"Uh? Have something on your mind?"

Ye Yueshen held up the teacup, and when he saw that Lungobier was distracted, he couldn't help but wonder, was it really because he was so attractive that it was difficult for the secretary to concentrate when he was standing in front of him at close range?

"No, no! It's strange to see you reading a history book!"

Lungobier reacted quickly, made up a reason and was about to leave, but was directly stopped by Ye Luna.

"It just so happens that I have a lot of things I don't understand. You are also idle when you are idle. Please explain it to me by the way!"

Ye Yueshen hit the snake with the stick, and directly used magic to move Lungobier's chair to his side.

Chapter 0005 Little teasing

"It turns out that this magic school has such a long history!"

Night Moon God and Lungobier discussed in depth the world, the empire they were in, and all aspects of this magic school, and they didn't think it was time to slant westward.

"Uh, yes indeed..."

Lungobier helplessly lowered his glasses. He thought that after the handover yesterday, he would be able to relax a little, but he spent a long time chatting with the old man about history this afternoon, and he almost exhausted his little knowledge reserve.

"Miss Lungobier knows so much, isn't it a bit underpowered to be an ordinary secretary here?"

After drinking the last cup of tea, Ye Yueshen looked at her with some playfulness. No matter from any point of view, Miss Lungobier's background would not be that bad. Even if she didn't know much about the world, Ye Yueshen would not be too bad. Knowing that a girl's family can have sufficient knowledge of literature and history, it must be a good family education.

"No, no, I am honored to be able to work in this long-established magic academy!"

Standing up from his seat, Lungobier felt that he should be able to go back. In any case, the secretary has been sitting with the employer, which always gives people a bad impression.

"Really? I don't think so. If there is a chance, I will definitely make you a noble!"

Ye Yueshen gently put the pen into the ink cartridge, and there was a hint of firmness in his eyes.

"Don't say anything like that again..."

After a while of silence, Lungobier withdrew his seat, and the bluntness in his voice could be heard by anyone, which also made Ye Yueshen feel a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this. Where is my familiar? Why didn't I see it?"

Ye Yueshen turned around and looked out the window. He opened his own window and had a panoramic view of the west side of the entire campus. He could also see a mountain in the distance. It can be said that the surrounding environment of the Magic Academy is still very pleasant.

"Uh, your familiar, it seems that I don't know..."

Lungobier tidied up the tea set on the table and answered without looking back. This kind of question is ignorant enough, but she has already answered Ye Luna's countless ignorant questions, but now she is somewhat used to it.

"This old guy must be testing me. He asks all kinds of strange and ignorant questions. He obviously doesn't trust me!"

Lungobier had already recognized this, and answering the question became as smooth as making tea.

"Then I'll try to say hello..."

Ye Yueshen put a smile on the corner of his mouth, followed by bending his little finger, and the world that the Familiar saw slowly appeared in his eyes.

"Is it a small cat? Why is it under the table?"

When Ye Yueshen saw the mirror image transmitted by his familiar, he was immediately puzzled. Could it be that the little cat in the store was sent to this place like himself and became his own familiar?

"Eh? Why are there a pair of high heels in front of you? Could it be..."

Ye Yueshen looked at the mirror image transmitted by the familiar, and carefully looked at Lungobier who was cleaning up the tea set in front of the table. A pair of light green high heels also showed who its owner was!

"Hey, since you don't know the existence of my familiar, I'll make a joke for you!"

Yeyueshen lightly touched the hard object in the pocket of the robe, and there was a piece of paper in the box, with the words of this world written on it, but Yeyueshen never had a chance to open Lungobier, and he never had a chance to look at it. What was written on that piece of paper.

"go ahead……"

Ye Yueshen was silently muttering something in his heart, and his body had slowly turned his back. If Lungobier saw something, he would have no chance to surprise this female secretary!

"Okay, slowly, slowly, don't expose it, little cat!"

Yeyueshen muttered silently in his heart, and the mirror images that the familiars saw were all in front of him. Basically, his evil attempt was half successful!

"Oops! What!"

Lungobier screamed suddenly, and when he looked down, he saw a snow-white--a little mouse!


Ye Yueshen saw the high-heeled shoes in front of him stepping on the ground, and was taken aback by such a complicated situation. lengobir.

"What's wrong? What's the situation?"

Ye Yueshen asked eagerly, the lack of regret in his eyes, it was almost a little bit, why did he say that he failed?

"There are mice here!"

While Lungobier explained hastily, he tried his best to stabilize his body and put the wobbly tea set in place.


Ye Yueshen was also taken aback. There are mice, doesn't that mean that his little cat is useful?Just enough to eat this rat to please Lungobier!

"You're really pretending to be!"

The corners of Lungobier's mouth twitched, and his gaze towards Ye Yueshen was not as eager as at the beginning, but rather sullen!

"How do you say this?"

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