After speaking, he took out four documents and a bunch of keys from the folder and put them in front of Ye Luna!

"Oh, it turns out that something is wrong... Does this document have to be signed now?"

Ye Yueshen picked up the pen, but didn't know what to write on it...

Chapter 0002 Black Chip

"Well, it's not in a hurry! But you'd better sign now!"

The green-haired beauty shook her hair uncomfortably, then went over to pack up the documents, and then handed the key to Ye Luna!

"These keys can only be kept by you, please keep them!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked to his office table, and then skillfully picked up the exquisite tea set beside him. After playing with a set of flowing clouds and water, a cup of steaming black tea was already brewed, and Ye Yueshen was a little lost looking at it!

"You seem curious?"

The beauty wiped off the mist on the forehead of the glasses. After wearing it, she looked at Ye Luna in a strange way. What was this old man thinking?It is said that it is unfathomable, how can it look like a fool?Are you testing me?

"No no no! I'm not curious, I'm just a little bored. By the way... Is there a mirror here?"

Yeyueshen was playing with the pen at hand, and countless questions appeared in his mind. How did he come here, and what was his mission after he came?Have you been sold by Miss Yuzi?Or just come over and do a favor and then go back?

Ms. Yuzi's store is an exchange of equal value. As long as it is necessary, she will not hesitate to change her spirit to help customers. After being thrown into the spot of light by the wooden door, Yeyueshen thought of this method!

"Mirror? Are you sure you need it?"

Looking at Ye Yueshen's expression, the beauty was secretly surprised, this guy really has a lot of scheming, and he can say it like this. Who doesn't know that mirrors are prohibited in the teaching building of Torristin School of Magic, in order to make Students can study with peace of mind, and as the principal, of course, take the lead in complying, what is this guy thinking?

"Of course!"

Ye Yueshen naturally inserted the pen into the ink cartridge in front of him. He didn't even know what he looked like now, could he not need it?This female secretary, why so many things?Could it be that I grew up too handsome, making this green-haired beauty unresponsive?

"All right!"

The secretary stood up helplessly and brought the tea that had been brewed in front of Ye Yueshen.

"It could be a long time, you know, there are no mirrors in this school building."

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help but be surprised. I thought it was the secretary who was reluctant to let him use her mirror. It turns out that it is not allowed here. In the place where he lives, there is always a shortage of makeup touches around every woman. Mirror!

"Of course!"

Ye Yueshen asked casually, looking at the secretary's eyebrows in front of him, it seemed a little unhappy, and also said that he had angered the beauty in front of him, so he was ready to apologize...

"Uh, what's her name?"

Ye Yueshen suddenly thought of this important question. After he came here, he didn't know the name of the secretary!

"Do you have a roster here?"

Ye Yueshen suddenly felt that he was too smart. As long as he got the roster, he would know the name of the beautiful woman in front of him, and he wouldn't have to be so embarrassed to talk in the future!

"This is……"

The corners of the female secretary's eyes twitched again for a while, don't you have no trust in herself at all?

"Uh, I see! You can go get the mirror!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand to cover up his embarrassment, and only when he touched the robe on his body did he realize that there seemed to be something hard inside his clothes.

"Okay, I hope you can regain your sanity..."

The beautiful secretary shook her head helplessly, and placed a tile-blue handkerchief next to the tea tray.

"It's really helpless..."

Seeing that the door of the office was closed by the secretary, Ye Yueshen turned around, looked at the scenery outside the window, and took out the hard objects in his robe.

"Uh...that's a bit of a conscience..."

Ye Yueshen held the hard object in his hand. It was a small box with red stripes on a black background. After opening it, there was a note inside. The handwriting on it made Ye Yueshen feel kind.

"Yeyueshen, thank you for your hard work, this place is called Harkania, and your task now is to become a 'highly respected' old man and help the lonely girl in this world solve some problems! Don't worry, your identity has been fabricated, Just be this old man!"

After reading Miss Yuzi's reminder, Yeyueshen skillfully used the candlestick next to him to gently bake the hot note. As a qualified clerk, Yeyueshen knew that the really important information would definitely not be written on the spot for everyone to see. The place!

"Haha! Sure enough, there is a hint!"

Ye Yueshen was excited for a while, and under the scorching of the flames, the entire note became pitch black, but some places on it were not blackened by the flames, and gradually formed a brief reminder.

"The black chip can make you understand the words of this world! I can only help you here!"

Yeyueshen had just finished reading this note, and the pitch-black note turned into black dots, which fell on Yeyueshen's robe!

"Why didn't you tell me what the mission was? How to go back!"

Ye Yueshen murmured softly, then knocked off the black powder on his body, walked to the door, and locked the office door.

Although I don't know how to use the black chip, Ye Yueshen believes that it will definitely consume a lot of time. If his secretary sees all this, let alone successfully complete the task and go back, whether it will be possible to see the sun tomorrow is a problem!

"Why don't you eat it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the black chip helplessly. Except for the black paint, there was no writing on it, and Ye Yueshen didn't know how to use it!I can only sit in my own seat and stare at the black chip in a daze!

"Boom! Boom!"

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