After the captain at the door found Swick here, he strode over and there was a twitch at the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that Swick's behavior violated some regulations, and the captain was ashamed. The diners who looked like the god of the night and the moon nodded their heads.

"I'm sorry! I'm so excited! I'm sorry!"

When Swick heard the captain's words, like a child who did something wrong, he buried his head deeply, whispered "I'm sorry" to Ye Luna, and then picked up the long gun that he had placed beside him. , to leave with his captain.

"Did he disrespect you in any way?"

After the captain came over, he didn't talk to Swick at all, but pushed him away and walked to Ye Luna with a very solemn look.

"No, he was very excited, just because he met me."

Ye Yueshen said calmly, although his voice was very low, but the people around him could hear it clearly, and some of the talkative people had already started to discuss with their companions the identity of this tolerant fellow.

"Uh...I don't quite understand what you mean."

The captain saluted Yeyueshen and asked, obviously, Yeyueshen's words may be evidence of punishing Swick's behavior.

"I mean, as the principal, it was my personal choice to bring this dutiful kid to dinner here, and this kid is not wrong!"

Ye Yueshen raised his tone and said calmly and firmly.

"He's the headmaster? The new headmaster?"

A few uncontrollable women have already started talking to the male partner around him, but in exchange for the male partner's nervous reminder, just kidding, if this person is really the principal, you should directly question them in front of others, not come to court death. Is it right?

"I can't tell, you are the new principal here, so approachable!"

The captain also understood from the reactions of the people around him that this person did not seem to be lying, and immediately became embarrassed. He thought that he could establish himself as a conscientious and conscientious person in front of these magic nobles, and restrained his subordinates. This is what happened when I came in.In fact, these guards are all selected and trained among the commoners. It is reasonable to want to find a reason to see what the nobles live in. After all, unfamiliarity represents attractiveness.

"I can't say it's approachable, in short, it's not so annoying. This kid insists on not letting me in without showing my ID. Such persistence is very rare, especially in a place where nobles can directly threaten civilians."

Ye Yueshen looked around the cafeteria if he had something to say. The people in it were all the faculty and staff that he wanted to get to know one by one in the future. !

Chapter 0012 Meet to borrow money?

"I am Mr. Alder who has just handed over to the former principal. As for my full name, my secretary will introduce it to you tomorrow. As for my appearance, no one should be surprised. If you have a good attitude, you will naturally be young. All the magicians know this fact. To be honest, I didn't expect everyone to eat so late from the beginning, so I came earlier. If everyone feels a little uncomfortable because of the conversation with this child just now, I hope you Haihan , but please don't look at these ignorant children with the same eyes as monsters, they just don't know the old adage of eating and sleeping!"

Ye Yueshen raised his head and saw the ancient teachings hanging on the hall.It is also a matter of saying it casually, and it can be regarded as a kind of restoration of one's own image. Otherwise, these colleagues who will work with him in the future will know that he is not illiterate.

"Clap, clap clap clap" I don't know who took the lead, but Yeyueshen's words still received applause from the audience, which also made Yeyueshen feel a little relieved, in such a place where the distinction between nobles and commoners is obvious , Anyone can refute what he said just now. Since he got applause, it means that his first appearance is still a success.

After Ye Luna said these words, he motioned everyone to sit down and continue to eat. Of course, Swick was also taken away by his own captain, but judging from the captain's expression, it should not embarrass Swick.

"What you said just now was really bold!"

With a tone of praise, a bald man sat in front of Yeyueshen with his own food. Although he was a little surprised by the amount of food in front of Yeyueshen, this middle-aged man with eyes was still very self-restrained. held back his doubts.

"haha, really?"

Ye Yueshen raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. He was dressed in a simple and inflexible suit, and with a pair of round eyes, Ye Yueshen could even think with his toes that the man in front of him was his subordinate.

"My name is Colbell, and I am a teacher in this school. It is an honor and a surprise to meet you on such an occasion."

The man in front of him kindly stretched out his right hand. Although his expression was a little dull, his voice sounded extraordinarily friendly and made people feel very warm.

"My name is Alder, please take care of me."

Ye Yueshen returned the salute very friendly, and at the moment of shaking hands, he clearly felt that the man's strength was not as weak as he looked, so he wanted to communicate, but was reminded by the look of the man in front of him.

"Don't eat, don't sleep, don't say anything." Ye Yueshen turned his head to look at the admonition in the front hall, and immediately understood that he could not take the lead in violating this admonition, so he quietly sat down and finished the rest of the meal quietly.

"Well, I finally came out, and it sure was a little dull inside."

Ye Yueshen came out and stretched his waist and said to Korber next to him, but his eyes glanced at Swick who was still standing guard at the door. It seemed that the child should be fine, and he was relieved.

"Is it boring? I don't think so. I think eating is the most relaxing time. I usually study in my own laboratory, which is not only boring, but also tense."

Pointing to the front, Mr. Colbert didn't know when he had taken his cane in his hand, although Ye Yueshen was very suspicious of whether it was the fire stick that the teacher took carelessly. , making Ye Yueshen very incomprehensible.

"Really? You are actually a researcher, I really can't tell!"

Ye Yueshen became interested when he heard this, thinking that he was also idle when he was idle, and it would be beneficial to find a few people to talk to.

"Hehe, these hairs were accidentally damaged during the experiment, so I cut them short!"

Touching his head, Mr. Colbert smiled awkwardly, and then fell silent.

"Would you like to visit your laboratory? I just happen to have not seen anyone else's laboratory!"

Ye Yueshen didn't want to stand stupidly at the entrance of the cafeteria, let alone fall into awkward silence with his subordinates, so he casually suggested it.

"Ah? Is that so? I can't ask for it!"

When Mr. Colbert heard that Ye Luna was interested in his laboratory, he was immediately excited, and brought Ye Luna to his laboratory soon with his eyes shining. It was like living in an isolated island for a long time. The people are as excited to see the big ship one day!

"Wow! It really is a professional, and there is such a laboratory!"

When Ye Yueshen walked in front of the hut, he still doubted whether it was a place for experiments, but when he got inside, he realized what it was called. The equipment is very professional, and from the perspective of the entire layout, it is definitely a place where experts exist, and Ye Luna can't even smell the weird mixed smell in the laboratory.

"It's just personal interest. This is also the result of the support of the empire. I stayed here for [-] years without making any contribution. The imperial government still supports me as always."

Colbert looked at Ye Luna with some embarrassment, as if he was hiding something.

"It's official..."

A few crows floated over Yeyueshen's head. He just came to see it. This teacher doesn't need to be so restrained. Is it because he is afraid that he thinks this place is too professional and takes it for himself?

"Then you can continue to do your experiments. Don't worry, I support this kind of thing. As long as I am the principal, I will definitely let you work in this laboratory."

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