A knock on the door awakened Ye Yueshen from his contemplation, suddenly thinking that he has a secretary coming back, Ye Yueshen suddenly felt nervous, holding the black chip and didn't know what to do!

"Lord Headmaster? ... Mr. Halder? Is it inside?"

The knock on the door was accompanied by the urging voice of the female secretary. It was also at this time that Yeyueshen understood what his current name was, but none of these could help the current Yeyueshen. If the door was not opened, Yeyueshen might exposed!

"If you don't open the door, I will use magic to open the door. I will guarantee your safety!"

The female secretary found out that there was no response inside, so she gave Ye Yueshen an ultimatum!

"Ah? Ah ah... ah, here we come!"

Ye Yueshen then remembered that he was in a magic academy, and using magic here is as simple as eating!Thinking of this, of course, he didn't dare to shirk anything. In a hurry, he threw the black chip into the teacup, and went straight up and opened the door of the office!

"what's wrong with you……"

Holding the mirror, the female secretary was about to blame Ye Yueshen when she suddenly saw something strange and her voice was swallowed!

Chapter 0003 The water of eyesight

"Uh? What's wrong?"

Ye Yueshen asked curiously when she saw the face of the female secretary suddenly stiffen.

"Master Principal, did I come in at the wrong time?"

The female secretary's wide eyes finally turned around, but the surprise between her brows did not diminish, but her attitude seemed to have improved a lot.

"Uh... that's it!"

Yeyue Shenxin said that it was definitely not the right time for the female secretary to come, and she was still thinking about how to use the black chip.

"Then I'll go out first!"

The female secretary swallowed her saliva, gave Ye Yueshen a strange look, and closed the door silently.Leaving Ye Yueshen in a daze for a while.

"Uh, so happy?"

Thinking of the eager voice of the female secretary just now, Ye Yueshen was also a little unclear, but since he took the initiative to go out, he would have time to study this mysterious black chip.

"It's a good thing, as long as I can know what these weird patterns mean, I can continue to complete my task, old man!"

Ye Yueshen murmured a few words in his heart, and then calmly re-locked the door of the office with a reassuring smile on his lips. It was also at this time that Ye Yueshen realized that he was too stupid, that woman was his own. Female secretary, as long as you just ordered her to wait at the door, don't you need to hide the black chip in the tea?

"I go……"

As soon as Yeyueshen turned around, this uncultivated word popped out from the corner of Yeyueshen's mouth. It was also at this time that Yeyueshen realized what his secretary was surprised just now: in front of him there was a big, An image of a woman with black juice hanging in the air!

"Who designed this chip!"

Countless alpacas rushed through Ye Yueshen's mind, just a small cup of tea, to get such a vivid picture, Ye Yueshen was also drunk.

"What do we do now?"

Ye Yueshen moved his pace carefully, and I have to say that the word shock can no longer describe Ye Yueshen's psychological feelings. He put the chip into the tea just like putting a piece of sugar into coffee. But I didn't expect this magical effect to show up in front of me.

"By the way, this woman doesn't look like much..."

Ye Yueshen was walking, his mind was not on exploring the principle, but began to stare at the liquid woman in front of him.


Suddenly, the sound of air breaking came, Ye Yueshen didn't have time to react, he felt a burst of juice suddenly rushed towards his eyes frantically, he didn't even have time to blink, he felt an unprecedented refreshing attack in his eyes. Come, as if your eyes were given a new life!

"Ah~~~" Ye Yueshen was a little excited to feel the comfort brought by the juice, and his mouth couldn't help but make a happy sound. I have to say that these liquids are very effective. At least, Ye Yueshen feels that his mind has already A lot of bright or bright fonts began to appear, and they were slowly combined with their own cognition!

"This is the magic of this world..."

Ye Yueshen sighed with emotion, completely unaware that there is a female secretary outside his door!

"Boom thump... can I come in? Mr. Alder?"

The familiar voice interrupted Ye Yue Shen's thoughts, as if to remind Ye Yueshen that he couldn't say strange things so casually now.

"Uh, I forgot!"

Yeyueshen quickly opened his eyes, and magical things happened slowly, and Yeyueshen could understand many patterns that he once felt strange, which made Yeyueshen feel very at ease. to complete their mission.

"Haha, I scared you just now, I was just curious for a while, and curious for a while..."

Ye Yueshen opened the door of the office a little embarrassedly. No matter what, it was not good for his female secretary to see such things.

"The mirror you want."

Handing the silver mirror in his hand to Yeyueshen, the secretary has obviously adjusted his mentality. The surprise just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by a business-like professionalism, which made Yeyueshen momentarily There are some that can't get used to it.

"Okay, thank you!"

Yeyueshen picked up the silver mirror in his hand. Although he didn't know why he used such a good thing to make a mirror, as long as it could be used, Yeyueshen didn't bother to think so much, so he picked up the mirror and looked at his face. stand up……


Ye Yueshen's muscles twitched together the moment he saw his face!What kind of face is this? Although Ye Yueshen has accepted his age the moment he sees his hands, but when he sees a face with white beard and hair and a wrinkled face in the mirror, Ye Yueshen also felt a burst of anger: "What are you kidding me, Ye Yueshen, my handsome and suave young man, came to this world and became a bad old man. This is tolerable or unbearable!"

He immediately wanted to return to the original world, this... Is this to prevent him from getting younger and going to the cute girl?

How can it be repaired!

"Mr. Halder? Isn't it too windy to stand at the door? Close the door."

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