The faint voice of the female secretary interrupted Yeyueshen's inner complaint again, and also made him quickly realize that the reality is irreversible, he can only accept this fact, and try to use his current identity to complete his own life. Mission, to satisfy your customers, and then you can get rid of this embarrassing identity and leave this sad world!

"Don't you know magic? Why don't you close the door?"

Ye Yueshen gritted his teeth and removed the mirror in front of him. At the same time, he made up his mind in his heart that he would never take the initiative to look in the mirror again!

"Hehe, what are you kidding? If this door can be opened with magic, then what secrets are there in this world? Our Magic Academy is the powerhouse of the empire, and your office is also the heart of the Magic Academy. Of course there are A magic-busting device."

The female secretary smiled softly, her small mouth and six jade shell-like teeth made Ye Yueshen look a little absent-minded. It seems that she doesn't need to be too sad when such a beautiful woman becomes her secretary.

"I have rekindled my determination to survive in this world!"

Ye Yueshen ruthlessly meditated in his heart, but heard a gust of wind blowing in his ears.

"I still have to come, who made me the secretary?"

Closing the office door, the corners of the female secretary's eyes seemed a little disdainful...

Chapter 0004 Civilian Female Secretary

"It's signed!"

Ye Yueshen sat in his chair, and between the dragons and phoenixes, he had written his name on the last page of the document. After learning that he could also use magic to command his pen, he began to command with his legs crossed. Pen to sign document.

"You don't seem to be paying much attention."

Walking to Ye Yueshen, carefully drying the pen and ink, and then putting the documents back into the folder, the female secretary looked at Ye Yueshen with some malicious intent.

"Of course I don't read it. It's all extremely cumbersome procedures. What's the use of watching it? Isn't it checked by your female secretary?"

Ye Yueshen raised his eyebrows and sat up straight. He had seen the list of faculty members, of course he knew that his secretary was called Lungobier, and of course he knew even more that she was the only faculty member without a title, even the most junior one. Neither knights, nor honorary knights and lords.

"Well, your compliment is very special..."

Nodding to Ye Luna, Lungobier tried his best to show humility, hugged the folder in his arms, then walked to the cabinet next to him, and skillfully placed the folder in place with magic.

"What? Aren't you in a hurry? Why are you putting it back?"

Ye Yueshen curiously picked up the medals in the drawer and played with it. Sure enough, in any world, precious metals are the best raw materials for making military medals. If he hadn't known the truth, I'm afraid he really thought he was living in this country. It took a long time to become a hero and get so many medals.

However, the truth is that all of this was fabricated, and even his identity was fabricated to fulfill the wish of someone who did not know who it was. A principal, participated in various battles and won honors and finally became the principal.

However, although it is fabricated, the taste of these medals is really... a little weird, like medals at a sports meeting~ "Tomorrow, a messenger will come to ask for it, it is already afternoon, you take a nap It doesn't seem to be in good shape after that."

Turning his hand to look at Ye Yueshen, Lungobier felt a little sullen in his heart: "You are obviously more familiar with these things than I am, but to ask such a childish question, it's just... eh? No, why would he ask such a question?"

Thinking of this, Lungobier's eyes suddenly blurred, and then he nodded to Ye Yueshen, and said respectfully: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't judge you, I...not qualified!"

"Uh, what's wrong?"

Ye Yueshen did not expect that a person would be so arrogant within a few seconds before and after speaking. Not only did the curiosity in his heart not subside, but he became even more curious like a flame that had been fueled.

"No...nothing, it's my condition that's not very good!"

Lungobier lowered his head lower, and his green hair slowly covered his eyes. The humiliation he once had seemed to be awakened at this moment.

"No! I have to hold back, how can I be exposed at this time?"

A firm voice flashed in Lungobier's mind, and the tears that were already in his eyes were ruthlessly taken back.

"Uh, you don't have to do this, I don't mean to blame you..."

Ye Yueshen was a little overwhelmed by such a big gift, and quickly stood up to show his solemnity, he didn't want this lovely female secretary to feel that he was bullying her!

"No, since you took a nap, my attitude has been very problematic. Here, I sincerely hope to get your forgiveness!"

Lungobier's voice rose sharply, and the slightly trembling timbre in his voice disappeared without a trace, replaced by a very procedural tone.

"This woman is not simple, is it possible that she is the same as Aliza?"

Ye Yueshen's first reaction was that there was a secret, but seeing the solemn appearance of the secretary, he felt that his thoughts were somewhat cruel, so he shook his head, and then let Lungobier stand up.

"By the way, I see that you are the only one on the list who is not a nobleman, or that you have not been granted an official noble title. Is there any deviation?"

Ye Yueshen saw that Lungobier had returned to normal and was sitting in his seat. He was just as bored as himself, so he had nothing to say. Judging from the few documents he had just read, the difference between nobles and commoners was always there. It was reminded countless times that aristocrats and commoners have different requirements for many things.

"Uh, no, I'm just a civilian..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Yueshen asked this question as soon as he came up, and the embarrassed Lungobier was a little overwhelmed, and the loss in his tone could be clearly seen by anyone.

"Uh, don't think too much, I'm just asking, is there a mistake? Of course, I actually want to apply for a noble title for you. Judging by how skilled you are at work, I think you are definitely worthy of a noble. title!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lungobier very sincerely, and a noble idea slowly formed in Ye Yueshen's heart: "You must be a good boss, if you can let more people before leaving this world. The people who are worthy of their status and status because of themselves, maybe I didn't come here in vain!"

"is it?"

Hearing Ye Luna's proposal, Lungobier was startled suddenly, and then as if thinking of something, his excited expression disappeared like dust in the gust of wind, and disappeared without a trace.

"Forget it, I'm not worthy of the title of aristocrat, so you are bothered."

"Well, there really is a problem..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Lun 743 Gobir a little unwillingly, and suddenly thought that he didn't know much about this world. It was really inappropriate to say such things to others so rashly, so he ordered Lun Gobir to soak him again. A pot of tea, while he used some unfamiliar magic to pick up a history book from the bookshelf, and read it with relish in his seat.

It's always a good idea to read some history books if you want to know what's going on in a place, at least, without making some common-sense mistakes when chatting with people.

"It's soaked."

Bringing the tea with a new cup, Lungobier glanced at the medal that Ye Luna had placed on the table, a feeling of aching pain could not help.

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