Yeyueshen is not someone who wants to give promises, but Mr. Colbert is worried that Yeyueshen will still be strangled in the bud, although this is only Yeyueshen's own idea.

"No, that's not the case, I mean, can you give me more money, principal, there's not really enough here..."

Mr. Colbert's voice was getting quieter and quieter, so small that Ye Yueshen wondered if there was something wrong with his ears. Just now this guy was still grateful to the imperial government, why did he turn his head and give him money by himself Woolen cloth?

"I will think about it."

Even the salary is controlled by Miss Yuzi, and she really has no economic savvy, let alone how the funds are used, so she can only express herself to think about it, and then grab it in the disappointed eyes of Mr. Colbell. run away.

"People who borrow money as soon as they meet can't be friends."

Echoing what the adults said when he was a child, Ye Yueshen suddenly felt a little scared. Could Mr. Colbert be such a person?

Chapter 0013 The end of the day

"Am I going to sleep in my office?"

Ye Yueshen opened the door of his office, turned on the lights inside, and looked at the stars that were already shining in the sky. He was a little lonely chatting with his familiar guinea pig, and he really didn't have any other keys in his pocket. Now, it seems that I don't have any special concerns in this world.

"Squeak, squeak" The mouse was still as calm as ever, and took the nuts that Ye Luna gave him and ate it seriously. This was at the door of the cafeteria, and Swick gave it to Ye Luna at that time. Yeyueshen only cared about his belly, but he didn't pay any attention to his guinea pig familiar.

"School starts tomorrow, and I have to enter the role. What does this letter mean? Lonely person? What mission did I bring to this world? Yuzi, please give me some hints! "

Yeyueshen has read the letter to the moonlight six times, but he still can't understand what the above has asked him to do in this world.

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore, I'll find out when the time comes. If it's a big deal, I won't dare to do anything. That customer will definitely give me a hint!"

Ye Yueshen put the letter back in place and began to find where his bed was.

"You won't sleep on the ground!"

Ye Yueshen looked left and right, and even removed all the books on the bookcase and did not see the existence of any organs. He thought he would find a hidden bedroom, but now it seems that he found nothing!

"Hey, it really is the life of the floor. The principal of this school is so pitiful that he doesn't have his own bedroom!"

Yeyueshen thought sadly, and began to use magic to tidy up the desktop. It was also at this time that Yeyueshen actually wanted to twist his head off to see if it was filled with water!

"Isn't this just a bunch of keys? How could I forget all of them!"

Ye Yueshen's remorseful howl echoed in the empty office building, and even the guinea pig who was grinding his teeth on the windowsill jumped, thinking that a cat was howling!


Find your room from the floor plan, take out the key, and the moment Yeyueshen's door opens, he finally sees the bed he has longed for. At this moment, Yeyueshen, who was about to lay the floor, feels extremely happy. It is the true meaning of happiness. As long as the pen you get is as good as expected, that is happiness.

"Squeak, squeak," the guinea pig rushed over happily and went directly to the soft bed to lie down quietly.

"You are so positive!"

Ye Yueshen looked at his familiar and said with a smile, but found that there was nothing left for him to clean up. In desperation, Ye Yueshen could only use the key to open the wardrobe next to him to see what he had, and open it. For a moment in the wardrobe, Ye Yueshen, who had no expectations, was stunned!

What's up with so many fancy uniforms?This lace pattern...

I'm going!Isn't this the taste of girls?

Ye Shenyue struggled for a moment, then closed the closet.

He has decided not to change it!He would feel ashamed in those clothes.

"Dong dong dong, is there anyone?"

"Come on...wait a minute!"

"How are you (you)"

After Yeyueshen opened the door, he and the visitor said in unison, the person who came was none other than the maid that Yeyueshen had rescued when he passed by the kitchen - Siska.

"So you are the principal, I didn't expect it... I thought you were... ah, I'm really sorry today..."

It was Siska who reacted faster. After carefully looking at the house number and confirming that he had not gone to the wrong place, he also understood the identity of the old man in front of him, and hurriedly saluted Yeyueshen.

"It's alright, it's all right!"

Ye Yueshen waved his hand generously and made a gesture of invitation to Siska.

"Uh, I won't go in. This is the necessities of life that the supervisor asked me to bring to you. He said that as long as the light in this room is on, he will let me in. I didn't expect it to be you."

Siska handed the many odds and ends of a wooden basin to Ye Luna, and then left, making Ye Ye Shen speechless. Could it be that he is so handsome that girls can't look directly at him?

"What a strange girl, she's not a newcomer like me, is she?"

Yeyueshen smiled lightly, then closed the door, and then calmly talked to his familiar. It was also at this time that Yeyueshen realized that his familiar was still very suitable for him. At least, it did not It will make me feel too lonely, I can say a lot of things, and I don't have to worry about being betrayed by 2.0.


Ye Luna stayed with Moonlight for a while, and then said hello to the familiar and fell asleep. After Ye Luna fell asleep, the Torristin School of Magic fell silent, and the guards who went out of the gate switched to guard duty. In addition, the rest of the people fell asleep. Only Mr. Colbert, who was still in the laboratory, was trying his best to do the experiment. Maybe it was because of Yeyue Kamikaze's reaction, Mr. Colbert himself didn't know if he still had any. May continue your research career!

And in a castle a few hundred kilometers away, a vigorous figure streaked across the sky!

Chapter 0014 Morning Prayer

"Dong-dong-dong" A crisp bell rang through Ye Luna's ears. He was sleeping on the bed helplessly and opened his eyes, only to find that the sun had already shone in his room, and the whole room seemed to be covered with Like golden light, it looks extraordinarily attractive.

"Is it time to get up?"

Ye Yueshen rubbed his sleepy eyes, got up from the bed, and brought his familiar to find a place to freshen up. As a beautiful and beautiful man, Ye Yueshen had to maintain his best condition at all times.

"Is it the start of school today? Shall I give a warm speech in front of everyone?"

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