Shaking his hand at the beautiful woman in front of him, Ye Yueshen looked at the girl who had become sluggish, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. Although she was wearing rough clothes like a servant, her big eyes and long eyelashes formed a picture. The beautiful face makes Ye Yueshen look a little fascinated!

"It's over..."

She was still surrounded by Ye Yueshen's waist, but the little girl's expression suddenly dimmed. Looking at the plate that had been broken into pieces on the ground, she knew that she might not be able to work here in the future!

"What's the end?"

Ye Yueshen looked curiously at the maid in 1.8's arms, but his eyes had already seen where he shouldn't...

"I didn't expect that there are beauties with such a figure in such a place. I really am... happy!"

Yeyueshen couldn't think of any adjectives for a while, and the beauty in his arms suddenly realized something, stood up from Yeyueshen's arms with a rub, grabbed his clothes and walked towards Yeyueshen. a gift.

"Hello, sir, I didn't mean it, really!"

"Uh, it's okay, it looks like you're in trouble?"

Ye Yueshen pointed at the debris on the ground with his hand, and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him very friendly.

"Uh, if it wasn't for you, these plates wouldn't be broken..."

The beauty said to herself in her heart.

Chapter 0009 Siska

"Why don't you speak?"

Ye Yueshen was a little embarrassed when she saw that the girl was indifferent. He could talk to the girl in the mood of helping the poor, how could there be no response?Is it because I'm not handsome enough?

"Uh, I have to clean up these things, so I won't cause you any trouble!"

The girl squatted down in a hurry, and said without raising her head, she was busy cleaning out the plates on the ground to see if there were any plates that could still be used.

"I mean, I can help you!"

Ye Yueshen was also interested and seemed to have forgotten his hunger. He squatted down and put his little white mouse in his sleeve so as not to scare the girl.

"What? Can you help me?"

Hearing this, the girl abruptly stopped what she was doing and stared at Ye Yueshen. A nobleman with a magic wand in his hand would actually take the initiative to help a trivial servant. How could such a thing exist in this world?

"Yes, I can do it!"

Ye Yueshen gently picked up a piece of debris on the ground 07, then found the remaining pieces and put them together. After drawing a circle on it with a magic wand, the original irreparable plate miraculously changed back to its original shape. It even looks more perfect than before!

"Wow! It's amazing!"

Having never seen magic at such a close range, the girl couldn't help but admire her, and she became grateful when she looked at Ye Yueshen!

"Never mind!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand gently, this little magic was also learned by himself when he was reading the materials.

"Thank you, take a rest, I will combine these fragments, and then let you restore with magic!"

Seeing the hope of staying here, the girl immediately became diligent. Without Ye Yueshen's explanation, she assembled the fragments of each plate and placed them on the stone steps next to them. Ye Yueshen also felt that this little bit of style was fundamental. Without consuming your own strength, you can easily combine these plates!

"Haha, magic is really useful, at least I can see such a beautiful smile!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the girl with joy, and suddenly realized that he had been so busy for a long time that he didn't know what to call the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Huh? Me?"

A surprised expression appeared on the girl's face again. It was a great honor for the nobles to remember their names, and it was a blessing to meet such a kind nobleman!

"Of course!"

Ye Yueshen repaired the last plate, patted the dust on his body and stood up.

"My lord, my name is Siska! I'm a servant here!"

Putting her hands together in front of her, it was another standard bow. The girl's tone was not only respectful at the beginning, but more grateful!

"That... Siska, ask a question, do you know where the cafeteria is?"

Ye Yueshen smiled awkwardly, and his stomach had begun to protest...


Siska looked at Ye Yueshen in astonishment. Judging by the appearance of this person, it must be a nobleman who mentioned the school. How could there be no servants to guide him?

"Yes, isn't this the kitchen? It should be very close to the cafeteria!"

Ye Yueshen also knew that he was a little retarded in asking this question, but he just didn't know it!

"Indeed, from this corridor, there is the cafeteria..."

He stretched out his little finger and pointed to the stone steps next to him. In front of the stone steps was a gorgeous corridor.

"Thank you!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he walked over quickly. After so long, he was already half-starved!

"What a strange person, I don't know what his identity is!"

Siska packed up the dishes, looked curiously at Ye Luna who left in a hurry, and couldn't help sighing. At this moment, the curtain behind him suddenly opened, and a man dressed as a chef handed down the hand of Siska. The plate, said strangely: "Didn't I just hear the sound of the plate breaking? It seems that the auditory hallucinations are getting more and more serious!"

"Uh, yeah, yeah!"

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