"It's that simple?"

Looking at the three-color potion and a ring, Ye Luna had a feeling of being deceived.

"Please recite your ideal face in your heart, and this magic will begin soon."

As if to get off work as soon as possible, Miss Lungobier didn't bother to explain to Ye Yueshen, so she just told Ye Yueshen to close her eyes and start chanting the incantation silently.

"呲-呲-呲" Three different potions were dropped on Ye Moon God's forehead. After the potion entered Ye Moon God's body, Miss Lungbill put the ring on Ye Moon God's little finger...


Miss Lungobier's jaw dropped in surprise when she saw Ye Luna's face!

"Hey! This is my true face!"

Ye Yueshen touched his chin, and suddenly looked at his secretary with some playfulness...

Chapter 0008 hungry

"Isn't the secretary available [-]/[-]?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the beautiful woman in front of her, and anyone could see the playfulness in her eyes.


Silence, still silence, Miss Lungobier in silence has clenched her fists.

"What nonsense is this old guy talking about! Do you think I'll shed if I become a little handsome? How can there be a secretary who is available [-]/[-]? How can we civilians participate in the nightlife of you nobles!"

Silently cursing Ye Luna in her heart, Miss Lungobier said with a trill and blushing: "This is obviously illegal, Mr. Alder!"

"Really? So you, secretary, have other work to do at night?"

Ye Yueshen withdrew his gaze towards Miss Lungobier, with a trace of victory in his eyes looking at the quiet little white mouse on his shoulders, he could make people dare not speak out!


The words of Yeyueshen, Lungobier trembled: "Did this guy find something? He actually asked me about the situation at night!"

Thinking of this, the dissatisfaction in Lungobier's eyes disappeared without a trace, replaced by a deep worry. This guy doesn't seem to be in a good mood, but he can always ask questions that he can't answer. It seems that he will have to add more in the future Be careful!

"Speak! Miss Lungobier? Why don't you speak? Is it me..."

Ye Yueshen looked at his female secretary curiously. There was always something in this woman that people couldn't see through. She was like a person living in a glass. You could see her whole face, but it was hard to walk away. into her heart.


Lungobier reacted subconsciously, and even put his hands on Ye Luna's desk in excitement. In this world, such behavior is threatening!

"Isn't it? I haven't finished speaking yet..."

Ye Yueshen was taken aback by Lungobier's reaction. Could it be that he hit the weakest part of the beautiful secretary's heart?But she is still very cautious when she speaks, there is no point of being too extreme, or is it because she has become handsome, the little beauty can't hold it anymore?

"Uh, sorry, I lost my temper."

Only then did Lungobier realize that he had pressed his hands on the principal's desk in excitement, quickly retracted his hands, bowed to Ye Luna, and hurried out the door.

"Should I leave in such a hurry, I still have a lot to say to you."

Ye Yueshen looked at the door that was too late to close, and said faintly, I have been in this world for a long time, and I have only seen one person, and it turned out to be a mysterious female secretary. It seems that I not only want to fulfill other people's entrustment here, but also To explore this strange world.

"What's your name? My familiar?"

 Yeyueshen asked the quiet mouse while looking at the information about the so-called facilitator. This facilitator was more like a pet, which made Yeyueshen wonder if it only had the function of a pet.

"Squeak, squeak." The white mouse blinked his eyes and could only make such a sound, which gave Ye Yueshen a headache. Could it be that his main chat object in the future is this mysterious female secretary who lives in the same room?

Soon, Ye Yueshen was bored in his office all morning, and his stomach started to churn!

"By the way, where is the cafeteria here?"

After the female secretary left, the hungry Ye Yueshen realized that he didn't know this place at all, so he could only helplessly walk out of his office and slowly descend the stairs, hoping to meet someone and ask where the cafeteria was!

"Squeak, squeak!"

Yeyueshen was walking along the path, and his own demon suddenly screamed. This call made Yeyueshen realize that his familiar was still somewhat useful.

"Yes, you can find food!"

Yeyueshen was excited, he put his familiar on the ground, followed him slowly forward, and soon came to a place full of the fragrance of rice!


Ye Yueshen looked up and found that his familiar had indeed found food, but this was not the place he should have come. If people saw him coming to the kitchen to eat as the principal, how could he still have the dignity of being the principal? !


When Ye Yueshen was complaining about himself, suddenly a scream came. Before Ye Yueshen could see what was going on, he saw a girl rushing over with a high plate!


Ye Yueshen turned to one side, first dodging the plate that fell from the oncoming person, and then supporting the little girl who was rushing over!

"Clap clap clap clap!"

The sound of a shattering acoustic porcelain plate was like a torrential rain in June, and a crazy symphony was played in the ears of the Moon God!

"Little girl, are you alright?"

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