Ye Yueshen slapped the office door open, and was about to rush to his place to look for his documents when he suddenly saw a person sitting on the secretary seat next to him drinking tea calmly.

"Have you finished your meal so soon?"

The familiar voice came, Ye Yueshen frowned, and he already understood that this warm greeting was mocking himself.


Ye Yueshen closed the door in a bad mood, turned around and stood in front of Miss Lungobier, placing his hands on his chest rudely, looking at his secretary a little unhappy.

"Give me the documents that I hold, the documents that allow me to go to dinner!"

In particular, the word "document" was pronounced very heavily. Yeyueshen tried his best to keep his emotions down. If any conflict broke out here, he really wouldn't want to eat - the documents are still in a place known to others!

"Okay! Come now!"

Lungobier tried very hard to suppress the laughter, took out the certificate of Ye Moon God from his pocket, and respectfully handed it to Ye Moon God.

"It's not that I have something to do tonight, I'll let you starve to death here tonight, bastard!"

Thinking like this, Lungobier's complexion suddenly became better, and it was a good thing to be able to express the bad anger in his heart!


Ye Yueshen looked at Lungobier indifferently, reached out his hand and took his ID card, opened it and found that there was no word on it!

"Is this my certificate?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help asking.

"Of course! I don't have the right to open your ID box. It is said that there is a crystal on it that can store your information in it."

Lungobier took a sip of tea and waved his hand casually, saying that he was telling the truth.


Ye Yueshen nodded and didn't want to ask any more questions. Although it was a little strange to Miss Lungobier's current dress, he could only speed up his pace and run to the cafeteria because his stomach couldn't take it for a long time!

"Isn't it just an ordinary crystal that can verify one's identity? It's as rare as me!"

Lungobier tightened his clothes, packed his office, and left here...

"There's nothing to say now!"

Yeyueshen put his credentials in front of the guard, but he didn't notice that the guard's face became a little strange!

Chapter 0011 Approachable?

The guard ignored the certificate handed by Yeyueshen, but slowly took out a medal from his pocket and put it in front of Yeyueshen, looking very excited, even his voice trembled: " Is this yours?"

Hearing this, Yeyueshen took back his credentials and picked up the medal from the guard. He looked carefully and looked serious, but he was actually thinking nervously in his heart.

"What kind of medal is this? There are more than [-] medals I saw today. What is the name of this medal?"

"Isn't it yours? I saw this medal was thrown out of your sleeve!"

Seeing that Ye Yueshen didn't speak for a long time, the guard thought that Ye Yueshen had misunderstood that he had stolen his medal, so he quickly explained it.

"It turned out to be like this, I was shocked, I thought I was going to test me."

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he immediately felt relieved, waved his hands and said, "Of course this thing belongs to me. By the way, verify this certificate and you will know my identity!"

Ye Yueshen touched his bald chin, looking calm.

"Hey, when you know I'm the principal, you'll definitely be scared to death!"

Thinking of the guard crying and apology to himself later, Yeyueshen couldn't help being a little excited!

"Have you really ever defeated the terrifying Vukeslie Empire?"

The guard didn't even verify the identity of Yeyueshen, and asked Yeyueshen excitedly, just like a child seeing his idol!

"Uh, what the hell is this kid talking about? What is the Wuke Siyu Empire? Is it very powerful?"

Yeyueshen went down today mainly to read about the history of the Magic Academy, and didn't have time to supplement the surrounding forms. Naturally, he didn't know what the terrifying Wuke Siyu Empire was in the guard's mouth.But seeing the appearance of the guard, Yeyueshen didn't want to deny anything. It seems that this medal is to commemorate the defeat of Wu Kesi Lie in the war. Since he has won such a medal, then outsiders must think that he has done such a thing. .

No, it was a fake identity.

But Ye Shenyue's face was not so thick in a day.

So he calmly watched the guard bring the food, but his expression changed.

"Enough is enough! I can't eat so much!"

Seeing that this guard brought a large plate of delicious food again, Ye Yueshen felt a little guilty. At first, he was very happy to eat, but as he ate, the guard's diligence made Ye Yueshen a little overwhelmed. .

"Not much, not much, I'm really sorry for you today, I shouldn't be prejudiced, I didn't expect you to be the savior of our village, I'm here to thank you for your help back then on behalf of the villagers and folks in our village, without you Resist, and we will become slaves to others!"

Putting the dishes in front of Yeyueshen, the guard said excitedly, and as soon as he said it, it was like a water flow that could not close the gate, and it poured down towards Yeyueshen, Yeyue who had no memory of that war. God can only eat while coping with "hmmmmm".

Just as the guard was telling Yeyueshen about his reverence, a lot of people began to eat around Yeyueshen, but it could be seen that everyone was amazed at the relationship between Yeyueshen and guards. Pointing to this side.

"Swick! Where are you, Swick?"

A loud shout rang out in the cafeteria, and the guard who was talking enthusiastically in front of Ye Yueshen finally stopped talking, stood up, and replied to the door: "I'm here! Captain! Come on! Let me introduce you to you. My hero!"

Swick excitedly waved at the door, ignoring the surprised eyes of the people around him!

"What are you yelling about! Don't you know who you are? Is this place where you can come and eat? Go to the door and be well guarded!"

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