Ye Yueshen rubbed his eyes and said lazily, sometimes he really wanted to be this little cat, besides eating, sleeping, and basking in the sun on the balcony, and occasionally acting like a spoiled child in Miss Yuzi's arms, It's not like myself, doing my due diligence in the store, but still being scolded all the time!

"I don't know. It's strange that no one has come to exchange for an equivalent value. Could it be that the people in this world have suddenly changed for the better, and have no greed anymore?"

The little cat can directly see the street behind from the balcony. The busy crowd is still the same as yesterday, but the business in the store is pitiful!

"Can you stop opening your mouth? Blinding other people's eyes!"

Ye Yueshen blinked a little irritably. He finally had something to talk to himself, but the result was sun damage!

"What are you kidding? My mouth is facing the house, how can it refract the sun?"

Xiaohua cat suddenly got up and looked at Yeyueshen with its head held high, its expression was very rich, because this world is a strange world, and such things as cat demons exist.

Like the one in front of me, because I asked Miss Yuko for help, the final price was to become a kitten in the store.

Ye Shenyue is also a little strange, if it is a cat, it would be good to have Feiju.Well, well, I can't bully Feiju~ "Huh? Yeah!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, and then he realized that the light that blinded people's eyes was not refracted by Yangguan, but shot directly from the room!

"Go and see what's going on there?"

The little cat suddenly jumped down from the balcony, and then looked at Ye Yueshen excitedly. If he could do a business before the owner came back, he would be able to get delicious cat food!Meow!

Although it is a cat demon by nature, it has been completely bred in captivity.



Ye Yueshen tidied up his clothes, then turned around and bowed to the door, but he didn't respond for a long time!I just feel that the light around me is stronger than before!

"Go and see! Who made you stand stupidly!"

Xiao Hua Mao shook the small bell on his neck, and then rushed to the table, waiting for guests at any time. With such a cute appearance, he will definitely be loved by guests!


Ye Yueshen squeezed his fist lightly, gave himself a positive hint, and then strode to the front of the door, and opened the wooden door at once!


As soon as Ye Yueshen opened the door, he felt dizzy!Are your guests covered in glowing emeralds?How can it be so bright?

"This thing is..."

Xiao Hua Mao also felt the strangeness in front of the door, and the pupils in his eyes also turned into a line in an instant, such a shining light spot is not a guest!

"When a spot of light appears in front of the door, let Ye Yueshen go in! If he doesn't go in, turn on the switch!"

The owner's special explanation before leaving echoed in his mind, Xiao Hua Mao suddenly realized something, and hurriedly shouted to Yeyueshen: "It may be a guest with a hidden identity, you go in and have a look!"

"That's not good!"

How could Ye Yueshen know who was behind the spot of light? In case he walked in and saw something he shouldn't see, thinking about how hysterical Miss Yuzi looked after he broke the plate, Ye Yueshen decided to stand still. !

"no solution anymore!"

Seeing that Ye Yueshen didn't respond, Xiao Hua Mao sighed inwardly, then ran under the table, picked up a golden key, and put it in the hole next to it!

"Little cat! Where is the person? Uh, disappeared?"

Ye Yueshen turned around and saw that the little cat had disappeared, and then he felt that the light spots around him were even brighter, as if he was already in a void world full of light!


Xiao Hua Mao looked like Luna from under the table, and then slapped the red button in the cassette with one paw!


With a loud noise, Ye Yueshen suddenly saw in horror that the wooden door in the store suddenly smashed towards him!


Ye Yueshen was slammed into the air by the door panel, and then he was in a realm with a red light around it!Everything around is undergoing this huge change, and I seem to be in an enchantment, everything is nothing, only my spirit seems to be still playing a role...

"Principal! Principal, what's wrong with you!"

A call awakened the lost spirit, Yeyueshen opened his eyes diligently, only to see a piece of white paper with gold borders in front of him, with dense words written, but he couldn't understand a word!

"Master Principal, are you alright?"

The familiar call sounded again, and Yeyueshen then reacted, raised his head, and after a strand of white hair flashed in front of his eyes, a slender figure appeared in front of Yeyueshen!


Ye Yueshen let out a heartfelt admiration. After waking up to see such a professional woman with a head up, it seems that she should be in a safer place!

"Principal... This is the academy, the holy academy, how can you say such a thing!"

Holding the black folder, the corner of the mouth of the beauty who appeared in front of Yeyueshen twitched. After thinking about it, let me remind Yeyueshen of her current situation!

"Isn't it just the two of us? What? Don't you like my praise? I'm serious!"

Yeyueshen picked up a pen at his hand, and looked at the feathers on it, Yeyueshen suddenly felt that he was back in the Middle Ages!

"Uh, you seem to have become a little humorous..."

The beautiful woman in front of her didn't know what to say for a while, so she dealt with it casually, then took out the folder from behind and placed it in front of Ye Luna, and said professionally: "This is your responsibility. The handover document between the principal and the former principal, please sign it!"

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