with you, I may be sentenced, because there is no law in our country that says that homosexuality can be marry."


The real household Wu Xu opened his hands, and the real household micro threw himself into the real household Wu Xu's arms.

This bizarre scene... made Akatsuki Mato could not bear to look directly, and she left the ward with her hand covering her eyes. "Ye Shenyue this pervert!"

The next day, Yagami and Fieguchi send their daughter to school so that she can truly integrate into society.After returning home, Ye Shenyue suddenly found that there were three more women and one man at home.Izumi Takatsuki was sitting in the room just after the book club meeting, Riyo Kamari was drinking coffee in the living room, and Nishiogi was reading in the rocking chair on the balcony.Fangmura Gongzen walked into Takatsuki Izumi's room with coffee, and Takatsuki Izumi took it over with a sweet smile on his face. "Thank you dad."

There are not only four women by Ye Shenyue's side, but also... Why did a mature woman with black hair and wine red eyes suddenly appear in front of him?

Three thousand black silks poured out, and the wine-red eyes carried the power to see through everything.

"I'm back, Miss Yuko."

Ye Shenyue was just stunned for a moment and then showed a sunny smile.

"Welcome back."

The red lips parted lightly, and a faint smile crossed the corner of his mouth. "I just don't know, what do you think of the taste of human flesh?" "Uh..."

He knew that this must be all their conspiracy, but it's great to be a god and understand the worlds.

Or the process is sad and bitter, but this is the way to kill that eternal time, isn't it?

(End of this volume) ps: This is the end of the world of gnawing seeds. Next, you will know by looking at the cover.

In addition: the author's new book protagonist Halo has been released, and friends have not come to see it.The link is right at the top of the comment.Or click the author's name "Only Love You Qingsi" to find it.

Zero's Familiar

Chapter 0001 Principal?

"Well, it's so boring!"

Lying on the table, Ye Luna boredly looked at the clock on the opposite wall. This large wall clock was like a thousand-year-old ginkgo tree, slowly and accurately swinging his pendulum clock, consuming every second. time.

Ye Yueshen has been lying on this table for three hours, and after half an hour, this morning's work will be completed. It is the first time in Miss Yuzi's shop that she can be so leisurely.

"What? Are you free?"

The little cat on the balcony dangled its tail lazily, and the silver teeth in its mouth shone with the light of the sun.

"Forget it, where did your master go today? He actually asked me to look at the shop here?"

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