Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with a smile. In a few words, Ye Luna had made Miss Lungobier give up the accusation and work with a principal who is not rigid, which may be envied by many people.

"Yeah, after these children are dignitaries, it is certain to say how high a title they will have, but relying on their own strength to become the pillars of the empire, this is the training direction of this school, otherwise, Tutors are enough for these children's educational tasks!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and immediately began to rummage through the student list. Behind every complicated name, there was a complex network of relationships among the imperial nobles.

When Luna saw the third grade from the sixth grade, Miss Lungobier got up and went to the table.

"It's almost time, I believe we will cooperate closely, Principal Alder!"

With a professional bow, Miss Lungobier's meaning was very clear - it's time to get off work.

Chapter 0007 Magical Magic

"What do you mean by looking like this?"

Ye Yueshen touched his beard and looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, saying that the beard on his face is really annoying, how can his white and firm skin feel textured!

"Look at the schedule above."

Lungobil didn't seem to want to answer this question, raised his hand gently, and pointed at the wall behind Ye Luna.

"Schedule? Is there such a standardized thing in this world?"

Ye Yueshen was secretly curious for a moment, and then he turned around to look, and found that there was indeed a paper with dense text next to his window.

"Go to work at the beginning of the sun every day, lead the faculty and staff to pray to the holy Torristin icon, and at noon, go to the cafeteria to eat after the students..."

As if showing off that he could understand the words of this world, Yeyueshen blinked his eyes and read the words on it leisurely, but there was no joy in his heart: "This place is really strange, the schedule of work and rest is not written in the form of a table. It's a long, undivided description..."

"Ah! You don't have to read it anymore. Please take a look at our time. It's time for the sun to set. You can go to dinner."

Miss Lungobier is indeed very self-disciplined. Although she asked to get off work, she was reminding Ye Yueshen that it was time to eat. With such a secretary who knew how to talk side by side, Ye Yueshen didn't need to feel embarrassed because of her ignorance.

"That's true, but it seems to say that we have to go to the cafeteria to eat after the students have eaten. It seems that we haven't finished class yet."

Ye Yueshen turned to look at Miss Lungobier curiously, but did not realize that after she finished saying this, Miss Lungobier's face was covered with depressed black lines!

"What nonsense is this old guy talking about, school doesn't start until tomorrow!"

"What's the matter with you? Did you find that I found the loophole very cleverly?"

Yeyueshen looked at the secretary with some joy. No matter what, it was always something worth showing off to make the other party speechless, at least that's what Mr. Yeyueshen, who is still ignorant, thinks so.

"You old... What the hell is the old principal talking about! We don't start school until tomorrow, how can there be students saying that now that they are out of class!"

Miss Lungobier finally couldn't bear it any longer, and almost said the word "old thing", but after years of self-restraint, she swallowed the words that came to her lips, but Yeyue God noticed it.

"What did you just say? Am I old?"

Ye Yueshen said to Miss Lungobier word by word, but there was a rare sullen look in his eyes.

"It seems that I am too polite to this beautiful secretary, and she is actually called an old thing. How can such an adjective appear on me!"

Ye Yueshen roared in his heart as if he was mad, and suddenly a wonderful idea appeared in Ye Yueshen's mind.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean it just now. My respect for you doesn't need to be proved, Mr. Alder!"

Aware of her gaffe, Miss Lungobier was like a frightened chicken, nodding frantically to Luna, and offering a sincere apology like someone who silently repents in front of the icon.

"Stop talking, Miss Lungobier, can I ask you a question?"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand impatiently. It is not Ye Yueshen's style to accept someone's apology. As a broad-minded man, he can endure the days when a small cat is trampled under his feet, and naturally he will not take this offense to heart. superior!

"Ah? Do you have any questions? Tell me, I'll know everything I can say."

Nodding excitedly, Miss Lungobier seemed to see a good opportunity to reconcile with her employer.

"Anyway, by the old man's side, you are the safest, and you can't make mistakes like this in the future!"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself.

"I mean, is there any magic that can make me young? Don't look at me like that, I just don't think I can make people think that the great Torristin School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is slowly dying at the hands of a dying old man !"

Yeyueshen looked at Miss Lungobier a little excitedly, although Yeyueshen seemed to see Miss Lungobier's disgusting gaze the moment he said the words, but this could not stop Yeyueshen's efforts to change back to his original appearance. !

"Well, yes, there are, but it is said that there must be a very important factor."

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with some embarrassment: "What is this old thing going to do? Of course it is not impossible to change its appearance, but it needs a young heart to work, this old thing can be young and energetic. heart of?"

"Tell me, as long as I can get it, I will try it!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier excitedly, and suddenly found that there are still some benefits in this world, at least magic can change too much!

"Well, since you have such a strong request, I'll just say it doesn't matter, this element is - a young heart!"

Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with a tone of judgment. She didn't believe that the old man in front of her who seemed to be fading with each passing day had such a thing!

"Haha! So this is it, no problem!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he immediately jumped up from his seat.Immediately after that, he grabbed Miss Lungobier's hand and shouted loudly: "Now! Start now, let's show the power of magic."

"Are you sure?"

Looking at Ye Luna with some hesitation, Miss Lungobier thinks the old man in front of her is crazy?Are you still so excited?

"Of course! Start!"

Ye Luna shouted loudly and hurriedly urged Lungobier to prepare such magic, and soon, Miss Lungobier had everything ready.

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